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driving fucked up

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nobodys gonna come on here..and be like 'DRINKING AND DRIVING ROCKSS!!!'

it happens it should'nt but it does ..so u just have to do ur best to prevent it...and make the situation easier like cuttin urself off or leaving before it gets our of control ...etc

taking a cab for the night wont seem so bad when sombodies done and got dead....

sorry to get so mellow...but im sick so blah

but on a related note...being drunk at home pumping the music kicks ass..esp. when u have a bar in the house :D :D

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Originally posted by chacha4eva

not super bombed where i'm gonna die or crash...

just good enough when the music is loud and feels great...

c'mon now don't get serious on me...

i was like that last night

but i didn't have a stereo in my car, so i was just beat-boxing the whole way home :laugh2:

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I will NEVER do that again!

I tend to fall asleep...and the last time that happened i fell asleep while approaching a red light, and bumped this older lady in front of me - twice! Luckily nothing happened to her car and somehow she didn't notice i was slightly under the influence and got in our cars & drove away.

I felt like a major ass and hate thinking about it now. Really, really stupid.

I'm just glad it wasn't worse.

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Originally posted by fkornre

driving under the influence of anything is nothing to brag about....

jim...sorry to hear that bro

Thank you... didn't say it for sympathy though, but it helps some people to realize that it's not all fun and games.

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:blank: well, i never got wasted n drove, but the last time i had a few n drove, happened to be @ a friends house in the same town as me, (not like i had to drive far) well actually a lill more than a few, anyway i ended up takin my passager side mirror off lookin for my lighter on the seat next to me! learned my fuckin lesson, never again, :mad: :mad:
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Originally posted by jimk29

My mother got killed by a drunk driver... please don't post about how it makes you feel cool to do it.

i have NEVER and will NEVER drive drunk because of reasons like this. im sorry for your loss.:(

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...i wish my world was as black and white as some of you seem to maintain....but for better or for worse, i have driven under the influence...a couple years back i drove into the woods and almost died - totalling my car...i have never driven under that level before again...but have i had a few sangrias and driven home with a nice light buzz...windows open wide...music thumping loud...smile ear-to-ear...yes i sure have....i will say there's a level of control you are aware of - and as you get older, you know where these lines are and you follow them...i have not driven or passed the keys in various instances...others will say, there is no line - that you never have control...point taken - but i live in a gray world for now...and most people i know do as well...you may as well and just havent realized it...just be wary of throwing stones in a glass-house...

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Drinking & driving is soo dangerous....People think it's not a big deal & they are fine to drive but really they aren't....2 people I know got into bad accidents...one skidded & hit a tree & the other flipped his truck over w/ 3 other people in it

My girls have a baaad habit of bringing their cars out when they KNOW they are gonna get wrecked.....There have been times when I've watched my drinking so I could drive their cars home.....It sucks having to babysit in situations like this...but shit happens

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Originally posted by sweetie029

Drinking & driving is soo dangerous....People think it's not a big deal & they are fine to drive but really they aren't....2 people I know got into bad accidents...one skidded & hit a tree & the other flipped his truck over w/ 3 other people in it

My girls have a baaad habit of bringing their cars out when they KNOW they are gonna get wrecked.....There have been times when I've watched my drinking so I could drive their cars home.....It sucks having to babysit in situations like this...but shit happens

whenever i go somewhere and i see that the person the drove me there is drinking, i do not drink. I figure whats one night of staying sober? Drinking does not mean that musch to me. Better safe than sorry as corny as it sounds.:blank:

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Originally posted by c-luv

whenever i go somewhere and i see that the person the drove me there is drinking, i do not drink. I figure whats one night of staying sober? Drinking does not mean that musch to me. Better safe than sorry as corny as it sounds.:blank:

This is true she drives me everywhere.

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