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Is it bad to use Xanax to "come down"?

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Originally posted by Teknojunkee

Then I should be dead a million times over.


Flawed logic...

Not everybody who mixes heroine with coke will end up dead... that doesn't mean speedballing is safe. Just because you make it home without killing yourself or another person, doesn't mean it's not dangerous to get behind the wheel of a car when you're fucked out of your head... etcetcetc

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Originally posted by tastyt

Flawed logic...

Not everybody who mixes heroine with coke will end up dead... that doesn't mean speedballing is safe. Just because you make it home without killing yourself or another person, doesn't mean it's not dangerous to get behind the wheel of a car when you're fucked out of your head... etcetcetc


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I've done it lots of times but........ smoking weed to come down isn't really a good idea...Weed is not really a true sedative... smoking will initially increase your heart rate and gradually slow it down as you get high.... if you can handle the initial increase in heart rate you're ok... but most times i find that weed won't help you sleep.... Xanax does the trick... i usually wait a while and take a half stick......rapid fluctuations in heart rate can kill you.... mixing booze and xanax in large doses (3mg and up) can also kill you.... enough xanax on its own (6 mgs and up) can cause respitatory arrest....... Lots of things can kill you tho....... drugs are fun ......do enough to get a buzz... you can always do more ....people who wanna experiment with how much they can take before it kills them aren't much fun....

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Originally posted by tastyt

xanax, coke and alcohol... that is probably a very, very bad idea.

I suppose I should be thankful I'm still alive after this combination? :confused:

Actually, I felt like a dead person after finishing off the night with a Xanax. I then laid in bed for an hour, took a shower, felt better, went to sleep. I dunno.

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Speedballs are fun too, you usually get nasty headaches though.

I dont drive when I go out if im going to get messed up. Ive lost way too many friends like that so no need to tell me.

I dunno what to say..just dont go overboard. I try to keep that in mind everytime I go out. I have awesome self-control.

Just be-safe and have a good time.


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i sometimes take muscle relaxers, is that the same as taking a xanax? or i smoke weed sometimes. i can not go to bed for hours because i am going to the bathroom like ligitly every 10 minutes for the first 2 hours i'm home. it's so fucking aggrivating. i always drink sooooo much water when i'm banged up. i also have the craziest dreams too when i finally do fall asleep.

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

I know allot of people do this, but i was wondering if there was any type of negative interactions between drugs???


Scott Hall aka Razor Ramon

well i'm not to sure bout Xani, but a girl i work w/ usually takes vics to do the trick the only thing w/ that though is that she did soo much coke n vicadin that her fuckin knees turned purple n swollen, no bullshit, the doctor told her was the combo of both:eek:

id say smoke weed, it used to work for me

don't drink though, i know lots of people who usualy do coke @ bars while drinking , its says it helps to drink more. i think thats dumb, either do one or the other ( upper or downer)

i think doin combos is pushin the limits.

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