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Alright that's it, kick his ass out.


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Originally posted by cintron

;) I try to write long ones.

I honestly dont care about my opinion being respected. We all have one and we don't need to justify our feelings to others, IMO.

Maybe it's the whole attitude of Bush - he basically IS a hard charging football nose tackle. There is no tact with that guy. It's right up the center, in your face "if you're not with us you're with the terrorists". And then he goes and barely communicates with the public to help build confidence.

That's the largest issue I have - I don't have CONFIDENCE in the man because it's like being led around in the dark by a guy who for all you know, is as blind as a bat.

I just don't KNOW the president - he's not a personable guy.

So I can't trust him either.

you have to understand though that we're dealing with an enemy that is everywhere, including this country. It would probably be dangerous to say too much. IMO he has said plenty. Iraq is well on its way to recovery and it has only been a few months since Saddam was still in power.

Also, we haven't cut off relations with any of the countries that have opposed us. We have a right to let people know when we disagree with them. Actually I think there has been a tremendous amount of tact in the way he has dealt with everything that has gone on.

I think this is all getting blown out of proportion. Our economy is on the rise and considering the Dem. candidates I think it would be crazy to elect someone else.

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believe me, I understand "the enemy is everywhere." I'm still a big supporter of better security measures, but there's also a fine line we've got to draw.

Is the president a COMPLETE moron? I would say no. I'm sure there are things he's doing very well that I simply don't know about. that's the problem though - I'll blame a lot of t hat on the media, becuase more often than not, when they find a certain part of the picture gives the best ratings, they cease giving you the ENTIRE picture.

Still, I am VERY worried about the way things are going with our country. I am concerned with the world's perception of the United States and the fact that a lot of the neutrals and even some of our allies are viewing us with more disdain than they once used to.

We may be the superpower, but we still live in a world of nations.

The fact we got involved in Iraq is another argument entirely, but I will say that the bureaucratic haze and generalizations have got to stop. When you're losing 2+ soldiers per day on average, under extensive media coverage, the American people want to know what the fuck you're planning, how you're going to get it accomplished and how soon you're going to bring their sons and daughters home.

And when all you do is repeat the same rhetoric they've heard for 2 years, they resent that. They resent that they're not important enough to be spoken to like they matter. They resent the fact that the President is blowing the same rhetorical lines like people hear in Communist china or in some other fascist dictatorship. Where people are TOLD what to think and what to feel and that changing the path of the government is as impossible as stopping the sunrise.

The only difference between us and a dictatorship at the moment is that we aren't executing dissidents. That would be unconstitutional.

We sure as hell can't just say "Fuck off, I'm running shit" to the American people and give them a hazy plan for Iraq, Afghanistan, the deficit, our European relations...

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Originally posted by cintron

The only difference between us and a dictatorship at the moment is that we aren't executing dissidents.

Son, I suggest you buy a bag of reality, roll one, take a deep hit, and join us on planet earth.....seriously

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seriously - i'm not some anti-government hippie. You should know that by now.

I'm just not satisfied with the guy in the Oval office. there have been other, better presidents and this guy is probably going to go down in history as the guy who got us in a lot of fights. Fair or not, that's probably how it will be.

At the moment, he ISN"T really listening to anyone except Cheney and other people in his little inner "yes man" circle.

If HALF of the AMERICAN PEOPLE say "hey, we think you're starting to fuck up and we're not sure that we can trust you", wouldn't you at least ADDRESS those concerns? Have a heart-to-heart? Go on TV and explain topcs one by one? I don't see shit.

What I see right now is "i'm doing what i'm going to do and you can butt the fuck out."

HOW is that different than a dictatorship? Bush isn't the type of guy that will hold round table discussions and find compromises. I knew that when I voted for him, but I never thought it would go this far. He's strong to the point of being inflexible, which is a quality you need to have when you're running a country. things that don't bend, break. That's a basic law of physics that applies to everything from plastic to politics.

If you have a man in office who is under pressure by his government and the American people to do something, and he doesn't want to listen or take that into account somehow, then sooner or later his inflexibility will work against him when the pressure gets high enough.

I don't know how else to put it - this must be the third time i've rephrased my opinion. I think the president needs to take that chill pill, Igloo, and come back to AMERICA. He has a country to run and that country is starting to feel like it's a closet-affair until he's done playing boy soldier and showing the resolve of the forces of Truth and Beauty around the world. :rolleyes:

someone needs to give him a seriously huge wedgie.

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Originally posted by cintron

I think the president needs to take that chill pill, Igloo, and come back to AMERICA.

And I must say again for the third time you are amateurishly swayed by 24/7 media cycles and a focus on only the negative, do not understand how that impacts current polls, you need to get it through your thick head it is a political season, and one where the Dems have ZERO strategy except attack Bush for the last two months, you need to understand polls in presidential third years, you lack scary insight in to what 9/11/ really means, and that approaching the world through the same prism is dangerous, reckless, and absurd, and that some of our "friends" and "nuetrals" can not be handled as they once were, and perhaps worst of all, you do not understand that this President is fighting a war.....fighting a real war...

In addition, you make baseless statements about how this President handles his administration and that he doesn't listen to the AMerican people......you have zero facts to base this on, yet this continues to be the foundation of your absurd stance.......If I was you, I would stop embarassing yourself by comparing the Bush administration to a dictatorship, unless you are proud to resemble the clueless Sassa....

And again, in all your rants, you have still not shown a single example to support your emotional claims and generalizations....

Like I have said, the one area I agree with you on is the Bush Administration does need to do a better job of communicating on many different things...but that does not means their actions are not effective, or they are not taking appropriate actions.......or perhaps you enjoyed Clinton, who was a great orater and coddler of the media, but his 8 years of inaction cost this country dearly......

Perhpas you would not have to "rephrase" your opinion so many times if it made sense to begin with.......The only thing I take from your rants is you are ill-informedand terribly misguided, and you represent the type of American terrorists count on.......A short attention span with a lack resolve and inner strength for a long and hard battle....

If anyone has to come back to AMERICA, it is you......

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"8 years of inaction cost this country dearly......" - Igloo

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Must I remind you that Clinton actually CAUGHT the people who attempted to blow up WTC in the early 90s and the fact that Bush HAS NOT caught the people responsible who actually did knock them down.

I must also remind you that Clinton tried to go after and capture Bin Laden way before 9/11 happened but it was the republicans who refused to give him the proper funding.

Clinton also helped bring a temporary peace between Israel and Palestine. Something Bush has not done.

Think back before 9/11, what did Bush do to prevent such a disaster? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing.

So aside swaggering like foolhardy cowboy Bush and his GOP have done little or nothing to fight terrorism.

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Originally posted by xpyrate

"8 years of inaction cost this country dearly......" - Igloo

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Must I remind you that Clinton actually CAUGHT the people who attempted to blow up WTC in the early 90s and the fact that Bush HAS NOT caught the people responsible who actually did knock them down.

I must also remind you that Clinton tried to go after and capture Bin Laden way before 9/11 happened but it was the republicans who refused to give him the proper funding.

Clinton also helped bring a temporary peace between Israel and Palestine. Something Bush has not done.

Think back before 9/11, what did Bush do to prevent such a disaster? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing.

So aside swaggering like foolhardy cowboy Bush and his GOP have done little or nothing to fight terrorism.

Clinton caught the people who hit the first WTC is extremely debatable.....but that is exactly the problem, the incident was treated as a criminal act versus a terrorist act...a big difference with huge ramifications.....something you probably do not have the capacity to understand...

And BTW, most of the first WTC bombers were set up by Youseff to be caught jerkoff, it was part of the plan retard...get educated....and Youseff was caught TWO years later, and by accident when he almost blew up his face jerkoff.......when you make comments, know the facts you fucking child

Perhaps if Clinton treated the first WTC attack as the national security attack it was instead of a legality, things would be different today (If the WTC was not a hint, perhaps the Khobar Towers, the embassy bombings, the attempted Millenium bombings, the attemped 11 airlines bombing, and the US COle bombing may have been a further hint)....

BTW-Clinton never even visited the site of the first WTC attack, a fucking disgrace.....instead he was worried that his economic policy that week would get lost in the news cycle ...again, learn your facts

And clinton DID NOT try and capture bin laden in an aggressive manner, but one in which if it failed, he would not be hurt politically....which amounted to a weak and ineffective effort that only emboldened an enemy......

DO me a favor ---SHUT THE FUCK Up on a matter you know nothing about....absolutely nothing about jerkoff.......do some research--there is plenty of it to support the FACT that Clinton was an abysmal failure against terrorism....

Clinton brought peace to Israel and Palestine, temporarily you say?....I didn't know temporarily was an accomplishment retard....I guess that by that logic, he "temporarily" got the N Koreans to "pretend" they stopped making nukes too when Clinton put together the first blackmail agreement...

And funny you mention Clinton's role on Israel-Palestine, because most historians, security and intelligence experts, and former Clinton administration officials now admit that Clinton, who was obsessed in putting together any type of Israeli-Palestinian agreement to help his legacy at the end of a tarnished Presidency, made serious missteps (appeasement) and inactions during this period against terrorist groups to not "upset" the peace process...One being hitting Al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan, because he thought it would look bad to hit a Muslim country while he was negotiating....excellent move

Once again, SHUT THE FUCK UP on things you know nothing about....You are just exposing yourself as a retard blowhard

And your comment that Bush and the GOP have done nothing to fight terrorism demonstrates you are simply dumb, inept, incompetent, uneducated, and a complete fool who could not carry on an informed debate with a cereal box...

Stick to playing with fonts schmuck....you are a child

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Originally posted by cintron

:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

go ahead and go off on a tangent.

the end of the world. massive communist uprisings, famine, flood and earthquakes all because I might not fully agree with the man in office.

Tangent??.......If you are responding to my post to this retard xpyrate, I was responding to a post directed at me from him, where he picked one sentence in my ass kicking to you, and tried offering a stance that was devoid of intelligence...........do you need a reading comprehension lesson?

Your statements are often filled with extremes and over generalizations, which usually represent someone who just talks shit.......perhaps you should stick to who would win in a fight- Captain Crunch or Frakenberry....it is more your speed

FOr the record, Frankenberry wins

BTW--any time you want to back your baseless "opinion" with facts, feel free to do so (that does not mean re-phrasing your opinion three times, .....understand?)

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

thats interesting.

it was never a problem when he agreed with you.


Douche bag- I am specifically referring to his stance, statements, and opinion on this thread......his "change of opinion" does not have any substance or foundation ...

Understand or too difficult for you?

As usual, your boring trend of sticking your "one-liner" posts in threads is weak and useless

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originally posted by igloo

Clinton caught the people who hit the first WTC is extremely debatable.....but that is exactly the problem, the incident was treated as a criminal act versus a terrorist act...a big difference with huge ramifications.....something you probably do not have the capacity to understand...

And BTW, most of the first WTC bombers were set up by Youseff to be caught jerkoff, it was part of the plan retard...get educated....and Youseff was caught TWO years later, and by accident when he almost blew up his face jerkoff.......when you make comments, know the facts you fucking child

Perhaps if Clinton treated the first WTC attack as the national security attack it was instead of a legality, things would be different today (If the WTC was not a hint, perhaps the Khobar Towers, the embassy bombings, the attempted Millenium bombings, the attemped 11 airlines bombing, and the US COle bombing may have been a further hint)....

BTW-Clinton never even visited the site of the first WTC attack, a fucking disgrace.....instead he was worried that his economic policy that week would get lost in the news cycle ...again, learn your facts

And clinton DID NOT try and capture bin laden in an aggressive manner, but one in which if it failed, he would not be hurt politically....which amounted to a weak and ineffective effort that only emboldened an enemy......

DO me a favor ---SHUT THE FUCK Up on a matter you know nothing about....absolutely nothing about jerkoff.......do some research--there is plenty of it to support the FACT that Clinton was an abysmal failure against terrorism....

Clinton brought peace to Israel and Palestine, temporarily you say?....I didn't know temporarily was an accomplishment retard....I guess that by that logic, he "temporarily" got the N Koreans to "pretend" they stopped making nukes too when Clinton put together the first blackmail agreement...

And funny you mention Clinton's role on Israel-Palestine, because most historians, security and intelligence experts, and former Clinton administration officials now admit that Clinton, who was obsessed in putting together any type of Israeli-Palestinian agreement to help his legacy at the end of a tarnished Presidency, made serious missteps (appeasement) and inactions during this period against terrorist groups to not "upset" the peace process...One being hitting Al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan, because he thought it would look bad to hit a Muslim country while he was negotiating....excellent move

Once again, SHUT THE FUCK UP on things you know nothing about....You are just exposing yourself as a retard blowhard

And your comment that Bush and the GOP have done nothing to fight terrorism demonstrates you are simply dumb, inept, incompetent, uneducated, and a complete fool who could not carry on an informed debate with a cereal box...

Stick to playing with fonts schmuck....you are a child

You know if I was to edit out all the insults out of your post all it would say is:

"I am an idiot"

You know, if you want to carry out an informed intelligent debate than I suggest keeping the insults to a minimum, because they just make you sound stupid. OK every now and again I do that but not in rediculously childish manner that you have just demonstrated, and I try and make them witty and funny, not just for the sake of insulting someone.

It also seems clear to me that I am somehow (in your mind anyhow) dumb just because I do not agree with you.

So, with that said, tell me, Mr. all knowledgable wisened sage, what has Bush done to stop terrorism?


All I hear out of the CIA is that we are just at risk of a terror attack as 9/10, seams to me that if he actually had done something about it we wouldn't be in that kind of danger. Simple logic even you can understand. Bush hasn't caught Bin Laden, Afghanistan is still a mess, and so is Iraq, further he's alienated us from our allies, to top that off because of his foreign policy we are probably the second most hated country in the world after Israel. Doesn't seem likes he has done much of anything 'cept what I posted before.

Oh, and I like my font tyvfm OK, I think it adds a 'lil spice when all I see is generic boring font all over this message board.

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Originally posted by igloo

Douche bag- I am specifically referring to his stance, statements, and opinion on this thread......his "change of opinion" does not have any substance or foundation ...

Understand or too difficult for you?

As usual, your boring trend of sticking your "one-liner" posts in threads is weak and useless

[groundskeeper willie] Is that the best that you can dooooo?! [/groundskeeper willie]

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Originally posted by xpyrate

So, with that said, tell me, Mr. all knowledgable wisened sage, what has Bush done to stop terrorism?


All I hear out of the CIA is that we are just at risk of a terror attack as 9/10, seams to me that if he actually had done something about it we wouldn't be in that kind of danger. Simple logic even you can understand. Bush hasn't caught Bin Laden, Afghanistan is still a mess, and so is Iraq, further he's alienated us from our allies, to top that off because of his foreign policy we are probably the second most hated country in the world after Israel. Doesn't seem likes he has done much of anything 'cept what I posted before.

Oh, and I like my font tyvfm OK, I think it adds a 'lil spice when all I see is generic boring font all over this message board.

Thank you for EASILY proving my point that you are an imbecile with zero depth and competence and a complete lack of reality

This statement by you:

"All I hear out of the CIA is that we are just at risk of a terror attack as 9/10, seams to me that if he actually had done something about it we wouldn't be in that kind of danger".......

..has stretched to new limits what a blowhard someone could be....or perhaps, and probably more accurately, you are a complete moron

Stick to playing with fonts only retard.....I hear retards like playing with fonts.........besides, the combination of your stupidity and nursery school fonts is too painful on the eyes...

Fucking idiot

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Thru-out all your ranting and raving you never answered my question. Not only that you have proven yourself a fool. You crack on me for posting things devoid of inteligence then do nothing but childishly ridicule me, as if my feelings are being hurt, add to the fact you have said nothing of inteligence, and you see who is the true fool.

So would you be so kind as to tell me what Bush has done to lessen the risk of terrorism, because I haven't the faintest clue as to what he has accomplished in the 3 or so years of his Presdiency.

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damn....its like I just read a novel

I have to take cintron's side on this one

honestly, I have never been a Bush supporter, but I did and still do support American spirit in a time of conflict......

but that being said........this is getting absolutely rediculous. Bush couldnt be doing more harm to this country than he is doing right now

and now that I left off with a blanket statement, I'm going to continue to plead ignorant like the rest of the nation

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cintron :aright:

bush's attitude about people being with his administration or against the counrty is insulting. He used 9/11 to push his own personal agenda. It's insulting to the people that died in 9/11 that any references were made to their deaths to justify a war with iraq. He is without a doubt the worst president I have EVER lived through.

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