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escape now pop up?

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...So tell me something guys and gals, which one of you is going to write the check for the obscene amount of bandwidth that this site consumes?.. I figure, with all the cross linking of images to have them load upon every thread load times the several thousand users on the site (I think its over 10,000 now, not sure) equals hundreds of gigs of data transfer a month...That in and of itself would warrant a T3 (maybe even a DS3 so you're guaranteed bandwith) which will set you back between $5000 and $15000 a month, sometimes more depending on area and provider...

...The service is free, and those who are guests can still view full content...

..Now there would be a couple ways to take away those ads, lets see..

DaVe Could:

Limit the characters in posts to 10,000 characters

Limit the characters in PMs to 1000 characters

Strip the Ability to insert images into signatures (no uploadable media content, something I'm actually kinda masochisticly in favor of due to the OBSCENE amount of space you idiots take up with your idiotic sigs..)

Strip the Ability to upload avatars

Up the minimum consecutive post time from 30 seconds to a minute..


..You all can stop whining like a bunch of little babies and just click anywhere outside that ad that pops up..Once you give the focus (read: where you click on the screen) back to the webpage itself, the ad just disappears..

..Suck it up..:aright:..

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

..You all can stop whining like a bunch of little babies and just click anywhere outside that ad that pops up..Once you give the focus (read: where you click on the screen) back to the webpage itself, the ad just disappears..

..Suck it up..:aright:..

thanks einstein. you just cured the bitch in me. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by marcid21

thanks einstein. you just cured the bitch in me. :rolleyes:

..I gave you the easiest answer, or would you like what I said above, and maybe even a monthly fee, to be enacted, fracturing the entire board? I mean, yeah..we all have gravitated to other boards but we all still come around...Would you seriously continue to do so if you had to pay for it?...

..Don't get pissy with me because I gave you the path of least resistance, I wasn't targeting you specifically in this thread..It just annoys the hell out of me when technological ignoramuses whine about shit they don't understand...:aright:..

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

..I gave you the easiest answer, or would you like what I said above, and maybe even a monthly fee, to be enacted, fracturing the entire board? I mean, yeah..we all have gravitated to other boards but we all still come around...Would you seriously continue to do so if you had to pay for it?...

..Don't get pissy with me because I gave you the path of least resistance, I wasn't targeting you specifically in this thread..It just annoys the hell out of me when technological ignoramuses whine about shit they don't understand...:aright:..

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In this day and age every site has popup ads. Do they work? Do they make you money? Can you save your time and just forget about them? I can honestly say that I barely ever click on the ads, yet people are spending millions of dollars buying popup ads on other peoples sites. The one that cracks me up the most is the one that says you're the 10,434,789 visitor to that website. Why would anyone care. And yet if you click on it to claim you prize, all you get is $10 off airfare to Zimbobway.

You stumble accross a popular site on the net, all of a sudden you are ambushed by at least 4 popup ads. The question is, if you were the owner of that site, would you keep them up if you were making money from them. You have worked so hard on your site, and to have it sit there and make you money. What could be better right?

I disagree with the whole popup advertising scheme and beleive it will end by the year 2008. By that time, it will no longer be worth while to have popup banner advertising. Considering the fact that most browsers such as AOL and Mozilla have already built in pretty effecient popup blockers, what is to say that in a couple years, IE and Netscape follow in there footsteps to please customers and sell more copys of their software.

Some testimonials from some users....

" Very annoying. Nope, never. I just close them instantly "

" I don't mind them, as long as there is only one per page, and they all open in the same window "

" My click is to fast to even give those wannabe popup ads a chance to load "

As you see, popup ads are not a good idea. All they do is annoy visitors and potential customers. However, us webmasters understand that it is okay to use no more than one per page. Then it is off to banner advertising, eh?

Article Written By : Michael Gersitz


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Originally posted by phuturephunk

..Don't get pissy with me because I gave you the path of least resistance, I wasn't targeting you specifically in this thread..It just annoys the hell out of me when technological ignoramuses whine about shit they don't understand...:aright:..

...i'll get pissy when and where i choose. ;) I didn't take your response personally...but i too hate when an ignoramus generalizes a response.

We all know the board needs sponsers and a cash flow to keep this running, but noisy annoying pop ups can really be an issue at work, as it is for myself and many others.

Since i'd say a majority of the traffic on this board happens btwn 9-5 working hrs....most of our arguments are valid and should be listened to.

...not all of us are geeks sitting in a private control room, yano. :kiss2:

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Originally posted by bklynzzfinest

In this day and age every site has popup ads. Do they work? Do they make you money? Can you save your time and just forget about them? I can honestly say that I barely ever click on the ads, yet people are spending millions of dollars buying popup ads on other peoples sites. The one that cracks me up the most is the one that says you're the 10,434,789 visitor to that website. Why would anyone care. And yet if you click on it to claim you prize, all you get is $10 off airfare to Zimbobway.

You stumble accross a popular site on the net, all of a sudden you are ambushed by at least 4 popup ads. The question is, if you were the owner of that site, would you keep them up if you were making money from them. You have worked so hard on your site, and to have it site there and make you money. What could be better right?

I disagree with the whole popup advertising scheme and beleive it will end by the year 2008. By that time, it will no longer be worth while to have popup banner advertising. Considering the fact that most browsers such as AOL and Mozilla have already built in pretty effecient popup bloackers, what is to say that in a couple years, IE and Netscape follow in there footsteps to please customers and sell more copys of their software.

Some testimonials from some users....

" Very annoying. Nope, never. I just close them instantly "

" I don't mind them, as long as there is only one per page, and they all open in the same window "

" My click is to fast to even give those wannabe popup ads a chance to load "

As you see, popup ads are not a good idea. All they do is annoy visitors and potential customers. However, us webmasters understand that it is okay to use no more than one per page. Then it is off to banner advertising, eh?

Article Written By : Michael Gersitz


..As much as I'd like to give Mr. Gersitz a hand for saying that from a sentimental standpoint, its evident that he has no concept of how to push products to a population of customers, nor how business in general works really...

..Also, that little blurb with the testimonials is piss poor, what kind of idiot uses three feel good statements based anonymously like that? A fifth grader could write a better Op-Ed piece..

..Yeah, 10,000,000 people will see a popup ad, and maybe only say, 10 percent of the population will click and then, continuing on, 2 percent will will actually buy...but thats what? 200,000 units of a particular product sold.

Say we're selling widgets for 40 bucks a piece through this add, so, doing the math:



40 =

$8,000,000 dollars revenue

so for a 2% return on ad views we've just made 8 million dollars.

Say our manufacturing cost is $2 million for the widgets, plus say another million buying ad space on Websites.. So our aggregate costs are $3 million dollars for product and marketing... thats still $5 MILLION in profit..

..You'd like to be on the winning side of that, no?

POPUP BLOCKERS will ultimately hasten the web to a proprietary format where large media conglomerates and bandwidth providers will direct where you view, when you view and what content you can and cannot have...turning the I-net into, in effect, a giant TV network.. I'm all for blocking most types of garbage popups because most of them are shit code coming from porn sites and fraud "Your computer is fucked up you idiot, click here to find out how" ads.. Some legitimate product adverts HAVE to get through or there will be no way to pay the costs for maintaining the physical network that the internet uses for transport...

SOMEBODY will have to pay in the end, all of you have to decide the method by which we do...

...Think about it...:aright:...

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Originally posted by marcid21

...i'll get pissy when and where i choose. ;) I didn't take your response personally...but i too hate when an ignoramus generalizes a response.

We all know the board needs sponsers and a cash flow to keep this running, but noisy annoying pop ups can really be an issue at work, as it is for myself and many others.

Since i'd say a majority of the traffic on this board happens btwn 9-5 working hrs....most of our arguments are valid and should be listened to.

...not all of us are geeks sitting in a private control room, yano. :kiss2:

..I know babydoll, I'm just in an overly cerebral and arrogant mood today..:kiss2:..You know I love ya..:aright:..

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

..You all can stop whining like a bunch of little babies and just click anywhere outside that ad that pops up..Once you give the focus (read: where you click on the screen) back to the webpage itself, the ad just disappears..

..Suck it up..:aright:..

You do realize, that this is exactly what I was talking about... People dont click popup ads, they click around them. Just as you told this sites 10,000+ members to do.

So how is that ad going to turn a profit, if you just told 10,000+ "Technological ignoramuses" to click around it.

You basically went and shot your own argument in the foot.

Popup ads serve to annoy. Nothing more.

If banner ads dont cut it, try selling things. Shot glasses, Exclusive mix cds, t-shirts, etc.

Annying your visitors could turn them off to your site, and if that happens no one is going to want to advertise with you. Because you just pissed off thier potential clientel, and your site now has 100 active people instead of 3,000

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Originally posted by bklynzzfinest

You do realize, that this is exactly what I was talking about... People dont click popup ads, they click around them. Just as you told this sites 10,000+ members to do.

So how is that ad going to turn a profit, if you just told 10,000+ "Technological ignoramuses" to click around it.

You basically went and shot your own argument in the foot.

Popup ads serve to annoy. Nothing more.

If banner ads dont cut it, try selling things. Shot glasses, Exclusive mix cds, t-shirts, etc.

Annying your visitors could turn them off to your site, and if that happens no one is going to want to advertise with you. Because you just pissed off thier potential clientel.

..And you obviously didn't read my example above...Scroll up, read, then comment...

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Originally posted by marcid21

i think we need another trip to Rio! ;)

...:what:...Now thats eerie...Originally I was going to post "..but fly away with me and we can live in my beachfront villa in Rio.."..but I forgot to put it in...You're psychic!!...:whoa:...I'm definitely buying you a drink the next time I see you...;)..

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