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elite, i have a question Re: NO2 + Ephedrine


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ok, so everywhere i've looked it says that these two don't mix...

now, being the tool i am, i had initially disregarded that warning, and have been using no2 (actually, nox3...) for about 3 months... i've been using ephedrine for about a year or so.... i drink in excess of a gallon of water per day (probably about 1.5)

i don't notice a problem, infact, i feel really good, and my workouts are intense...

should i get rid of the NO2 and why?

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Originally posted by fineones

wait i could be very wronf but isnt No2 for gettin bigger...if so why are u taking in Soooo little carbs and protien those numbers cant be right...

50 grams of carbs is crazy low, right or is this just me :confused:

well, no2 is for enhanced recovery... (which can be associated with getting bigger)

yes, the numbers are right, and the carbs are crazy low...

i'm basically losing fat and putting on muscle...

i'm not really concerned with the number on the scale, i'd gladly take a pound of muscle for each pound of fat i lose...

ephedrine is pretty useful for me because its an effective fat burner that enhances protein synthesis but doesn't have any negative effects on muscle.

i started taking no2 because its supposed to decrease recovery time, and eliminate sore muscles after workouts... its not a "weight gainer" or anything like that...

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i'm cutting so low to lose a lot of fat... i've done everything so graudually that i don't even notice that i don't eat carbs anymore, and i'm never hungry or crave anything... so its not even a bother to me...

i was 265 at my worst about a year ago... :shake: i took trim spa and cut my diet for about 9 months and lost about 30lbs... about 3 months ago i cut my diet even more (to what i wrote before) continuing the trim spa, and started working out intensely... i've lost about 10lbs or so in these 3 months, and the definition in my muscles is night and day already...

now i've started to add a cardio schedule to my workouts to lean out some more while i try and build muscle mass...

basically, i'm trying to get the absolute most out of everything i'm doing... i'm a very on/off person... if i'm going to do something, i'm going to do it with 100% efficiency and then some... if i'm not, i'm not going to do it at all... i suppose thats a gift and a curse...

i like the no2 and i think there are some gains (though i can't tell to what extent because i've changed so many things) and i don't want to give up any gains... but i just want to make sure i'm not screwing myself by trying to overcompensate... what i read was that ephedrine "works against" no2... but i don't know what that really means, or what the conditions of that are...

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I wanted to let you know - I am not ignoring your question - I just need to see exactly what NO2 does in your system to see if there is a conflict.

I know Nitrates (NO3) - Act as vasodialators - meaning they relax and widen the blood vessels to decrease blood pressure - this could be deadly if ephedrine was added on top of that.

Let me check around. I have heard of the product but never used it, so I can not give you an educated answer just yet.

I will post your question on elitefitness and see what kind of responses I get.


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Originally posted by elitesnautica

I wanted to let you know - I am not ignoring your question - I just need to see exactly what NO2 does in your system to see if there is a conflict.

I know Nitrates (NO3) - Act as vasodialators - meaning they relax and widen the blood vessels to decrease blood pressure - this could be deadly if ephedrine was added on top of that.

Let me check around. I have heard of the product but never used it, so I can not give you an educated answer just yet.

I will post your question on elitefitness and see what kind of responses I get.


If what you said is true Nautica then it sounds like NO2 and Ephedrine would cancel each others effects out.

NO2 = vasodialator

Ephedrine = vasoconstrictor

I'm not sure how this plays out but just what it sounds like from here.

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Originally posted by ou812

If what you said is true Nautica then it sounds like NO2 and Ephedrine would cancel each others effects out.

NO2 = vasodialator

Ephedrine = vasoconstrictor

I'm not sure how this plays out but just what it sounds like from here.

True - but ephedrine also speeds up the heart and the combination of the 2 could cause trouble - that's why I want to check it out before I say anything.


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Originally posted by joeg

ok, so everywhere i've looked it says that these two don't mix...

now, being the tool i am, i had initially disregarded that warning, and have been using no2 (actually, nox3...) for about 3 months... i've been using ephedrine for about a year or so.... i drink in excess of a gallon of water per day (probably about 1.5)

i don't notice a problem, infact, i feel really good, and my workouts are intense...

should i get rid of the NO2 and why?

damn you lift.. LOl who would have guessed that.

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