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space 34= liars


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The point of my previous e-mail was to voice a personal opinion. I did not directly blame Puig for being personally responsible for what went on with Space 34 up until last saturday. If you read through it, you will see that I was directing my anger toward management in general. Of course I understand that running a club is a business (sometimes shadier than other businesses). I do not hate Miami. I grew up here and I came back here because it offers good nightlife. And again, if you read my message, I admitted full responsibility for paying the cover and walking in. No one forced me to go there. But I know I wasn't the only one that was a bit disappointed with Danny's set because I'm used to seeing him at Vinyl (totally different crowd).

To the person who thinks I'm a club owner or have any affiliation with a club: I am sorry but I have to admit that I do not own or have ever owned or had any affiliation with a club. I am not a businessman. By degree, I am an aerospace engineer.

To clear up the white sheet confusion...

My point in saying that it's been done before is to make people realize that again it was not something that Space did for the first time ever. I was not bragging about Ibiza or Greece. I am Greek so it makes sense that I would have lived there. The reason I brought it up is so that people realize that they need to be more open minded and less ignorant about other nightlife in other places (some people claimed that Space 34 is the best club in the world, complete bs). But while we are on that subject, there are other places to go that parallel and in my opinion, surpass Ibiza's clublife. Barcelona is a great town to party in, Agia Napa, Valleta, Tenerife, Malaga, Punta del Este, Dalaman, San Francisco and San Diego are also lots of fun! And further from the beaten path of commercialism than Ibiza.

For the record, NO I definitely don't think Space 34 has contributed at all to the nightlife in Miami. I think other clubs/lounges/bars such as Luna, Nerve, Jazid, Blue and Crobar have had a greater effect on Miami's house scene.

The reason I wrote my first reply was because I was frustrated with the hype about Space 34 closing and especially that "pity me" letter that Puig wrote when everyone knows the club named Space 34 would not close. I do not think that my bitching would make Miami a less materialistic place. In fact, I like it just as materialistic as it is. I was bitching that the whole event had too much hype and just like anything else after that much hype, it was not all that good (like the principle of diminishing returns). If I had known, I would have stayed at Blue to hear Danny Mitchell or at NV to hear Chus & Ceballos.

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Originally posted by philippio

Especially after a posted "pity me" letter on Clubplanet saying that he's closing shop due to bad media. Well, Puig, what sort of media are you going to get now, clown???

LP has a good sense of humor and I respect that, but I def do not respect his business ethics. Great way to end the space name :aright: this is what space will be rememebered for not all the hard work everyone at space has put into it.

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Originally posted by pod

See, the thing is though, if you read the boards and so forth, there's no reason to say that they were lying. The uninformed general public may have that reaction, but I wouldn't expect it from this group. And in a sense, it was a closing party, the name Space 34 is no longer in use. The signage is being removed this week, and in the next few weeks another sign will go up.

And Space 34 could not un-book these DJs without serious consequences...since the club is changing voluntarily and not being forced to do so, the DJs contracted have to still play. If Space 34 was closed by the government, there'd be a different story.

Again, I'm just glad the place is open under some name for the foreseeable future...I'm getting the feeling that aside from ownership, the employee base will be the same at the building, and it'll be the same.

As far as Miami clubs being five years behind, that seems to be the blanket statement..I'm sure Europe is this clubbing wonderland, but at the same time, that's a blanket statement...I've been told good and bad things about being over there, just like in Miami...and if Miami's five years behind, why do the European clubgoers come here and give good marks to crobar, Space 34/whatever it'll be named, Nerve, and so forth?

I'm sure they do the sheet thing elsewhere, but who cares? I'm sure there's stuff in our clubs that gets imitated elsewhere.


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Originally posted by philippio

The reason I wrote my first reply was because I was frustrated with the hype about Space 34 closing and especially that "pity me" letter that Puig wrote when everyone knows the club named Space 34 would not close.

I find it hard to believe that more people on this board aren't bothered by this :confused:

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It's not worth getting excited over in my opinion. I could care less about the name change, ownership change, loose change of the club...it's a great building with great DJs lined up for the next 2 months...the black helicopter shit is just funny.

As for Space not having an effect on Miami nightlife, I'd love to know what you are on. The little lounges come and go, I can't even remember half the ones that I've been to that aren't around anymore.

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I dont understand why they let it bother them, I mean its all club drama, why get involved with it. I have bigger and better things to worry about. All I care is that there is a place to go to and have a good time. You people get to involved and cought up in shit that doenst mean shit.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

I find it hard to believe that more people on this board aren't bothered by this :confused:

listen GA, don't you worry bout a thing..

you can come to my Birthday this Saturday & next Saturday as well. Just like the closing.. It's gonna be soo much fun we're gonna have to do it twice... :laugh:

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Originally posted by mrmiami

I dont understand why they let it bother them, I mean its all club drama, why get involved with it. I have bigger and better things to worry about. All I care is that there is a place to go to and have a good time. You people get to involved and cought up in shit that doenst mean shit.

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Those people that got mortified when they saw what has happened at Space 34, dollars to donuts, they're on the dancefloor this weekend.

It's like that Dominos commercial, where they ring the bell for the dog, and go "stupid dog, so predictable", and then ten seconds later, their doorbell rings, and they're off to the door.

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I was excited when they announced the closing! In fact, when Puig wrote his "pity me" letter, I was thinking... finally! They're going down!!! Then I thought, what if they take down all of Miami's little jewels with them (small hole-in-the wall bars and lounges that showcase real talent) by turning the media spotlight on small time drug trafficking?

But then again all the small lounges would have to do is announce a fake closing party. If that didn't get them enough dough, what the hell? Announce a second closing party!!! It's all good. More people would show up. Oh but wait, instead of charging a reasonable cover charge (or none at all), we'll just rip our patrons a new asshole!!! And all the ones that are on guestlists; well, we'll charge them an arm and a leg for a "mini-me" drink served in a flashy plastic cup!!! This way we'll win their affection once and for all!!! Up to now our sign read Club X. Now we'll change it to 2X (it can stand for twice the prices we had before!)!!!

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That's exactly what would happen. The small places would get dragged down for the most part. A lot of those places serve as "pre-Space" destinations of a sort...plus, more than a few double-book Space's DJs for a more cozy set and venue...they'll work something out for splitting travel costs, and so forth.

No matter what you think about the place, it would be a bad thing if Space 34 was to really close. Miami's club scene cannot be buoyed by little lounges...this is a very tourist-based area, and no tourist I know comes to town in hopes of hanging out at a 50 person hole in the wall with bad sound and zero visual element. They can get that at home, most likely. They're coming to town for Space 34, crobar, Level, Nocturnal (just wait and see...), etc...they want what they can't get at home.

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I don't get what the big deal is. Would you be happy if there was nothing there? I looked at that lineup and said to myself "wow, that's some good work." Do some of you really feel robbed?

I've known Louis for a very long time. He's a smart guy. Whatever he is doing is being done for a reason. I don't even care what that reason is. Why do you? Would you rather see him out of there all together? Not me....i hope that nothing changes there but the name. In a town where clubs come and go at an allarming rate we need to keep the quality ones around.

As for the white sheet....well, I too have seen that before but that's OK. An idea does not have to be yours for it to be good. It only has to make the crowd happy and as far as I can tell, it did. Most things you see are versions of something else.but they're still cool.

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If there was nothing there, it wouldn't phaze me in the least! Pod, I have 6 very close friends (2 are dj's and all are househeadz), 2 from Athens, 1 from Paris and 3 from London who came to visit and when they compared Space 34 to clubs in their respective cities (I think Fabric London, Respect in Paris and +Soda, U-Matic and Venue in Athens), one phrase seemed to echo their opinion. "Space is cheese." They were here in April for Lawler and Zabiela. The one from London said something about Lawler being popular 1 1/2 years ago and asked me if anyone here had heard of Lee Burridge and Craig Richards Tyrant sets at Fabric or the sick Tyler Stadius work-up. Another friend from NYC came during WMC and went to see PvD. He couldn't stop laughing he almost shitted his pants!!! I can't remember his exact words... He said it reminded him of SF on a saturday night (Jonathan Peters) except more lame. Is that possible??? He said he'd take Halo + Hipp-E at Centro-Fly, DT at Vinyl or anyone at Sullivan Lounge or Julius Papp and Marques Wyatt at Shelter over Space anyday.

I have nothing against Crobar. In fact I was really sad when the Bang Wednesdays party was closed. The music at Backdoor Bamby is really funky and it attracts a very music-loving crowd. And although I'm not a huge fan, I occasionally like to hear a Cedric Gervais set.

My point is, Space (the club, not the universe) to me, is totally insignificant. And maybe I'm a purist, but I don't absolutely have to have extremely fancy lighting, vip areas or a billion decibels of sound deafening my ears to have a good time at a club. To me, it's the atmosphere (people and music and the dj's ability to connect the two) that make (or break) a night.

I wouldn't say for sure though that Space would bring down the small joints with it. Some people seem to have the right formula for success. Who knows??? The superclub idea has gotten stale. As many people said earlier, the scene evolves. So let go of the cash vacuum known as ex- Space 34 and bring talent to smaller clubs (Mark Farina, James Lavelle, dj Heather, Miguel Migs, Tony Humphries, Doc Martin, Terry Francis, Todd Terry, MAW, Mazi, Pete Moss, Thievery Corp., David Alvarado, Pete Heller, Terry Farley, Jason Bye, Jori Hulkkonen, Jasper Dahlback, Danny Rampling, Jazzanova, Laurent Garnier, Francois K. Marques Wyatt, Lance deSardi, Julius Papp, Cevin Fisher...any of these would be nice)!!!

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Yeha good old louis the owner finding a new way to make money, but anyways i love space and will continue to go there but i never have to pay cover cause i go in with a friend of mine that works there to watch all teh big DJ's, but with the cover of $30 to $40 does suck, but in the end its all good and its all worth it, these dozen closing parties are fuckin stupid, i dont know what he is thinking advertise that, but thats my two cent!!!

Damon 2.0

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Guest brwneydtrouble

What is the point to all this???

I REALLY hate it when people have to bash a club on all counts, compare it to places in Europe, complain about the prices.....

First of all, the majority of people here do NOT go to Europe, and frankly, I really dont give a damn what they do over there, what I am concerned with is my own backyard. There are only so many "original" ideas that a club owner can have, and if something works elsewhere, why not do it here??

As far as the double closing parties, what if you had something to do one weekend, or how about those people that have joint custody of their kids, I know there are a FEW of those on this board alone....I would rejoice in the second chance to go to a closing party for Space. I happened to go to the first one with Eric Morillo on birthday, had such a blast that I didn't feel the need to go the next week and I was happy for the option.

As far as space being insignificant?? Im sorry, but whether you like it or not, Space is the flagship of Miami nightlife at the moment until something else comes along, as it invariably does. No other club in miami or florida, or perhaps the entire southeast has as much publicity and recognition as Space.

And paying to get in?? We here on clubplanet are given many, if not the MOST opportunities for comped admission to space, let alone the free entry till midnight or 1am with a password, as well as the NUMEROUS guestlists. If you dont take advantage, thats your own fault. There are few clubs that give you that many options.

I think that peple need to quit dwelling on the past and compare everything to what used to be, how much better it was.....:blah: Wake up and realize that the world we love is going through some major changes, and I for one think its for the best.

Timing is everything - and I can't wait till January!!!

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Those guys you mention are all small-club talent, and would do alright in a smaller environment.

But Miami needs a mega-club, in order to draw the $$$. Music-heads are the cheapest bastards around...if they don't get a rub and tug from the doorgirl, they feel offended and come on here to whine...Space draws the best "commercial" talent out there, like Danny Howells, Lawler, PvD, etc...which brings much needed capital to the county, and puts us on the map so to speak...drawing the talent and the money-paying crowds...plus, people like Farina, Yousef, and so forth come here because it's "on the map"...they'd skip over it and go elsewhere if it wasn't...they're not playing Miami just to please 100 people in a small room, they're playing the small room in hopes that Louis Puig, Biz Martinez, Gil, or Bugaloo is hanging out there on a Wednesday night, and will book them for a terrace set at some point....the DJs are about their music, but they gotta eat too, and playing Jazid, Blue, or wherever for $500 and free drinks isn't gonna pay for much.

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Originally posted by philippio

I was excited when they announced the closing! In fact, when Puig wrote his "pity me" letter, I was thinking... finally! They're going down!!!

Why the hate? Who cares? Im not Spaces biggest fan but I do appreciate that they bring in talent from all over for all different music lovers..more than anyone else in this city.If it bothers you just dont go plan and simple. Space also has some of the best local DJs Oscar G,and Roland and theres no place better to hear their sets then in SPACE!!! I can careless how LP runs his club or if hes and asshole or a great person all I care is that there is good music and a place to go to when the weekend comes.

In your other post you mentioned that you had friends from europe come down to Space and say it was cheese.SPACE is known to be the best club in the states not in the world.Im pretty sure that the clubs in europe will kick any clubs ass in the U.S. Electronic music is the main music gene in europe.Its really not that smart to make that comparison.Its like RAP being played in Germany and have 50 cent and PIff Diddy go with some friends and check out the RAP scene over there....they be like THATS CHEESE!!! Say what ya wanna say about SPACE im just glad we have it and it allows us to see our favorite DJs and other talents around the globe and its home to our locals(some of em).

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