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weyes is the biggest ass of 2003 (or get weyes on*star)


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well, i knew i would be late to the meetup because i had to work - though i thought i was gonna get out a little earlier than i did - but then i got lost, and it was all downhill from there :( ...

seriously - santa monica blvd. turned into san vicente all of a sudden and then i was in a world of "what :confused: ??????". i looped back a bit, and when i got directions from someone, she directed me in a great big circle; i didn't realize that was what she had done till my clueless ass had done it.

"where the fuck is la brea?????" i was thinking, as i drove and drove. "was this woman wrong about where la brea is?"

then i noticed i was all the way in my old neighborhood (where i lived for 4 months) :doh: . as i always say, if there's a way to get lost, i will find it.

by the time i got to kachina, all had finished eating and were ready to go home. i not only feel terrible about showing up so late because of everybody else, but, hey - i wanted to hang out and get to talk with all y'all, too :boohoo: !!! but i really can't feel worse about it than i do :cry: .

but - (and i hope blue sees this thread) what's up with all you punks who didn't show??? parking was scarce around that place, but no one could've been later than i was, and the meetup was just anotherway83, bluecenterstar, and one of blue's non-cp friends. you guys owe us an explanation - harumph :tongue: !!!

we'll have to try this again soon, with a better location. it was kinda nuts over there; maybe someplace more laid-back? and i'll have to take a test-drive next time :worry::( . sorrysorrysorry!!!

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I aint mad :) I love you WEYES....!!! No Worries...!!

Anotheway, Doug and I had fun and I'm just happy that you made it! I thought you were in trouble...!!!

For sure next time we'll pick an easier spot...

but for those who weren't able to make it... I'm sorry you missed out! I had a blast!

But the chicken was really really really dry...!

Good Houste margaritas!

Anotherway... AWESOME meeting you! You should check out monster massive for halloween. I think you'll like it!

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umm..I was kidnapped by aliens, and they did all kinda of unspeakable act to my a-hole :eek: It was horrible!!!

Actually, I just got a lil too smashed at the wedding - what can I say? I'm a sucker for free booze. By the time I sober up and headed home, it was close to midnight :( Sorry I missed you all. Also sorry I missed Armin - bah!!!! We definitely have to do this again. Perhaps just meet up at Spundae or something? I'm sure we'll cook up something....

Think I'm too old for Monster...but you kids will have a good time. I'll probably just sit at home and give out candies. If anyone want some candy corn and gin & juice, come on by :D

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i think I saw you there alex because I heard someone go in there while I was waiting outside with my friend, say something about meeting people here. Were you or your other friend wearing a green shirt of some sort?? hmm

Then again I'm not sure.. i walked out onto the patio a few times and I did mention to the waiter that I'm waiting for someone like alex or amanda but that was earlier and I think he forgot..

Hey there is no blame here at all. I just can't wait to meet you and a few others that's all. it's hard when there are never any pictures up on the website... I'm going to have to start a thread when i can find a picture of myself :)

So I think I know who you are / look like.. damn I should have had the balls to say hi.. but ya know if someone's cute I always chicken out :D

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Originally posted by bluecenterstar

I'm going to have to start a thread when i can find a picture of myself :)

So I think I know who you are / look like.. damn I should have had the balls to say hi.. but ya know if someone's cute I always chicken out :D

Hmm I can probably post a pic of ya Shorty ;) Bowling alley ring a bell white girl:laugh:

P.S... you chicken shit:laugh: You should have slammed another drink then went up and met this guy;)

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