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the Yankee salary excuse


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Guest saleen351

only 2 marlins players are under contract next year:laugh:

that team is going no where next year

ps, batlimore, tx, ny mets,dodgers all spend a lot of dough on their teams...

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Ok, this belongs in the sports board. Regardless, let me do my best to explain here. The Yankees are winners--no doubt about that and no one can take that away from them. They have proven that time and time again. In my opinion, Derek Jeter is the smartest player in baseball--hands down. The problem lies in that the Yankees can afford to buy the best players out there--a luxury any small market team only dreams of. Take Giambi, the 2000 MVP for Oakland, going to the Bronx the year after (who by the way outbid Oakland by more than 30 million). Take Clemens, at the time possibly the best pitcher in baseball, heading to New York as well. Not satisfied yet? Try the best pitcher from Cuba in Jose Contreras or Mike Mussina, one of the American's League best coming from the Orioles for more $ than any other team could give him. You want more you say? Ok. How about Matsui--by FAR the best player outside the United States coming over from the Japanese league. Many other teams wanted him. Guess what team got him? What Steinbrenner wants, Steinbrenner gets. Why? Because no salary cap exists like it does in the other major sports--simply stupid if you ask me. Every time we hear teams that have a payroll less than $70 billion make it far in the playoffs or even make the playoffs for that matter, we hear that this team made it "in spite of being a small-market team." That shouldn't be an issue. But it is--and that is why teams such as the Yankees can win year after year. No one's saying they're not good. They are very, very good. But give these same caliber players to other teams and they will have a great chance to be consistently good too. Yes, other teams have high payrolls too. That is why the Yankees are not alone in this category. It is not fair for a player to go through an organization's farm system, become a star and then a couple of years later get bought by a team like the Yankees. Miguel Cabrera, the future for the Marlins, is an oustanding hitter. He's only 20 but by the time he's 22, he'll probably be playing outfield for the Yankees. That is simply unfair--baseball needs parity. I'm out.

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Salary cap? Sounds like you are an idiot if you think that will even things out...just ask the people from new york how well rent limits worked in helping poor people afford housing...oh wait it evened things out in basketball...the lakers dont win all the time?...and just like with everything else, the smart ones ( who also usually happen to be the ones with lots of money in the first place) always figure ways around these so called caps...And if my argument above didnt convince you how stupid you are, maybe your own argument will...what difference would limiting how much someone spent on their team make...if you didnt notice, the marlins, who are at the bottom of the food chain (according to you) happen to be in the world series, tied 2-2 nontheless, with the team that spends three times as much as them on salaries, so basically your whole argument is as valid as if i claimed teams that spend very little on their teams go the world series, the marlins are there arent they?

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Originally posted by cj7dave2

Salary cap? Sounds like you are an idiot if you think that will even things out...just ask the people from new york how well rent limits worked in helping poor people afford housing...oh wait it evened things out in basketball...the lakers dont win all the time?...and just like with everything else, the smart ones ( who also usually happen to be the ones with lots of money in the first place) always figure ways around these so called caps...And if my argument above didnt convince you how stupid you are, maybe your own argument will...what difference would limiting how much someone spent on their team make...if you didnt notice, the marlins, who are at the bottom of the food chain (according to you) happen to be in the world series, tied 2-2 nontheless, with the team that spends three times as much as them on salaries, so basically your whole argument is as valid as if i claimed teams that spend very little on their teams go the world series, the marlins are there arent they?

i totally disagree with ur whole statement...limitless payrolls hurt small teams PERIOD....its a shame that next year the Marlins wont be able to give up back the WHOLE team that brought us to the 2003 WS....i think even in death Wayne Cocksucker will always try to bring the Marlins down...i have no respect for that piece of shit...i hope he has a heart attack while having sex with a Allapatta prostitute....:blown:

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funny I brought this up to Saleen last night durring the game. I think by not having a salary cap that MLB is shooting itself in the foot. For all you ass holes that don't agree just look to the most watched and best revenue sport NFL. The NFL is so competative that its almost imposible to predict the final teams at the start of the year. It keeps you guessing and bad team can turn into Champs the next year.

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Originally posted by cj7dave2

Salary cap? Sounds like you are an idiot if you think that will even things out...just ask the people from new york how well rent limits worked in helping poor people afford housing...oh wait it evened things out in basketball...the lakers dont win all the time?...and just like with everything else, the smart ones ( who also usually happen to be the ones with lots of money in the first place) always figure ways around these so called caps...And if my argument above didnt convince you how stupid you are, maybe your own argument will...what difference would limiting how much someone spent on their team make...if you didnt notice, the marlins, who are at the bottom of the food chain (according to you) happen to be in the world series, tied 2-2 nontheless, with the team that spends three times as much as them on salaries, so basically your whole argument is as valid as if i claimed teams that spend very little on their teams go the world series, the marlins are there arent they?

Hahahahaha.....I love it when people miss the whole point and then call people they don't know names. What's up with that? Classic. So I'll do my best to make you right feel at home. Ok, you "idiot?" (Am I doing good so far?) Ok, now on to responding to your dribble. Did you even read what I wrote or did you skim? Spray some Windex on your screen and read it again CAUSE YOU OBVIOUSLY MISSED THE POINT. First of all, the Lakers win because they have the most dominant player in the NBA plus Kobe, who just happens to be "Jordanesque"-clutch in the playoffs--much like Derek Jeter. This has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the cap. Jordan won 6 championships simply because he was the best and he made those around him better. Some things are settled on the court, not off it.

Does the salary cap even things out in basketball? Ok, let's see. Teams like Sacramento and Milwaukee, two of the smaller cities in the league, are in the top 10 in salaries for their players. Baseball cannot even fathom that last sentence. If a basketball player like Karl Malone, decides he wants to win and go to L.A. for chump-change (to him at least), then that's fine because the Lakers do not have an unfair disadvantage over any other team. Now back to baseball. When you talk about the Marlins being in the World Series, yes I know that. My point, which you obviously missed, is that because they don't have much money, they will lose key players very soon after this season...if not sooner. Pudge is getting paid $10 million (deferred over three years)--that's more than 1/5 of the total payroll for the season. $10 million for the Yankees is less than they spend on office supplies. He will have to leave, as well as other key players. Yes, teams like the Marlins can make it far in the playoffs one year but, as I argued, they will not have the chance year after year, like big-market teams do.

That is my point.

Ok then, so will a salary cap alone save baseball? HELL NO. I never said it would. But it is a start. Even more important than the salary cap though is revenue-sharing (which I won't get into). You argue that there is ways around the cap, and you may be right. But there is only so much attorneys can do by crunching up numbers and trying their best to make these owners happy. Attorneys are not magicians. If they were, they'd be starving atop the Tower Bridge in London for 44 days.

P.S. Listen, there is nothing more I love than back and forth discussion about sports. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But when you start with the 6th-grader name-calling, you force me to imitate you. So be adult-like when you write. Do us all a favor. Have a good day.

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Originally posted by cj7dave2

Salary cap? Sounds like you are an idiot if you think that will even things out...just ask the people from new york how well rent limits worked in helping poor people afford housing...

You are a Jackass. Like Matas, I think your entire post is a waste of energy. The NBA cap is a bad example. It has way 2 many holes. Look at the NFL if you want to see how that works.

Also - Yankee fans - I have no issue with George spending big bucks for players. His NY Yankees clearly have one goal >>> Winning. And, they are not afraid to spend to win. I have to respect any team who's sole purpose is to win.

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I have to agree with the above statement on revenue sharing. One only has to look at the NFL to see how it's worked out over there. How do you think a small city like Green Bay has an NFL franchise? The NFL also has more parity than any other league in American sports today. Cheering for the Yankees is almost like cheering for Bill Gates to make more money.

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Originally posted by cj7dave2

Salary cap? Sounds like you are an idiot if you think that will even things out...just ask the people from new york how well rent limits worked in helping poor people afford housing...oh wait it evened things out in basketball...the lakers dont win all the time?...and just like with everything else, the smart ones ( who also usually happen to be the ones with lots of money in the first place) always figure ways around these so called caps...And if my argument above didnt convince you how stupid you are, maybe your own argument will...what difference would limiting how much someone spent on their team make...if you didnt notice, the marlins, who are at the bottom of the food chain (according to you) happen to be in the world series, tied 2-2 nontheless, with the team that spends three times as much as them on salaries, so basically your whole argument is as valid as if i claimed teams that spend very little on their teams go the world series, the marlins are there arent they?

:blah: :blah: :blah:

Shut the fuck up Bud Selig.....in disguise

Go try to contract more teams......you putts!

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