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Ha Ha Fuck The Yankees


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Originally posted by somebitch

i think it is so funny how petty yankees haters are. people who hate the yankees are actually happier to see them lose than they are happy to see their team win. i dont know, i am a yankees fan & i admit they werent playing that great. they were looking kinda sloppy & didnt really deserve to win. i thought they would get beat by the redsox, the redsox vs marlins would have probably been a better challenge.

oh well, you cant win em all i guess. there is always next year. i wouldnt be all petty and excited if the mets lost the world series though, i have no passion for seeing another team lose. i am not upet the marlins won, who cares?? there are winners and there are losers & the yankees are often the winners, to make it to the world series is a lot farther than most teams made it... :tongue:

...Right on...

...And normally I'd be the bigger man, and agree..but honestly, I'm just fucking glad Boston lost...I'm overjoyed actually...I'm glad that city of fricken whiners has to sit through another off season, lamenting that fucking curse, just so they can come back next year and fuck it up again..

...As they will do until the end of time..

...After boston lost, I really lost interest...the season was done for me...and plus, Florida had heart (and talent) this year that couldn't be denied... They wanted it more, and therefore they got it...:aright:..

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You are pretty funny :laugh: not :blown: First off you get no crediblitely, cause your last line "Lets go Mets" They are going nowhere fast. On top of that if they made the series and lost, you would probably say " At least they made the series where are the Yankees." The Mets are going nowhere fast.

Yes they lost to the Marlins and you talk about where they were "predicted" to finish. That doesnt matter, they are people's opinion. I am a Yankee fan. I am happy they beat Boston, and sad they lost to the Marlins. The Marlins played alot better than the Yankees. The Yankees could not get their Bats going, and the fielding at times made them look like the Bad News Bears. Knowing how Stienbrener spends his money, he will keep the Yankees competitive, but they will be rebuiling real soon. The farm system has not alot of people who are ready for the big leauges, cause of the win now mentality. I hope not ,but I think it is coming.

Taking shit from a Mets fan cause the Yankees lost the series, don't really mean a thing cause they could only wish that they were in series at all.

Originally posted by sutogame

yankees got punked

and now all their fans are like were happy cuz we knocked out boston


you lost at home to the marlins a team that was predicted to finish behind the mets in their division

give me a break

yankees aint winning shit for a long time esp. all these peeps saying theyll be back next year

yea back losing in the world series lmao

fuck steinbrener



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Originally posted by skince55

N.Y. Yankees wins - 101 losses - 61 .623

N.Y. Mets wins - 66 losses - 95 .410 -34½ games

If I was a mets fan I wouldn't be talking shit..........TO ANYBODY

2 things though....Mets have talented, YOUNG players and the future is bright...

The Yankees have OLD, broken down players and if you think you guys will be back next year (most likely 3-4 years), you're dreaming.

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