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Settle this argument Is zion real or a computer program

Guest saleen351

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

okay, here's my theory.

Previous versions of the matrix were programmed to harvest human energy and worked perfectly except for one anomaly. free will. that is what the architect wants to program out of the matrix. That's what neo's purpose is. When neo has a conversation with the governor of zion they go into the whole dependancy on the machines and free will bit. The governor mentions that the people of zion can turn off the simple machines that filter water and provide electricity if they wanted to. But if they did they would die. The fact that they can turn off the machines gives the illusion of free will. That is what the architect want to program into the matrix. He wants to give humans the illusion of free will so they will willingly give the machines the electricty they need to survive. Free will has crashed previous versions of the matrix and now threatens to crash the latest version. The difference between this matrix and previous versions is agent smith and neo are now both operating outside of the matrix.

I have a headache :(

fuck man have you seen the movie ?

stop giving it away:worry:

Guess I will know soon any way:idea:

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

okay, here's my theory.

Previous versions of the matrix were programmed to harvest human energy and worked perfectly except for one anomaly. free will. that is what the architect wants to program out of the matrix. That's what neo's purpose is. When neo has a conversation with the governor of zion they go into the whole dependancy on the machines and free will bit. The governor mentions that the people of zion can turn off the simple machines that filter water and provide electricity if they wanted to. But if they did they would die. The fact that they can turn off the machines gives the illusion of free will. That is what the architect want to program into the matrix. He wants to give humans the illusion of free will so they will willingly give the machines the electricty they need to survive. Free will has crashed previous versions of the matrix and now threatens to crash the latest version. The difference between this matrix and previous versions is agent smith and neo are now both operating outside of the matrix.

I have a headache :(

I kept my posts sort for a reason :idea:

Stick to the photoshop posts.. LOL

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Originally posted by saleen351

guyman thinks it's another part of the matrix to keep the ones who reject the matrix happy..

I don't know if that is the way that they are going, but that is definitely an option that they left open. I would not be surprised if they do not fully resolve it in the "final" episode.
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Originally posted by coachjames

I don't know if that is the way that they are going, but that is definitely an option that they left open. I would not be surprised if they do not fully resolve it in the "final" episode.

Agreed! But, I have to wait 'till next week to see it. I'm Mr. MOM this week.

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Originally posted by sunnyhost

Is anyone here even remotely close in their theories?!?!

Some no more than others. I really dont want to say much sorry. You will all know the truth by the end of the day after everyone has gone to see it.

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You guys should have called in to Party 93-1 last weekend, we had a SPECIAL SCREENING monday night. All I can say is..there are things in this movie that can never be copied. It is njot only an emotional rollercoaster, but simply the most incredibly creative action sequences ever created for the cinema.

As for the question of if Zion and New are constructs of the machine world? You'll have to wait and see.



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