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its humping time!


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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

its hump day! :3some:

i'm going to see the matrix tonight. i figured i waited long enough to see the other two. i really hope that old guy doesn't come on again and yammer on for 20 minutes. :rolleyes:

going to see matrix3 at 3 at potomac mills/yards/whatever... saw neech at platinum last nite, good stuff! going to LA this friday for five days! week is already packed! woot!

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----Don't worry, it's really me. My username and log in aren't working (this happened years ago and that's why I have this name)

Anyhoot, HAPPY HUMP DAY!! My day is already off to a shitty ass start. I had a customer yelling at me at 9:10 am (coffee wasn't even STARTED yet!) I have an exam tonight (which I didn't get to study much for) and I'm horny! :mad:

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Originally posted by patural9

hey im going to LA on friday too, what are u doing over the weekend there? (clubs)

didn't have any concrete plans other than visit my parents... and they live in the fucking STICKS.

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You know... I'd love to see the friggin matrix but I'm sure it's going to be sooo packed. I hate having to share and arm rest sitting next to some wierdo I don't know.

Saw Neech and Aly last night too... took a cab ride home and I think I left me car keys in the bloody cab!! Curses~!!!:mad: :mad:

I'm never drinking alcohol again...............................during the week that is. :screwy:

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