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on a sad, serious note.


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once and awhile ill post something serious and meaningful.

over three years ago i moved back to miami and started my physical therapy company that services handicapped individuals. my first patient was a individual named Arnaldo P. He was 34 at the time and had cerebral palsy since he was born. He was fed by a tube and couldnt talk due to a traecheotomy. Due to the cerebral palsy, Arnaldo's legs were severely deformed and due to this he was unable to walk and was confined to a bed for about 14 years. I began treating Arnaldo twice every week. Over time I began to develop a strong relationship with Arnaldo's parents and Arnaldo himself. Even though he couldnt talk, I soon understood everything he was trying to say by facial expresions and gestures. Arnaldo had a wheelchair, but, the problem was that his elderly parents were unable to physically get him into the chair..so..the only time that Arnaldo could escape his bedroom was the two times a week that i would come over. In fact, if you ever drove on flagler street around 3pm on tues and thursdays, you may have seen me pushing Arnaldo around.

As i was getting ready to go to Arnaldo's house on tuesday, i received a phone call from Arnaldo's dad saying that Arnaldo had passed away the night before. It really left me in a state of shock I can only imagine how devastated his parents are. They have been caring for Arnaldo for the last 37 years. He had been thier life.

I went to the house on tuesday and it was so wierd to go into Arnaldo's room and have him not be in there. One thing that i will never forget were all the times that i would come over to his house, usually caught up in whatever bullshit my day had given me and there was Arnaldo, 37 years old, a hole in his throat, a hole in his belly, unable to walk or talk, basically a prisoner..................with a huge ass smile on his face--happy as hell to see me.

please keep Arnaldo and his family in your prayers.

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I am very sorry to hear about the loss of someone you have spent time with. Many times we live our lives as though nothing else matters and no one else exists. I have come to realize that life is precious in every way and my prayers are with his family and friends. Be strong and this too shall pass.:( :( :( :( :(

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I am sure that you were a focal point in Arnaldo's life, the daily comfort you provided him and his family made his life that much easier...........

It's times like these that the lord above show's us how lucky we are just to be alive and healthy. I'm sure Arnaldo would have given anything just to be able to do what we do everyday live life with no restrictions..............

R.I.P. Arnaldo It's people like you who show us what strengh is all about

God Bless........

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