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ephedra banned in ny.....


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i think the govt's pissed because it was such a hot thing that they didn't have a piece of...

the FDA will corner it and re-introduce it eventually I am sure

It's a shame it started to be abused, like GHB. I wonder if there is going to be a black-market for Ephedra?:hat:

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Probably cause of the fact that I over used it. I did not like it for some reasons. But loved it for others...

I was very on edge and very jumpy and would get agrivated over things that would normally never bother me.

And like I said before in previous posts I think it fucked with my metabolism after I got off of the stuff. Either that or just because of the fact that I lost my cravings for food while I was on it. A little after I got off it. I craved and would wind up eating more than normal...

But I dont think they should have banned it. I think they should have stopped putting it in pills and left it alone as far as the athletic drinks. Cause when I would drink an energy drink it was not nearly as powerful as the pills. But you did feel the effect of it.

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Originally posted by ou812

People misused it, so they banned it. Wonder why they haven't banned alcohol and cigarettes yet?


Yeah no kidding.....whenever I see those truth or crazytown commericals for cigarettes it makes me sick to my stomach....just horrible how corrupt everything is

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by ou812

People misused it, so they banned it. Wonder why they haven't banned alcohol and cigarettes yet?


the only reason why alcohol is legal at this time is because they have already tried prohibition (1920-1933).

cigarettes are next on the hit list - mark my words, if they can get NY fucking City to ban them in bars, tobacco prohibition is right around the corner, my friends. face it - we live in a "no" society.

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Originally posted by hroark

the only reason why alcohol is legal at this time is because they have already tried prohibition (1920-1933).

cigarettes are next on the hit list - mark my words, if they can get NY fucking City to ban them in bars, tobacco prohibition is right around the corner, my friends. face it - we live in a "no" society.

Dude i hate to say it, but i think you are right. Maybe not in a few years, but there will be a big push comeing sometime.

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Originally posted by hroark

tolerance is the cornerstone of freedom - you are a member of the "no" group, hence a rimbamboo.

This is true, but is does go both ways. Hence my freedom to not have to come home smelling like an ashtray. And you still have the freedom to go outside and smoke.

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