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Guest saleen351

well two things:

They are right, there is no Miami house sound as much as oscar and ralph proclaim, which i'm still laughing at.. Miami House is like Idaho guido anthems....:laugh:

But all of them failed to realize now that nocturnal, space, nv, i/o and if you read cj yesterday and my post, a new club just signed the lease at old space, that sobe has zero shot...

1. mansion will fail

2. maze will fail

3. nerve will fail

4. crobar sobe ain't gonna do so hot

just the way the world of economics and markets work..

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For the length of the discussion and article it is very generic. most of the panel doesn't give any concrete suggestions on how to improve the scene. I would really like to see a panel discussion that is no holds barred and just everyone let there true feelings out. Even in the article it still seems that most are out for themselves.

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to say that you'll book any DJ who can bring 150 guests might be smart business, or it may just represent a lack of direction and an act of desperation.... I mean that's usually the reasoning that leads to booking hip-hop parties at venues that formerly tried to specialize in dance music

just my 2 cents

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Originally posted by saleen351

well two things:

They are right, there is no Miami house sound as much as oscar and ralph proclaim, which i'm still laughing at.. Miami House is like Idaho guido anthems....:laugh:

But all of them failed to realize now that nocturnal, space, nv, i/o and if you read cj yesterday and my post, a new club just signed the lease at old space, that sobe has zero shot...

1. mansion will fail

2. maze will fail

3. nerve will fail

4. crobar sobe ain't gonna do so hot

just the way the world of economics and markets work..

As long as hip hop is the mainstream, sobe will survive. Just gonna be all around more like the middle of washington ave.

1. Mansion will not fail, its the opium peeps behind this and they got what it takes to survive on sobe. Look how packed opium is week in and week out.

2.Maze will not fail, it already has.

3.Nerve got some nice acts lined up and I like the place, but not sure on its future.

4.Crobar not too sure.

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The highlight of the article in my opinion is the following:

"Piper: I'm very much interested in this 18-and-over story [Miami Beach does not allow people under 21 to congregate around or enter into nightclubs], because I think it is a major turning point. I think the young people from 18 and up are the energy of the place. They are fresh, they are eager, they give a certain angle that you don't have with the 21 and up. A lot of clubs know that, but they are really risking their businesses by letting people under 21 in because they know these people are cool. The Hilton sisters, for instance, until now, were an example. What, you're not going to let them in?"

This is a good point. Sadly the real problem lies in the fact that in America's biggest cities, there's too many under 21 year olds that are extremely immature, or wannabe thugs, that are either looking to start fights, or are irresponsible with all of the illegal drugs they want to do. They pretty much ruin it for everybody their age.

Most of us on here on Club Planet are over 21, but I'm sure a lot of us were clubbing way before that age. Hell, I was barely 13 when I first started going clubbin. You'll also notice that in most of the other hot club spots around Dade County you need to be over 21 to get in. So what happens is they turn 21, and they want to go to the clubs playing a more mainstream Pop sound. They're not yet ready to embrace a real club scene. See where the problem is? That's why Hip Hop parties are doing so well right now in SoBe with the kids who just turned 21.

Now I'm definitely not saying all clubs in SoBe should go 18+, but a lot of them could benefit from having an 18+ weekly, or even by opening at earlier hours of the day. The city of Miami Beach should let clubs make up their own minds as to how to run their clubs, and who to let in.

One idea is to have clubs offer this hybrid of a trendy dance/bar/cafe for all ages from like 4 PM to 10 PM on the weekends, or even all week long. Call it a pre party, or call it a place for business workers, TOURISTS, and students to come and chill to good music, read a book, or hang out with friends. I mean really, why must all the clubs open their doors at 11 pm or midnight? They could be making a lot more money by opening at an earlier time and catering to more crowds. Just give people a fair/cheap admission price, and they might just come. It could both give a lot of new DJs a shot at spinning, and expose the younger generation to a diverse range of good music...

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interesting, if you make the place a restaurant, and coffee shop, and then maybe you can get away with selling liquor too, or like 2 business in one, with the same soundsytem...

I wonder about this 24/7 cafeteria place that's opening on Lincoln road, supposedly they were going to have a liquor lounge inside, and dj's too.... what if you had closed circuit tv from the lounge with a camera on the dj and a screen in the other area

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Originally posted by saleen351

well two things:

They are right, there is no Miami house sound as much as oscar and ralph proclaim, which i'm still laughing at.. Miami House is like Idaho guido anthems....:laugh:

But all of them failed to realize now that nocturnal, space, nv, i/o and if you read cj yesterday and my post, a new club just signed the lease at old space, that sobe has zero shot...

1. mansion will fail

2. maze will fail

3. nerve will fail

4. crobar sobe ain't gonna do so hot

just the way the world of economics and markets work..


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Originally posted by eKiTeL

to say that you'll book any DJ who can bring 150 guests might be smart business, or it may just represent a lack of direction and an act of desperation....

I agree wholeheartedly on this. I was kind of pissed when I read that, but it does indicate the attitude of most of SoBe clubowners. It should not be the expectation that a DJ is also a promoter ... sure, it makes sense for clubowners who have no interest in building an audience for their club, but it really sucks for the scene, and makes every DJ try to sound like everyone else, just to bring in the crowds. That's what's missing in SoBE these days ... no one is willing to give a new sound a chance. If there isn't a packed club on opening night, the DJ who is trying to do something unique doesn't get a chance to build an audience.

The reason SoBe is all the same is because clubs stopped trying to do something different and build a name for a special style. The variety of people going to the beach is gone, because there's no reason to go there any more unless you want to hear hip-hop or some safe, watered down "dance music". So, everyone goes to downtown where you can still hear something challenging. There's no reason we can't have the variety that you get in NYC, Philly, or DC ... except that many of SoBe clubowners are trying to make a quick buck.

When you do the same as everyone else, it's hard to draw the crowds away from other places doing the exact same thing every night. Try something challenging on a Thursday or Friday now and then and you just might get onto something big *before* it happens everywhere else. But you have to take the chance, first.

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