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off topic, but need help


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Originally posted by darlok

Religion breaks ppl apart? What religion do u practice? Witchcraft?? I went to catholic school and turned out to be a good lil boy.. Attending catholic school and Prayin teaches kids good values which u don't and never will have rudebitch.

U should be shot for blashphemy somebitch

i think she means not to have religion in public shools bcuz there are many diff types of religion in public schools and its not fair to focus on only one, thats y catholic schools should focus on that kinda stuff, i am very religios and im not bashing either , we are just this huge meltingpot in this country and to focus on only one religion in public schools is not right. atleast thats what i think she is saying ;)
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Originally posted by shroomy

I normally wouldn't jump on someones shit, but if your going to jump all over her's.... fuck it.

Go get your money back from your catholic school if you don't understand her point.

And they obviously didn't teach manners.

While not exactly stated eloquently, she means, people often use religious boundries and differences as reason to, if not hate them, at least put a distance that normally would not have been there. And its funny, the closer the religions are to each other in both ideology and geography, the less they seem to get along.


i remember when i was younger all the people of one religion would hang out together & they kinda chose their friends based on this. it was stupid. i will always think an environment where people break into cliques based on religion is unfortunate.

darlok, get off my nutz. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by sugarnspice69

ok, i am so not the book worm or school oriented type, but anyway i am so bad at essays and i have one for a clas that is due in a couple weeks, and i have to have an outline by tue i am so screwed.......... anyway, does anyone have any good info of " The separation of church and state" ???? prayer in the classroom, im a dumbass and am horrible w shit like this, please help, please


stressed out sugar :(

girl, out of all the forums to ask, why the sex forum??

your essay might be illegal in some states if u ask these pervs for their opinions

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