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Originally posted by dkny8

Rumor has it he plays for both teams, but who gives a fuck what a DJ's orientation is. Gay people are primarily responsible for this scene you clueless imbecile. You call yourself a "DJ" and you don't know this, hilarious. :rolleyes:

uhm.... thats sounds like a biased statement.... so are you also willing to say that gay people are responsible for the proliferation of E and K ... and G scene???

yes many of the great clubs of years gone by catered to gay people in the 80s and 90s.... garage palladium etc. But straight people and women especially were never alienated from the parties...Do you think larry levan ever whined like a bitch when there were too many women at the garage??? I think its sad that gay people feel that they need to have their own night... that they don't feel accepted by mainstreem society....If anything the hardcore after hours clubbers embrace gay people more than any other group of people.....Do you think they should have a jew night... or a black night ... or maybe a lesbian night?

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

uhm.... thats sounds like a biased statement.... so are you also willing to say that gay people are responsible for the proliferation of E and K ... and G scene???

yes many of the great clubs of years gone by catered to gay people in the 80s and 90s.... garage palladium etc. But straight people and women especially were never alienated from the parties...Do you think larry levan ever whined like a bitch when there were too many women at the garage??? I think its sad that gay people feel that they need to have their own night... that they don't feel accepted by mainstreem society....If anything the hardcore after hours clubbers embrace gay people more than any other group of people.....Do you think they should have a jew night... or a black night ... or maybe a lesbian night?

When did I say E, K, and G. Please READ. I'm not even gay, so I don't know what bias you're talking about. The house music scene would not be as prolific as it is if it weren't for gay people. I'm talking about gay people being at the foundations of EDM back in the 80s. I didn't say gay people at the exclusion of straight people, however, house music back in the early days WAS targeted at gays and blacks i.e., Paradise Garage. Bottom line, house music STARTED in gay clubs.

Educate yourselves:


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Originally posted by dkny8

When did I say E, K, and G. Please READ. I'm not even gay, so I don't know what bias you're talking about. The house music scene would not be as prolific as it is if it weren't for gay people. I'm talking about gay people being at the foundations of EDM back in the 80s. I didn't say gay people at the exclusion of straight people.

i might be seeing things but you said gay people are responsible for "the scene" which does include E, K, and G. House music would never have gotten out of chicago if it didn't gain mainstreem acceptance......tere is no real house music anymore anyway..... its all pseudo house.... fiiltering gimmiks and recycled cut and paste loops

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

House music would never have gotten out of chicago if it didn't gain mainstreem acceptance......

Again I repeat, I didn't say gay people at the exclusion of straight people because as you say, it would never have gone global had it not been for mainstream acceptance. The point I'm making is that I find it funny/pathetic that many JP fans have to resort to gay bashing commentary, considering that Sound Factory and JP would probably never have been around were it not for gay people.

As far as the comment regarding drugs, don't put words in my mouth. I already explained what I meant, i.e., that gay people and gay clubs were at the foundation of house music. That's how they are responsible for this scene. The drugs are a whole nother can of worms and a different topic altogether.

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Originally posted by djgrod

Riiight instead of a "Meth Head" they have a sperm slurping homo behind the decks... So instead of "Guido Hard House" we'll all get prancing diva fag anthems..... Sounds like a party!!!! Whoooo.... Instead of K and Tina the chemicals in SF now will be Geratol and HIV meds.... SweeT!!!! Can't wait...... This party is gonna be great... That is if Junior doesn't break a hip going down on Richard Grant.

youre a fucking moron. plain and simple.

take your ignorance and intolerance elsewhere.

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Originally posted by djgrod

Riiight instead of a "Meth Head" they have a sperm slurping homo behind the decks... So instead of "Guido Hard House" we'll all get prancing diva fag anthems..... Sounds like a party!!!! Whoooo.... Instead of K and Tina the chemicals in SF now will be Geratol and HIV meds.... SweeT!!!! Can't wait...... This party is gonna be great... That is if Junior doesn't break a hip going down on Richard Grant.

You're an ignorant ass and a disgusting human being. You are a pathetic loser and an embarrassment to heterosexuals.

Gay bashing is so 1990's - fucking moron!

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Im Str8t and cant wait for Junior to tear up factory....It doesnt matter who you partying with IE shirtless chelsea boys or Shirtless Jersey Meatheads....Its all about Dancing, MUsic and People not the sexual orientaion.....the people bashing gays on this site are just insecure....Props to Jaysea and BigPoppaPanils..U guys where right on ........

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Originally posted by djgrod

Riiight instead of a "Meth Head" they have a sperm slurping homo behind the decks... So instead of "Guido Hard House" we'll all get prancing diva fag anthems..... Sounds like a party!!!! Whoooo.... Instead of K and Tina the chemicals in SF now will be Geratol and HIV meds.... SweeT!!!! Can't wait...... This party is gonna be great... That is if Junior doesn't break a hip going down on Richard Grant.

:eek: wow, totally out of line...........

This is really sad that all of these little boys are getting so upset that they need to start with the gay criticism.

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Why don't all of you who just jumped all over me take a look back at the post and think about something.... My initial post said NOTHING homo-phobic about JV, NOTHING!!!!! I just stated that his Earth party bombed and that I felt that his party @SF would bomb too. Last time I checked I was entitled to my opinion no....? Well along comes Rollin and he makes the assumption that since I like JP I must be a juicehead drug addict. Jp's a meth head yadda yadddaaaa yadddddddddaaaaaaaa..... It's all been said a thousand times before. But that's ok.... I love the double standard that people operate under. It's ok to call ALL of JP's fans drug addicts and make accusations if they disagree with you and your opinion. But yet I get balled out for negatively sterotyping JV and his crowd.... First off Rollin- You don't know me. So don't make accusations about me. Have I done K- Yea I have. Tina and G...? Wouldn't touch that shit if you paid me. But because I like JP and I disagreed with you.. I'm fair game. But if I fire back I'm a jerkoff.... Funny how that works huh???? And that DJ that you are all rallying around... Guess what- He's a bigot. He doesn't like anyone that doesn't resemble him. That is, he doesn't like anyone that isn't a gay man. He doesn't want them at his parties, and he makes it a point to let everyone know that. Say what you want about JP- Everyone was welcome @ his SF. He didn't get on the mic and bitch about any group being there, didn't tank a set because there were too many of one type of person on his dancefloor. Junior does. So talk all about tolerance until your blue in the face. JV is the intolerant asshole. And personally, I'd rather be dancing to a DJ that may be doing Meth, then dancing to a DJ that does't want me there because I'm not what he thinks I should be.......

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Dig I feel you. I have gone through the same critisim with rollin. Seems like Junior fans bash individuals cuz they truely know how bad Junior sucks. The gay crowd is usually super cool, with the exception of the JV crowd. I have alot of gay friends that can't stand JV for the same reasons as you have mentioned. I am tired of people sayiing SF people are meatheads and guidettes. I am french/Italian(not a guidette that rollin called me. Im a clothing designer and I love JPs music, they need to stop steriotyping us JP fans. I don't say that all JV fans are gay. Cheatas gay crowd are the most awesome to chill with, the JV fans suck.

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id like to see some new faces in the booth... theres a whole generation of guys just waiting for that break...who could blow everyones mind if given the chance.... unfortunately talent only doesn;t Cut it .....

This is gonna sound real fucking stupid... but .... i was a magic johnson's super bowl party last year..... who was the dj.... Biz Markie.... the most fuckin fun I ever had......

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Originally posted by djgrod

JV is the intolerant asshole.

Originally posted by djgrod

Riiight instead of a "Meth Head" they have a sperm slurping homo behind the decks... So instead of "Guido Hard House" we'll all get prancing diva fag anthems..... Sounds like a party!!!! Whoooo.... Instead of K and Tina the chemicals in SF now will be Geratol and HIV meds.... SweeT!!!! Can't wait...... This party is gonna be great... That is if Junior doesn't break a hip going down on Richard Grant.

Originally posted by djgrod

Nope your all about Homo DJ's and Homo clubbers. Have fun at the new Fudge Filled Factory... Dick Licker

sorry...looks like youre the only intolerant asshole around here


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Go back and read the ENTIRE POST instead of cutting and pasting. Read it and think about what I said..... When people drop to the lowest common denominator... I can drop lower. Rollin wanted to make sterotypes about JP and his crowd, and I used sterotypes about JV and his crowd..... Doesn't mean it's true. But when you gotta fight fire with fire- so be it....

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