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anyone looking for roomates?? 3 of us!

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You KIDS cannot be serious

Originally posted by tinkerbell89

i know this sounds crazy, but me and 2 of my friends are "running away" up to new york, and we need a place to stay for a while!!! we are kinda young...if you want to talk more or whatever email me little_raver_fairy@yahoo.com and thats my yahoo sn...or if u know a cheap place we could stay contact me..thanks!

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Don't be so surprised. They make me think of that young girl down the block from Virgen records, sitting outside of Duane Reade with a cup and a sign in her hands. It was cold outside. I am sure that girl was just looking to start fresh in NY, too. While, I couldn't offer her a place to stay, I gave her ten bucks. Very sad.

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Well, I have to at least admit that I give them credit.

Many people have that "up and left" sorta idea but a very few actually follow through.

The same time, sweetie, seriously go abouts such a move a little bit safer. Save denaro, research of places to live, and most of all. Do not follow up anything you find online.

Granted there are a bunch of cool people on clubplanet that are down to earth, but there are also the whackjobs, on here as well as elsewhere.

I shant sound like a parent and tell you a bunch of horror stories, but I will tell you this. Shit, very bad shit, does happen on a near daily basis in NYC.

And please dont take this the wrong way, but MS? Minnesota I think with my geographically retawded ass, is completely different.

Im not saying your sheltered or anything like that, but to give you an idea, I grew up my whole life in Jersey and have been all up and down in and out of the city 1000s of times since I first got into it and STILL I see something different and whacked daily.

It is an awesome city to live in but will eat you alive if your caught off-guard.

I know your going to do whatever you feel like doing, but at least be a bit more careful...:cool:

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Originally posted by muzikchick


I gave them the name of the website, my conscience is clear. It's better than ending up in the hands of some pimp daddy. 14 years old...not even old enough to deliver the news paper.


Didnt even cross my "overflowingwiththoughtsatthemoment" mind.

Very sweet move, chick. Feel better and celebrate becuase now its official. Your cool in my book..:cool::D

I know...

I know...:isok: what to do after such a goal has just been met?

You will find something....:laugh::kiss2:

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Heres my advice, kids.

-Stay in school

-Get a job at the mall, or wherever people in Mississippi shop

-Save money

-Don't get knocked up by a cousin

-Wait till you turn 18

-Dig up this post and have a chuckle about the stupid things you thought about doing when you were 14

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