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I just don't understand women anymore...

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I'm sorry Kitty if I said it the wrong way, what I meant is that I have a lot of friends that I would at one point want to be involved with but in one way or another, but for some reason I would rather stay friends that take it to the next level (call me a punk, I guess). I don't feel I have to find someone (a b/f) at all. Oh noooooo, I am not that old and even so, it doesn't phase me. I haven't had too many b/f in my life thus far and I doubt that is going to change. I was talking about me wanting to be friends more so than lovers in most cases. Thats all

cwm30.gif ~*Jam*~ cwm30.gif


...I can't see you, you can't see me! :)...

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Originally posted by jamjimvin:

I'm sorry Kitty if I said it the wrong way, what I meant is that I have a lot of friends that I would at one point want to be involved with but in one way or another, but for some reason I would rather stay friends that take it to the next level (call me a punk, I guess). I don't feel I have to find someone (a b/f) at all. Oh noooooo, I am not that old and even so, it doesn't phase me. I haven't had too many b/f in my life thus far and I doubt that is going to change. I was talking about me wanting to be friends more so than lovers in most cases. Thats all

cwm30.gif ~*Jam*~ cwm30.gif

Whoops on me now. I didnt mean it towards to you sweetie! I just meant I have noticed many people in general seem to be taking this perspective on.



There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.

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Originally posted by rally2000:

Shadow - forget it - you'll NEVER figure them out!

they are the most fucked up creatures on this earth ... i gave up trying ... i suggest you do the same.

just read some of the pathetic female responses in this thread and you'll see that there is NO fuckin way to comprehend their thought process!

Pathetic females? You don't know any of us personally and I don't think making mistakes is pathetic.. Of course maybe you're perfect and never did anything that you regreted later..

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Hey bro, sorry to hear about your situation, that definetely sucks. The only advice I can give (as a fellow "nice guy" LOL) is to keep doing what you're doing, and don't ever let your emotions get into until it the relationship gets serious. Flat out, just dont give a rat's ass smile.gif

And like most of the other guys said, don't try to understand women. It's not gonna happen kid. Maybe one day science will develop some type of technology for that...but till then, don't try it, you might hurt your brain! hehe



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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

I've seen this shit that women do all the damn time. WHY do women go back to ex-boyfriends after they treat them shit, dumped their ass? Why? Do women get off on that?

Why doesn't a woman see a guy that she knows truly likes and cares for them deeply. They're on the same wavelength, have everything in common, makes them laugh...basically know each other inside out, what makes each other tick.....but yet they go back to a guy who's an asshole in every sense and treats like them crap.

Could someone explain this to me if they know why. Maybe I'm just blind to see it or I should give up caring all together?


Oh sweetie !!!! You seem like a guy who is too good for any of that garbage... stay aways from girls like that.. They, I mean we, all go through that stage.





"One is not born a woman, one becomes one."

- Simone de Beauvoir


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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Pathetic females? You don't know any of us personally and I don't think making mistakes is pathetic.. Of course maybe you're perfect and never did anything that you regreted later..

NO - not that the females here are pathetic - the responses to the question posed by Shadow were pathetic!!!!

go back and read what i said ... come on - you females are fuckin nutty birds - you don't know what you want ... hahaha

read all of the other replies too - i'm partially kidding around to juice this up! lol

Jam - i know you're a woman - i do read this stuff once in a while.

No i never met any of you but i will at the next meetup ok - how's that???



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Originally posted by rally2000:

OMG!!! this is exactly what i'm talking about - a typical female response ... outraged at my comment which was made to Shadow - partially in jest

of course can't label every female (or maybe you can as evidenced by this thread)

either way how is that insulting these women ... i just tell it like i see it ... most women make absolutely no sense when they get involved with "bad" guys ...

go back and read some of those replies Cathyo - maybe you'll see what i mean ...

oh wait - no you won't - you're a female - forget it!

males and females are just too different

Relax Rally, I was not in any way "outraged". There was no fast and furious typing going on here. I just said you insulted the girls who posted here by calling their responses pathetic. As far as the comment being made in jest, it didn't seem that way, let's be real, that sounded like a generalization from someone who's been hurt.

I'm not disagreeing that sometimes women make mistakes in staying with the wrong guys, that's not what I was conveying to you. I was just saying it wasn't polite to insult the previous posters without knowing their situations.

As far as the "oh wait - no you won't - you're a female - forget it!" Come on Rally, lets not be childish.

Whatever, I'm not trying to start any drama. This is silly.



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Originally posted by cathyo:

Relax Rally, I was not in any way "outraged". There was no fast and furious typing going on here. I just said you insulted the girls who posted here by calling their responses pathetic. As far as the comment being made in jest, it didn't seem that way, let's be real, that sounded like a generalization from someone who's been hurt.

I'm not disagreeing that sometimes women make mistakes in staying with the wrong guys, that's not what I was conveying to you. I was just saying it wasn't polite to insult the previous posters without knowing their situations.

As far as the "oh wait - no you won't - you're a female - forget it!" Come on Rally, lets not be childish.

Whatever, I'm not trying to start any drama. This is silly.

hey Cathy stop taking yourself and this board so seriously ... OMG! chill girl

if you think my reply was insulting then how do you read this board - cause almost every thread has some insult in it.

yeah i've been hurt but i'm not that upset - i was throwing some digs in to get the thread going and to read some replies ...

and this ain't drama girl - this is tame




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i think the main thing is that the common sense part of the brain is different on men and women.. with men, it's a natural thing, with women, it's a rare bird..

generally (not necessarily always) until a woman's biological clock steps in the picture, they will fuck over so many "good" men and get screwed over by so many assholes that a logical mind cannot comprehend this paradox.. the nicer the guy, the "extra-crispier" the treatment..

the sad part is, as soon as a woman feels the need of permanence she'll go looking for the safe and "decent" types.. and these fellas will be very cautious because they've been burned before and many a times will a woman end up in the company of an asshole because of her bad history with good guys.. so what happens to the decent guys? i don't have the answer to that yet.. either i stay decent and figure it out, or i'll turn asshole and never find out..

damn.. i needed to vent a little.. and yeah, been burned (badly), done that.. have VERY little trust in our modern day woman.. probably because i haven't met one that can change my mind..

morph_ cwm23.gif

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Morpheus - you and I need to hang ... i can totally relate

and no woman on this board will change my mind with some nifty sweet talk about the way I'm insulting the females ... thank you



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This problem happens to both men and women. However, in my own life experience, women tend to gravitate towards "assholes" more than the guys but it does happen both ways.

This condition is called "Co-dependency", I think. It's when something went wrong in your own life and you see the need to fix it via trying to fix your partner. This make you feel whole (in a sub-consciences sort of way) but absent the partner, your life in incomplete. What would trigger this are things like bad relationships with members of your family or a difficult childhood. But there can be more reasons as well.

How to solve this problem is to realize why you act the way you do and what is really hurting you in your past. Once you make yourself whole again, then you can identify your destructive and dysfunctional relationships.

There is more to this then what I just wrote, but I applaud some of the suggestions made here. You can't know why, till you know why...




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I got an idea! Why don't you all turn GAY and stop whining about how pathetic women are!!! Daaaamn.. There are sooo many fucked up guys in the world, too. People in general are wierd creatures and do the stupidest shit throughout their lives. Understanding people is a part of maturing. If you don't understand women yet, give it some time and some thought and you will..

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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

All of us guys who got burned by women should meet up for drinks and swap stories. Boy, do I have some. beerchug.gif

In the same regard my love, we too have been burned many a times. Noone is perfect. Its both males and females. We dont understand you guys and you dont understand us. Difference in the chemical balance!



There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.

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One thing I've learned for sure: if you see the girl is screwing you over, don't waste your time on her. And I've seen a lot of guys do that (including me at one point). Everyone complains how a girl won't let go of an asshole. A guy who hangs on to her hoping she would change is displaying the SAME EXACT trait he complains about. And it actually makes sense if you think about it... It's just hard to let go of someone you care about. And no advice can really help - you gotta be able to put your emotions aside and realize it yourself.


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Originally posted by rally2000:

Morpheus - you and I need to hang ... i can totally relate

and no woman on this board will change my mind with some nifty sweet talk about the way I'm insulting the females ... thank you

i think there'd be a lot of guys everywhere who can relate.. and mysteriousss, i never said women are pathetic smile.gif they're just very very confusing - even mind-boggling - for the no-bullshit-no-games guy..

here's another one smile.gif can anyone explain me how a guy's chances with a girl increases, the less he seems to be looking for a girl??? it's the female psychology that CAUSES a males behavior..

dzadza: consider the fact that men usually hang on for romantic reasons while women hang on because of any of the following reasons: the reduced commitment, the potential for being abused, the hopes for an ego boost by taking on an impossible mission to change an asshole, to be the one to dump the other one last, etc. etc. ..

but what can i say, men are suckers for women.. it's our nature..

Abstrakt: you, me, rally and shadow oughtta organize a guys night-out and.. nah.. fuck that smile.gif ladies our invited too hehe (shameless pick-up plug)

chill people

morph_ cwm4.gif


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This is where i heal my hurts

It's in natural grace

Or watching young lives shape

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Solutions and remedies

Enemies becoming friends

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hahaha - you fuckin guys are killin me! lol

yeah i got some stories to trade too - OMG! I've really been burned 2x - lol

i still love dem women ... never turning gay!

still don't understand a lot of the female replies or explanations - whateva ... peace



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Originally posted by smashlips:

boys are stoopid

here's the short reply:

and girls are smart.


right.. ok.. hehe.. damn.. i'm cracking up..

fuck it, don't wanna waste my time with the long reply.. it's just too fucking long..


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