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something bad is going to happen in miami this week...


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Originally posted by nexusgroove

I see roits on the streets of Miami....

FTAA....Dade County schools are going to be closing for I think, Wed, thurs. fri. of this week upcoming...

alot of office are going to be closed as well in the downtown area.

the beach will be restricted....

I see this coming.

:confused: WHATS A ROIT ?? :confused: :confused:
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Originally posted by pod

Damn fucking communists causing trouble. I doubt anything will happen since most of them will be too stoned to cause any problems.

y r they causing trouble pod....please back this up....these r just people who r not sheep lije the rest of the country....these r the people who see that the government r a bunch of fucks who like to do exactly that and fuck us over....and they r not afraid to let there voice or any otherpart of there body b heard.....i for one support people who can stand against the esyablishment...especially one that is always trying to pull the wool over our eyes....i know it has nothing to do with trade, but this would be a nice time for us to get togehter and protest that rave act, or anything else we find an injustice in this dumbass country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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Flip, they're protesting against a free trade zone that encompasses both North and South America...i.e. with lower and non-existent tariffs on goods going both ways, it means cheaper prices for everyone. Plus the economic benefit to Miami will be enormous...if the FTAA decides to set up camp here, it will mean a huge expansion of the Port of Miami, making us one of the largest ports in the world, right up with New York and Amsterdam. These people see a global economy as a bad thing...strange, they tell us to be open to new ideas, and a globalized economy means more trade, and with trade comes ideas...the FTAA really has nothing to do with civil or human rights, it's all about trade.

I'm not denying their right to protest, far from it, but I really hope they do remain calm and peaceful, and not get in the way of the normal operations of the city...i live and work on the beach, and if my schedule is affected, I'll be righteously pissed off...and if it affects the nightlife, god help those protestors, because I sure won't.

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Originally posted by pod

Flip, they're protesting against a free trade zone that encompasses both North and South America...i.e. with lower and non-existent tariffs on goods going both ways, it means cheaper prices for everyone. Plus the economic benefit to Miami will be enormous...if the FTAA decides to set up camp here, it will mean a huge expansion of the Port of Miami, making us one of the largest ports in the world, right up with New York and Amsterdam. These people see a global economy as a bad thing...strange, they tell us to be open to new ideas, and a globalized economy means more trade, and with trade comes ideas...the FTAA really has nothing to do with civil or human rights, it's all about trade.

I'm not denying their right to protest, far from it, but I really hope they do remain calm and peaceful, and not get in the way of the normal operations of the city...i live and work on the beach, and if my schedule is affected, I'll be righteously pissed off...and if it affects the nightlife, god help those protestors, because I sure won't.


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Something is going to happen in Miami this week.....

Some people are pissed off about it......

So they will riot to show their anger.....

Those are the basic details. For the real facts, I have no clue. All I know is that to avoid Downtown this week at all costs!

Besides, I'm sure they will exploit this over the news.

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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

Something is going to happen in Miami this week.....

Some people are pissed off about it......

So they will riot to show they anger.....

Those are the basic details. For the real facts, I have no clue. All I know is that to avoid Downtown this week at all costs!




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Originally posted by pod

I'm not denying their right to protest, far from it, but I really hope they do remain calm and peaceful, and not get in the way of the normal operations of the city.

Not gonna happen. With 20,000 protestors here or on their way, it's gonna get ugly. Real ugly.

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the corporate media likes to portray these protestors as "anti-globalization" in order to make them look like they against the common good, however these people are actually protesting against a number of things, one of which is the way that globalization is happening, in such a way that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer... and it's not just stoned hippies, most are actually trade unionists who don't want to see their jobs shipped over seas, and when you think of it isn't it kind of silly to ship raw materials to other countries where labor is cheaper, to assemble products that are then just shipped back here for sale, seems like a waste of effort to me

of course there are all kinds of other issues involved, this link might have more info http://www.stopftaa.org/

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ekitel took ,my responce right out of my mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and although im not against globalization in any way.....i see things just ironic...were going through an unemplyment upheavel around here, and are government is having a meeting on how to get jobs for people in other countries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to keep there rich friends ticher, becuz its cheaper to do things elsewhere!!!!!!!!! which hey u cant blame the buisnessess cuz it makes good buisness sense!!!!!!!!!!

when r we gonna hold r government responsible for fucking us over....all the time!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!

still waiting for an answer....and as was previously stated people r protesting for many different reasons, cuz they know all the people who need to listen r in the same area....so its not only a trade thing!!!!!!!!!!!

but hey were entertained in this country by things much more important than our own wellbeing.........did any1 see that paris hilton video!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!:idea:

dont worry at the end of the day we will all go back to being the sheep the government expects of us!!!!!!!!!!!!

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