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JV & his tolerant followers : I NOT SPINNING TILL THE "

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First off... Why should Jonathan have to take Friday's...? Why shouldn't Junior taken Fri? JP has done more for SF and RG then Junior ever did. It was Junior that stated that RG could have the SF name, but he would never work with him again. So he changes his mind and JP should take a back seat???? Regardless of the fact that Junior and Richard started SF back in the day... SF is Jonathan's house. It stopped being Junior's a looooong time ago. If you say Junior, you think Twilo, Tunnel, Palladium. Not SF. SF is Jonathan. Loyalty counts for something, no matter what anyone says. Richard showed none in this case. Jonathan helped make him a very very rich man. Prob more then Junior did. So to say that Junior doesn't have LARGE shoes to fill is not true. If this Raw party lasts a year and then folds, will it be considered a worthwhile party??? No... it will be considered a failure. Junior better make this party fly and fly for awhile. Because the days of resting on his laurels about what he used to do are over..... His fans and him can talk all about what he has done in the past, but in reality, if this bombs, thats the end of Junior. Earth was a disaster, and if he re-aligns with SF and that won't work. It's obvious that JV is washed up. Right now, like it or not, Jonathan is right up there with the legendary NYC DJ's. Right up there with Junior. And Danny. And Larry. Jonathan had a great run, maybe the best run ever. But if Junior didn't suddenly change his mind about RG and SF, would all of the reasons that everyone gave about JP and why he was replaced be legit.... No. He didn't do the #'s.... pulllleeese... they did 6k+ at Halloween. And RG's excuse that he didn't do the #'s that he did on reg nights is B.S... they did more #'s on themes, so it's all gonna even out.

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Originally posted by djgrod

But if Junior didn't suddenly change his mind about RG and SF, would all of the reasons that everyone gave about JP and why he was replaced be legit.... No. He didn't do the #'s.... pulllleeese... they did 6k+ at Halloween. And RG's excuse that he didn't do the #'s that he did on reg nights is B.S... they did more #'s on themes, so it's all gonna even out.

So what then is the reason that all this happened? I'm honestly asking because I have no idea what caused all of this.

It seems, though, that Richard has every right to move onto something else if he so desires. He is the owner of the club.

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whoever said "JV does not like you b/c you're a woman he does not want lesbians or bi-girls there...he just wants gay MEN"

wrong, wrong and 10000x wrong. Myself (and a ton of other str8/bi/whatever women) have been @ jr's parties consistently for 10+ years - close woman friend of mine is a close friend of his, he has had a few woman assistants over the years, promoters, etc - I've had the MOST warm and inviting and positive reception and welcome into every single event of his - never a female issue (yes, I am with gay men, and yes, had I been a drunk giggly girl cheesed up with 10 girls and a limo, things would be different - but who can BLAME him for not wanting that? Its the stupidness/cluelessness/drunkness and wrong focus of PEOPLE - men or women - that he hates)

10 + years and every club from orig SF to Tunnel to Arena to Twilo and everything inbetween...never an isssue, the best parties I've attended, best friends I've met, became close with many of the regulars/staff members of his camp as well as the venues he spun at....a bunch of the producers he works with, NEVER a negative word/issue/comment.........ever. So just as much as everyone complains about a "fish" comment that they hear through the grapevine --- what about the ppl like me and every other woman who's had a similarly WONDERFUL experience over all those years? Surely if im saying this, there are many more women who are in the same boat (I know about 25 personally)

Its HOW ppl act - man woman gay str8 - whatever--- if there were drunken musically clueless loud ppl in a club I was spinning at , I'd throw shade and turn cunty too!

Again I dont agree w/ everything everyone does - hes done some un necessary things for whatever reason ( and is he not allowed to have bad moods and bad days - his MOTHER died and he spun a 20+ hour set the same night - HES ALLOWED to be human and emotional ! dont we all get bitchy sometimes as well? ) There are many times where hes wonderful - promotional things ,in record stores, hanging out at an afterparty, with friends.. and no one hears about that - they only hear about the 'fish comment'................

Again musik - right- there's more violence and hatred in some of these STUPID comments to us women on THIS post than I've gotten from any gay party - ever. lol........

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Originally posted by MissDiva

Its HOW ppl act - man woman gay str8 - whatever--- if there were drunken musically clueless loud ppl in a club I was spinning at , I'd throw shade and turn cunty too!

Again musik - right- there's more violence and hatred in some of these STUPID comments to us women on THIS post than I've gotten from any gay party - ever. lol........

--Danny T, doesn't like those pocket book in the center of the dance floor drunken giddy girls, either....lol.

--And point number 2, and these violent comments from a str8 guy toward a woman.....shameful.

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Just said in another post - 5 minutes into any gay event and I get 2, 3 ,4 sweet, fabuloud, wonderfuly amazing comments/compliments, "gorgeous" werk the outfit honey... and various other friendly hugs and smiles and "hi's" ........

5 mins into MOST str8 events and I get looked up and down snottily by some women, booby-ogled by men, and ass grabbed by cheese guys.......

there's something to be said for gay men/events.......too bad so many ppl haven't figured it out :) just means more for us hehehe!

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Guest shortyrockrox
Originally posted by muzikchick

Someone who obviously can't deal with the truth.

You're a hopeless case.

Stay off the roids, dear, they make you violent....it's not appealing.

Have fun dancing in the streets, thank yourself for losing your home with that nasty vicious attitude.

"narrow minded" what a fucken jokester!!!

You must be kidding.

Yeah stfu because DjGrod definitley isn't a roid head, and wow look how quick you are to jump on the name calling, stereotyping bandwagon. Get over yourself, your just as bad as all the gay bashers. At first I thought you seemed intelligent but the more you write the stupider you sound. And honey you act as if your so "open minded", it seems like the only group your accepting of is homosexuals, and really they don't need you as there spokesfish!!!

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Guest shortyrockrox
Originally posted by djgrod

There goes another well informend comment by a typical JV fan. I'm not on roids there dear, in fact I don't even go to the gym. I'm a scrawny 6 foot 170lbs guy. And I couldn't give a fuck about it either.... So why don't you get a clue as to what your talking about. Keep talking your shit. When JV passes 7 years at SF, come and gloat on the message boards about this being a succussful party. Until he does that, shut your mouth, cause as far as I'm concerned, he's got to pass JP's time and numbers, and $ made for this to be considered even remotely worth while. So you tell me if you think that'll happen. 7 YEARS and not a day less......

Grod, isn't JR like 60 something now??? I think he'll be dead by then!! lol:laugh:

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Originally posted by shortyrockrox

Yeah stfu because DjGrod definitley isn't a roid head, and wow look how quick you are to jump on the name calling, stereotyping bandwagon. Get over yourself, your just as bad as all the gay bashers. At first I thought you seemed intelligent but the more you write the stupider you sound. And honey you act as if your so "open minded", it seems like the only group your accepting of is homosexuals, and really they don't need you as there spokesfish!!!

If he did roids, atleast he would have an excuse, so, he's a natural asshole....who threatens to slap women. What a man.

spokesfish, I was speaking on the behalf of myself, MORON.

I wasn't name calling anyone till now, and MORON has been earned....you can thank me later. You apparently aren't mature enough to understand, anyway.

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Guest shortyrockrox
Originally posted by muzikchick

If he did roids, atleast he would have an excuse, so, he's a natural asshole....who threatens to slap women. What a man.

spokesfish, I was speaking on the behalf of myself, MORON.

I wasn't name calling anyone till now, and MORON has been earned....you can thank me later. You apparently aren't mature enough to understand, anyway.

He's not an asshole, I know him very well. He's just sick of all you people bashing the person he admires. He didn't threaten you, and if you do feel threatened by message board banter, maybe you shouldn't be here. I know he would never put his hands on anyone, especially a womam for that matter. He was just trying to get a rise outta ya (which he did)

Anyway, really, you don't think it's ok for people to bad mouth gays, but you'll join right in bad mouthing and stereotyping other groups.

and yeah I'm a moron. Ouch. Thats real mature.

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Originally posted by shortyrockrox

Anyway, really, you don't think it's ok for people to bad mouth gays, but you'll join right in bad mouthing and stereotyping other groups.


What "groups" might that be? The "groups" who resort to hate, because they can't properly express their emotons? Yes, I am not crazy about the "haters group", but I never called them anything.

Just because I am tolerant, I will let you know, what you are experiencing is greif. You're not coping very effectively, though.

This may help:


And for fun and free publicity:

(Junior + woman picture)


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Guest shortyrockrox
Originally posted by muzikchick

What "groups" might that be? The "groups" who resort to hate, because they can't properly express their emotons? Yes, I am not crazy about the "haters group", but I never called them anything.

Just because I am tolerant, I will let you know, what you are experiencing is greif. You're not coping very effectively, though.

This may help:


And for fun and free publicity:

(Junior + woman picture)


HA HA thats funny, FYI although I did spend quite a bit of time in my life at SF, in the past 2 years I have only been there 4Xs.

I am not experiencing greif, I'm actually excited to see JP somewhere else, I just find a lot of of what you have written to be offensive, and out of line. Not everyone that goes to SF and/or likes JP is a crackhead, guido, t-shirt & sneaker wearing K-head. (your words)And even if they are who are you to judge? Are you God? I happen to agree with you on the issue concerning Gay bashing, it's dead wrong. However don't be such a hypocrit, any kind of bashing/stereotyping is wrong, not matter who it is, nobody likes to be torn apart or insulted, no matter what it's based on. Just because you personally don't find the stereotype to be "insulting enough" doesn't mean everyone feels that way.

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Originally posted by shortyrockrox

I just find a lot of of what you have written to be offensive, and out of line. Not everyone that goes to SF and/or likes JP is a crackhead, guido, t-shirt & sneaker wearing K-head. (your words).

my words????????????????????? you have me mixed up with someone else, I think. That does not qualify them as a group of people...as in ethnic, race, religious group etc.

Just because they have aquired that reputation, ie. I never use the term Craketory...but, I know SF has been refered to it as such, also Drug Den etc, it wasn't me that gave that reputatio to them. Ask anyone in NYC.

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Guest shortyrockrox
Originally posted by muzikchick

my words????????????????????? you have me mixed up with someone else, I think. That does not qualify them as a group of people...as in ethnic, race, religious group etc.

Just because they have aquired that reputation, it wasn't me that gave it to tQuotes made by Muzikchick that i find offensive....

But, since your from Jersey...You'll have to get out of Jersey a little more often

richard Grant has been around since the legendary days, perhaps he is just sick of catering to the shirtless and sneaker k-hole crowd.

p.s.--from the interpretations of that NY Times article, Crobar doesn't want the k-hole crowd. So, I would rule out Crobar.

Here are just a few examples of comments that ticked me off to refresh your memory. I don't have the time to look through every single thread, but there are more. You are stereotyping people who go to factory or like JP and thats not right.

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yes, getting out of Jersey more often and into the world would probably help you be less ignorant. It was a tit for tat comment, I agree. I'm not perfect, but my comments were far from hateful and violent.

The SF crowd earned their own name.

The picture gallery on SF's website, shows the shirtless sneaker crowd, itself. It's not like I pulled that out of nowhere. I had my brief encounter with that club, at one time, I know what it is. I have talked many a k-holer out of their hole. I never touched the shit, myself....but to each his own.

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Guest shortyrockrox
Originally posted by muzikchick

yes, getting out of Jersey more often and into the world would probably help you be less ignorant. It was a tit for tat comment, I agree. I'm not perfect, but my comments were far from hateful and violent.

The SF crowd earned their own name.

The picture gallery on SF's website, shoes the shirtless sneaker crowd, itself. It's not like I pulled that out of nowhere. I had my brief encounter with that club, at one time, I know what it is.

Not everyone there is like that though!!! And the pics on the website are not only of people wearing tee-shirts and jeans.

I'm not from Jersey, but I can relate because I'm from Long Island, which takes it's fair share of bashing.

Anyway, Junior Vasquez has earned a name and image as well, but that doesn't mean all gay people, or any person that is a fan of his is like that, just like w/JP and SF and point being if you don't want to be judged don't judge.

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Originally posted by shortyrockrox

point being if you don't want to be judged don't judge.

There is a difference between judging and promoting hate. It is human nature to judge--everyone desides what they like or dislike...or we'd be zombies. To spread hate is a totally diff. thing.

I never said they were ALL that way. But, a great majority are.

Hate and violence...........segragates people. Likes and dislikes promotes creativity & variety, which is a good thing.

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Originally posted by fuclubkidd

actually he shut the music off at TWILO on more than one occassion & at EXIT some1 threw something at him and he got on the mic saying i hope whoever threw that glowstick at me was NOT gay

WTF does that have do to do with anything....his career is over, he should retire and put himself in an old age home

Etienne! :D

ok let me start off with a buffer,

you know I love you right??


:laugh: :laugh:

jp's career is over and honestly I dont even know when it was on :confused:

jp sucks and they should have shut down that party 4 years ago

Yeah I agree junior's party hasnt been doing well post twilo, but he is still the best dj, unlike ur boy jp who plays one track for 45 min.

As far as the whole vagina hating is concerned, he only hates the crackhead whores who waste valuable space on the dancefloor.

Im glad most of this board and jp prepubescent mutant crackhead morons are homophobic and have no idea what good music is.

I wont mind the extra space on the dancefloor, and I wont have to be careful not to trip over some sweaty guidos g'd out on the floor cause they don't know how to party.

With all that said, stay away from junior's party, um yeah he sucks, jp rocks


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I'm out on this one too.... Actually I don't know why I ever excerted this much energy on the topic anyway.... It's like trying to get a Giants fan to like the Eagles or vice versa. Just not gonna happen. Best of luck to JV and SF... I hope for NYC nightlife's sake it's a blessed union..... All you JV fan's have fun @ SF..... It's a great place and I hope you have as many great memories there as I did. As for all the JP fans... Bigger and better things await....

D- Thanks for sticking up for me. You know that I'd never slap a girl.... I know I'd never slap a girl. I' just kick a kid down the stairs that trys to slap you.....:laugh:

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