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Is she Woth It.


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Alright i have been seeing this gurl for 6 months and in this time we separated seen other peeps and went back to each other, we both love each other. i mean she tyed to get me to clean up my drug habbit. i know that she cares, i care about her, but latly all we have done is fight, we will have a few good days no fights or arguments, then out of nowhere a riot starts. i see her every day, i think that there is where my problem is, i need some space from her, i told her this befor. she says either i have her or i dont, she is not going to wait all alone for me to come back. i know that i need space, how can i get it.

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6 months and u love her


there something to be said about relationships that move too fast

and its usually not good

if u need space simply just tell her and don't call her as much or hang out until u sort out whatever u sort out

what good can u be in a relationship if u have issues and hangups?

if she can't understand then o well

i'm sure she's not the first and last girl you'll "love"

u just took a break and now your fighting???

no offense but it dosn't sound good

well to each his own, not like i know the whole background

and as far as your "habit" goes

you should clean up on your own account for u and nobody else


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not like i know the whole background

Well we have been friends for 5 years. I was friends with her X which she left for me. So that was awkward at 1st. So the way i see it is i did not say i love you in 6 months. I said to her after 5and1/2 years. She is a really great person, Funny, Smart, Sexy, Very Kinky, and we share alot of the same veiws on life and music. I know I love her. I will always love her. I just dont know if i can be around her any longer, Maybe we were better of as friends.

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Originally posted by replicorexxx

not like i know the whole background

Well we have been friends for 5 years. I was friends with her X which she left for me. So that was awkward at 1st. So the way i see it is i did not say i love you in 6 months. I said to her after 5and1/2 years. She is a really great person, Funny, Smart, Sexy, Very Kinky, and we share alot of the same veiws on life and music. I know I love her. I will always love her. I just dont know if i can be around her any longer, Maybe we were better of as friends.

actually 6 months (depending how long you spend time w/ a person)

is long enough to have similar feelings to love

i'm just bitter cause i just broke up w/ my boyfriend

sounds a lot more invovled and serious then at first glance

if shes that important to u friends is better than nothing at all

thats reeaaally hard to do with the way it sounds like your invovled with her

good luck

hope your relathionship turns out better than mine did:tongue:

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First try not spending as much time together like only one or two nights a week together, that maybe all you really need. But if that still doesn't work out for you then you will have to make a decision if you leave her are you willing to give her up cause she may find someone else that she is better off with. but just don't spend quite so much time together and see what happens.

I hope this helps you out some!!!

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i was with her for an hour tonight then i left, we did nothing at all, i was online posting shit here while she was on the phone with her cousin, i had to hear them talk about her new boyfriend, she is depressed i dont want to turn my back on her, but at the same time i dont want to hurt my ownself trying to make her happy all the time. i just dont get the same pleasure out of seeing her anymore. she wants to spend all day tomorow with me after work, i really dont wanna see her. i just can't take all the shit she gives me. she said hat she wont put a smile on for me, she wont just smile, i never asked her to, but it would be fucking nice if she tryed to seem happy every now and then. after all that shit she stated to talk to her aunt online, completly ignoreing me standing right next to he. i asked her if she wanted to tell me any thing, she said no, so i told her we need to talk, she said i dont wanna, so i told her you cant have every thing you want. she then went off on how her aunt makes her happy and i i do is piss her off. thats when i heard enough, i did not say another word, i just left that bitch at home online all alone. fuck that, i am not taking that shit anymore.

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Originally posted by replicorexxx

i was with her for an hour tonight then i left, we did nothing at all, i was online posting shit here while she was on the phone with her cousin, i had to hear them talk about her new boyfriend, she is depressed i dont want to turn my back on her, but at the same time i dont want to hurt my ownself trying to make her happy all the time. i just dont get the same pleasure out of seeing her anymore. she wants to spend all day tomorow with me after work, i really dont wanna see her. i just can't take all the shit she gives me. she said hat she wont put a smile on for me, she wont just smile, i never asked her to, but it would be fucking nice if she tryed to seem happy every now and then. after all that shit she stated to talk to her aunt online, completly ignoreing me standing right next to he. i asked her if she wanted to tell me any thing, she said no, so i told her we need to talk, she said i dont wanna, so i told her you cant have every thing you want. she then went off on how her aunt makes her happy and i i do is piss her off. thats when i heard enough, i did not say another word, i just left that bitch at home online all alone. fuck that, i am not taking that shit anymore.

sleep with one of her friends

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Originally posted by replicorexxx

Thats not gangsta thats GAY!

Chill nigga! I got nuthin' but love...you don't want it with an OG like Tranzwhore.

By the way TW, I heard about that bitch's dome you cracked open the other night. Let me know if you need some "reinforcement". When am I coming down to the dirty, dirty to hussle some niggas in Celo? Get that Remy ready for me and my boys aight.

Guard yo' grill!

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Originally posted by nomembername

Chill nigga! I got nuthin' but love...you don't want it with an OG like Tranzwhore.

By the way TW, I heard about that bitch's dome you cracked open the other night. Let me know if you need some "reinforcement". When am I coming down to the dirty, dirty to hussle some niggas in Celo? Get that Remy ready for me and my boys aight.

Guard yo' grill!

NMN - u make me laff, nigga! bring ur ass down here!

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