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I might go.. I'm still exhausted from LAST weekend.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Frank you promoter-wannabe! *laugh* Trust you to organize the offical fuckin' meetup...damnit, I bought Pappa's nubreed CD just before I left the US and you don't know how much I wish I were back there right now...haha just got an email from Sid the other day as well, he's doing alright...anyhow...hi to y'all from clubnyc...wish i could meetup, but there's always next time...as for mr. shadowchaser...you'd better dance a little on friday! oh yeah...find a source already *grin* and either write a good review or PM me a good review..i wanna live vicariously through everyone else...

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Originally posted by artful:

I might go.. I'm still exhausted from LAST weekend.

awwww. . . buck up buckaroo!! cwm37.gif


"The laughter was like a drug, but what was more like a drug was the drugs."

"I need to go home."

"You ARE home." -_Almost Famous_

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I'm there .. heard too many good things about Pappa from all of you at S&D to not check it out. Another 6am meetup? Sigh ... another weekend of screwed up sleep. You people will be the death of me.

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Originally posted by artful:

I might go.. I'm still exhausted from LAST weekend.

Ok Ive been home DYING IN BED all week long! I hrdly have a voice. All my joints ache. I feel like my head is going to explode.

I DONT wanna hear a THING about you bein tired. Hey Ive been comin up with some break dancin moves for ya...hahah You cant miss that ! cwm2.gif



"Together we witness one of the most delightful in our time......so umm, LET THE BASS GO!!!"

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I'll be there EARLY..... my li'l sister's bday celebration is gonna be there, but she and all of her college friends are poor and stuff, so we wanna get in for $20 before the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> expires.

Btw, is it 18+ the entire night?



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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let's get this straight- we're meeting at 3 AM at the powerbar not 6 am.

i don't think that it'll be packed as much as pvd and s&d, sadly, so 3 sounds good to everyone?

and artful, you fellow bronx science nerd, you have to come and reprezent with me!!



*turn it around baby*

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Let's all hold hands and pray for me!!



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

You better go...don't make me and Charlie drag your ass out. cwm27.gif

frankie, i had this feeling you always wanted to be a thug. . . or the thug's accountant. . .LOL. cwm35.gif


"The laughter was like a drug, but what was more like a drug was the drugs."

"I need to go home."

"You ARE home." -_Almost Famous_

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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

Who told you?? cwm6.gif

Don't make me have to get Moose & Rocco to break your legs. cwm27.gif

Yo can I be your bitch then? I always wanted to be one of them! cwm41.gif



"Together we witness one of the most delightful in our time......so umm, LET THE BASS GO!!!"

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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

Sure. I always need one to smack around. pimp.gif


if i find you friday in a leisure suit. . . i'm gonna slap you around like a red-headed stepchild. . . cwm19.gif


"The laughter was like a drug, but what was more like a drug was the drugs."

"I need to go home."

"You ARE home." -_Almost Famous_

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Originally posted by clubmonster:

It will be cool to finally meet some of you..

Question what would you say is the average age in there? I hope not like Exit on fridays they let anybody in.. thanks cwm20.gif

They let everybody in... otherwise I wouldn't be able to get in, but they might not let you in cause you might have Exit's smell still on you...


Dream a little dream...

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I might actually be able to go tomorrow!!!! I can hardly believe it.

I want my Twilo cherry popped!!

Now, since I've never been there, how much is the door and where is the PowerBar located in relation to where you first walk in??



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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Originally posted by cathyo:

since I've never been there, how much is the door and where is the PowerBar located in relation to where you first walk in??

25 or 20 on list before 2

Just ask anyone where is Jr's booth, its right underneath it!


Use email DJmikeDR@aol.com

PM way too slow!

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