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Thank You Mr.miami(officail Bbq Review)


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What a day first of all I want to thank Mr.Miami for putting up his house and letting us all have a wonderful evenning.

As for the BBQ what can I say it was a 10 a fucking 10 ! ! ! ! Great hanging with CP peeps.There was food of all kinds for differnet tastes as well as the music, enjoyed very much every DJS SET ! ! ! ! DjSS,GROOVERICS,LYRIKS,JIMMY T, Mr.MIAMI,OBBY, all of ya sets were just outstanding.It was nice meeting a few new faces of the famous CP like Lyrik,Mp3some,Macfunk, and a few others it was noting but good times. :beer:IMO this place should be the official place for CP BBQs but that choice doesnt depend on me.... :DAnother thing it was nice to see the folks come out and show support and contribute in different ways.I had a blast got buzzed of drinking fucking Michelob Ultra Light :laugh: :laugh: hey,I had 4.Then Ashely hooked up with a smashley and did the job :eek:This a must do again before Christmas....the weather was just pooooooooifect, had the music loud knowing popo aint going to come busting our chops...Felt very comfortable and once again THANK YOU.Great having back MIA Felicia.

TILL NEXT TIME, PEACE.Great seeing everyone.

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Originally posted by philippio

I blame this on raincrysobe and thephoenix. I waited for them forever!!! :laugh:

Sorry I missed it. It sounds like everyone had a great time!!!

I will try my best to come to the next BBQ!!!

My sincere apologies,


those slackers! :tongue:

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another "smashing" c.p. bbq...i know we got there late and we didnt stay long, but the time we were there was great.....full of good food, good people, good tunes, and most importantly good times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i want to thank mike for giving up the ranch for the party....where was the goat!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?:laugh:

Leo for cookin up the grub....and im gona tell u y the food was so good....cuz leo cooked it with genuine care!!!!!!!!!!!!

my mom used to give me tat line when i was a kid!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool:

was nice meeting the new c.p.ers and of course u older c.p.ers ur what makes it go!!!!!!!!!

there were some hot chicks out there that were not introduced to me!!!!!!!!! for future reference...all hot chicks u must introduce urself to me, for no ohter reason that i like to be introduced to hot chicks!!!!!!!!!!!!

aside from that good times were had by all......the next bbq will probably be here in the land of fliptoniaaa!!!!!!!!! probably sometime in january....it will be a bring in the new year c.p. bbq!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe sometime mid january...we will keep u posted!!!!!!!!!!!!

until the next time heres to good times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

i want to thank mike for giving up the ranch for the party....where was the goat!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?:laugh:

Leo for cookin up the grub....and im gona tell u y the food was so good....cuz leo cooked it with genuine care!!!!!!!!!!!!

my mom used to give me tat line when i was a kid!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool:

aside from that good times were had by all......the next bbq will probably be here in the land of fliptoniaaa!!!!!!!!! probably sometime in january....it will be a bring in the new year c.p. bbq!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe sometime mid january...we will keep u posted!!!!!!!!!!!!

until the next time heres to good times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What? You need a cook for Fliptoniaaa ???? :cool:

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AHHHHH yes had a great time yesterday, tons of food AGAIN was served up....DJs were all on point, every one of them. Everyone was having a great time....I would like to thank Michael, Ashley and Felicia, of who I had only just met that night, for hosting this party.....the place and the land was incredible. I almost wandered straight into the pond trying to make a call on my cell. A big thank you to JimmyT and Obby for introducing me to Mr. Blueberry last night :D Good seeing a lot of what are now becoming more and more familiar faces....I am not going to go through the names because I talked with just about everyone there last night, but it was good seeing you guys and it was good meeting some new faces...Leo, (groove)Eric,chaflas and I'm sure there are more. Can't wait for the next one!

PS - Phillip---->WHATEVA!!!!!!

(You missed some crazy-funky beats yesterday)

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This is what fun is all about. I talked to many people at the BBQ about this. I go to a club to hear good music and hang out with friends, but at the BBQ we had all this and more like no bullshit, food, liquor and a relaxed atmosphere. If I could do a party like this every weekend and not step foot in a club, I would be there. Like it all has been said much respect and thanks to MrMiami your place is great, along with all the other roommates. I was amazed at the sound system for being a small setup it sounded great and perfect for the occasion.

Between Pod and I, I am pretty sure we got pictures of almost everyone. It seemed like every time I turned around to take another picture there was more people, Smashley drinking again :laugh: , Leo cooking more food, Obby eating again :laugh: , a new DJ on the decks , and everyone with big smiles on their faces.:D My freind Shannon also had a great time and this was the first time she has been to anything like this here. She already asked me when the next one was, and she loved meeting everyone.

All the picture will be up within a day or two when Dan and I can get them all edited and posted.

I already can not wait for the next one at the Land of Fliptonia.

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Thank you guys for having me again at your BBQ. Like the past ones, I had a great time and am already looking forward to the next one. Nothing better than hanging with cool people that enjoy electronic dance music as much as I do. I was highly impressed by many of the DJ's and their sounds. Just by looking at them I noticed that they do it cause they love it and not just because they can. Me myself being a music freak love seeing the way underground dance music is being appreciated more and more these days by most.

Here are my highlights:


What a fucking crib. HUGE!!!!! Mr. Miami has a private pond in his back yard full of small mouth bass. Talk about being able to relax at your own crib. Wow. Thanks for having me Mr. Miami.

2 - Leo on the grill (this guy is down as hell)

He definitely knows what he is doing

3 - The blonde girl from Kentucky

I am sure she hears this allot but I am here to remind her anyway. YOUR GORGEOUS.

4 - The juicy juice and vodka in my oversized cup which I must say. IT WORKED. I was buzzed.

5 - Pod having to put up with the "trance sounds".

Hope I didn't bore you Pod.

6 - Erik being slick and snapping shots of me while I was eating, AGAIN.

If you post them, we'll have problems.

7 - The blueberry

Lyrik and T, you know what I mean. Next time I will bring enough for everyone to enjoy.


The place was full of sweet beats which is somewhat hard to come around these days. Good job everyone.

and last but not least

9 - The blond girl from Kentucky. YES YOU AGAIN.

Still stuck in my head. This girl is staright up beautiful.

Thanks again for having me guys. I'll be in New York for the next week but will catch up with everyone personally when I get back.


Sounds Of The Underground



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Yes that blond girl from kentucky is off the chain!!!

Thank you everyone for coming!! I had great time, and Felicia was sooooooo surprised, she loved it!!! The food was great, thank you Leo for taking on that job, there was soooo much food to cook. Thanks to all the dj's for playing, the music was awesome all night long, thank you again.

Thank you all for contributing to a wonderful BBQ, and also for being respectful at my place, the clean up wasnt that bad!

Thank you grooveeric for ALL that you did, that mackie can push out some sound!!

It was great to meet some face's and allways good to hang out with the old!!

You guys are allways welcome to come back to the Ranch!!!!

Thanks again to everyone!;)

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yeah i have to say...i keep on trying to get hooked with those hot kentucky chicks, but for some reason i cant get em to ....whats the word im lookin for!!!!!!!!!! o.k. im just gonna stop mid thought!!!!!!

all i have to say is i know very little of kentucky but what i do know so far ive liked....long live kentucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fuck dem peeeople!!!!!!!!!!!!;):D:laugh:

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OMG!!! I am TRULY AMAZED at all the talent that was at the BBQ!!! I seriously had no idea how talented all of guys are. I enjoyed everyones set for different reasons and I cant wait to hear youall again. I had to leave mid MrMiami set (boohoo) so I didnt get to hear Obby or JimmyT.:(

The BBQ itself was fabulous! You know me i LOVE to meet new peeps and I met quite a few. MP3SOME...you rock and Im glad we ran into each other at SPACE (great dance partner), OBBY...you are way chill looking forward to hanging again, WILDMIAMI...what a sweet little boy you have, thanks for letting me keep him occupied. I know I met many more and the usuals were off the chain as always. :D

Looking forward to the next BBQ...can Leo be the cook again??? Nice work man! Oh and Kamikazee...yummy shishkabobs!!! I think I am going to have a party at my place where I invite all the guys to come over and cook for me.:laugh:

Thanks again Mike and Felicia!!! You guys are the best!

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Originally posted by mrmiami

Eric, check your pms!!

Your welcome CrazyC

Thanks again to all who made this a great BBQ!!! I can't wait for the next one at Flips!!

oh, and the other Erik, those shiskabobs were off the chain!!!

get back 2 werk crackaaa
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