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flu season...


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with forecasters predicting a gruesome winter this year... what is the impact of flu season on the economy??? Media says there could be hundreds even thousands of deaths??? Really? Does more death mean more or less jobs??? does sick people mean more or less jobs??? i think its more hype than it is fact... and network news companies need something to attract viewers so this is the topic du jour... IMO... (sidenote i hate it when they have that musical tone chime in with the white lettering on bottom of the screen and then say "tornado's, hurricanes, high winds, flash floods in our are" stay tuned for updates... lol meanwhile nothing ever happends... how come there isnt a cry wolf law for this???

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Originally posted by dgmodel

i think its more hype than it is fact...


Originally posted by dgmodel

... how come there isnt a cry wolf law for this???

...i hold weather men/women in the same light as politicians...never truly accountable and constantly changing their statements...

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