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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

[DCNC]ACT NOW to Protect DC's Nightlife and Music Scene


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Over the past year, the D.C. Nightlife Coalition has kept you up-to-date on the latest attacks on nightlife and the dance music scene here in the District. Now is YOUR chance to help! Stop the attacks banning MUSIC, DANCING, DJs, and ENTERTAINMENT at nightlife venues throughout the city!

Tell the Mayor and the D.C. Council to enact long-overdue reforms to stop the abuse of nightlife venue licensing laws and Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) regulations! ACT NOW BEFORE THE MUSIC STOPS!


We've made your participation easy! Simply use our sign and send auto-emailer by clicking here. On that page, you will be able to edit (if you chose to) a sample email that will be sent directly to D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams, D.C. Council Chair Linda W. Cropp, D.C. Councilmembers, Mr. Eric W. Price, D.C. Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, Mr. Fred Moosally, General Counsel, D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration (ABRA), and Mr. Charles A. Burger, Chair, D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Board. All you have to do is provide your name, email address and street address. Then, simply click submit and you've done your part to help protect D.C.'s nightlife and dance music scene!

Please note that you do NOT have to be a D.C. resident to participate.

Thank you for doing your part to keep D.C. dancin'!

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  • 1 month later...

guys, this isn't about whether or not you like the scene. the point is that DC government regulations make it such that those of us who enjoy going out are not given legal recognition in the licensing process.

If you think the scene sucks, fine, but the point is that the scene will be gone altogether, good or bad, unless unless we make it known to the DC gov that we support nightlife venues.

make sense?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn, I've never heard so much crying in my life. I bet you whiners are only doing it because you have a diaper rash or you've soiled yourself again and there is nobody around to give you a fresh diaper. Hey, if you think the scene in D.C sucks then simply stay home or keep your liver company at a bar somewhere (I'm sure it likes the undivided attention). You talk about how badly the crowd sucks, but in reality you are part of that crowd...that sucks. If you look hard enough it's not so bad. I'm sure there is something for you guys here. Whether it be Britney spears karoake night or Spaghetti disco night at the local firehouse. Eventually you will find something that suits your taste if you're willing to put forth the effort (instead of whining mind you).

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No one can deny the DC scene sucks. It sucked 3 years ago and now it is worse. Much worse. Ask any club owner. Ask any club goer. Where the *(#* have you been? Sleeping under some rock? Dance clubs are switching to hip hop 'cause the crowds aren't there like before. However, if some particular shitbird wants to take it personally then feel free. You can just sit in your cage in denial and do nothing. OR IF you want to change it then change it. Everyone agrees that the DC scene sucks. There is always some piece of #&*# talking #$&* to people who show them the truth. Btw, I do stay home. WHy cause the DC scene sucks!

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