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>>The DEAR DIARY Thread


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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

December 2nd, 2003 (1:41pm)

Dear Diary,

Tired, annoyed confused, hungry...

I gotta go feed all my dogs....get ready to go visit my Grandma (which she's prob. playing bingo right now) and them rush over to work...

she's temporarily living in a senior citizen home while my house in getting renovated...she actually loves it there, and we were in shock because we thought she was gonna hate it there..

...Everytime I visit the "home" i get depressed...

...all the people living just want to talk and be around a young person....anything I say amuses them and I can see their eyes brighten up when they see my sister and I walk in the "recreation room" especially when I bring my little puppy they all get so excited and happy...

I really cant wait to have my grandma close to me again...I miss hangin out with her and watching old greek movies... :(

Ok....gotta go now...

bye bye

that was nice

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dear diary,

woke up at 6:45....i went 2 work..daddy came in around 9:00 ish......i workD til 3:30...then i went to 86th street 2 buy something for chai..... now i'm home thinking if i should go back to work???? hmm... i dunoo, i AM tired, but, robert might pass by,,, shoot this sux,,

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Decemeber 2, 2003 (Tuesday) 8:21pm

-Dear Diary,

Cold, soooo full, & hyper....

I just ate the most DELICIOUS raviolis...and I added my greek touch them and threw in some feta cheese....YUM!

My dog Techna basically ate my entire chicken soup :blank:

She's gonna be farting like a maniac later...hahhaha

Im totally freezing...the heat is NOT working....Keyspan is coming tomorrow to figure out the problem....my hands are freakin numb, i would think they would get "warmed up" from typing so much....why dont they? they should! Whenever you exersize a part of your body, that part warms up...THEN WHY NOT HANDS & FINGERS!!! Damn that SUCKS!

Oh well... gotta go brush my teeth...Feta breath is gross...


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Dec. 2, 2003 10:10pm

Dear Diary,

WTF. my boyfriends friend was killed in a car accident last night. i feel terrible. he was so sad when he told me what happened. why are all of these bad things happening to people? is it that time of year or something? i dont get it. just when he was done being my shoulder to cry on, i have to return the gesture... :(

ugh. time for another shitty weekend...


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Dec. 2 10:54pm

Dear diary (a.k.a Santa)

I had a shitty day... my friends at work took my car when they went out to lunch..the gas was low, but the fuckers didnt even think to fill 'er up !! When I left work, the sucker ran outta gas on me on the friggin highway :mad:

Had to sit in a cold car for 45 minutes B4 some assist rolled by to save ma ass.... I was cold and cranky as hell... :mad: I'm ashamed of myself for being kinda rude to the tow guy... he was just doing his job....my sorry ass got stuck at the most innappropriate time..... and the best I could say was..."what took you so long?"

Compared to bina...I think I got it easy.... sorry ma.. hope your bf holds up. Life is tuff... There's a reason 4 everything in life..good or bad. Make that boy remember life is still a good thing despite the hardships.

Santa, you better make this xmas season memorable :)

Its been a shitty year...christ !!!

P.S Santa..I'm waiting 4 my laptop :)

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Dear Diary,

For whatever reason, I woke up in a really great mood today. Totally didn't mind the traffic on the way to work, was singing outloud in my car along w/the music.....The week is once again halfway over....

Omg -- Christmas is 3 weeks away and I haven't even started my christmas shopping! I think I'm gonna have to hit the mall all day Saturday......!!!!!

More later, gotta get back to work :D

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Originally posted by dustyrebel

For Pete's sake... stop killing the clowns!!!

Did you ever see Stephens King "IT" they all deserve to die, they deserve to float......down there, gwuahahahahaa.

My sleeping pattern is totally shot to shit, went to bed around 4am and woke up at 630am, ugh.

Trains are so fucking packed around 8am and it sucks balls big time. I mean seriously, ppl it's full, wait for the next damn train. I wait for the next one if it's too packed, seriously now why do I wanna be all up on someones armpit, come on now.

HUGE workload today so at least i'll be busy most of the day.

Found out about the cell phone for my lil bro, sucks it goes under a contract too, sucks it should go under my contract not a new one but whatever, he'll love it as a bday gift so is all good.

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Originally posted by dustyrebel

They don't deserve to die. Clowns bring joy to the world. Specifically to disabled children. If you're not going to do it for the clowns, at least do it for the children.

Stop posting useless blogs! Children need clowns!

Your so right so right, i'm sorry clowns, i too admired you all when I was a wee tyke.

But I shall continue to blog along with anyone else, most the stuff on these message boards is useless anyway, just don't read or hit up the threads you don't like.:tongue:

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Sucks for Joeg, he can hope all he wants...I have no tree:tongue:

Also I feel for all these poor poor souls who keep slammin on this thread or on other ppl period, that's a lot of bad karma, damn a lot of it. Something horrible will happen to them and that kinda sucks but hey what can ya do when you practically invite it.

Fourone, Misssquids a tight friend o mine and shit if ever there was a prime example of a Lady it's def her, so please, act like ya got some sense.

Man work is killin me, blastin some NIN to pass the time away.

It's mad brick out here in manhattan, can't wait for the snow though, that's gonna rock.

Well i'll write more later.

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December 3, 2003 (wed) 4:21pm

Dear Diary,

-Freezing, bored, overworked....

Im still absolutely freezing...the heat has not been fixed YET! The KEYSPAN guy still didnt come to check out the boiler...I am wearing 4 shirts!!!!! and 2 pairs of socks...and I have my little dog wearing her thickest sweater...she's even giving me that look like,"What the hell????If freeeezing in this joint..."

I have so much work to do today...and of course...IM LAZY....and dont feel like doing anything except sitting on behind my pc monitor....

I have about 17 dance routines I have to choreopgraph by February...DAMN!!!! thats a LOT!!!! I have to come with new ideas and stuff...its really a lot of pressure...especially since these dance routines go into Competitions and get scored....psfffff...

shoot....Ok....i gotta go think of songs and steps to do....


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i don't like today... sitting in the dark waiting for my bf to come home... waiting for someone important to call...

a lot of waiting....

did everything i could do, now its just wait... don't want to get out of the house cause its cold and there is traffic and my cd player does work in my car and i hate driving without music...

ok. gonna go and post on some other boards....

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dec 3, 2003 5:32 pm

dear diary,

UGH. went all the way to philly today to visit Drexel University for grad school. How come the info packets that i read @ home said NOTHING about the PhD program being one where u have to have ur masters 1st before being admitted? All the other programs im looking at are the kind where u get ur masters along the way... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR i wasted my whole morning getting there, wasted another hour of BEING there only to find out that its not the kind of program i want! ARRGGHH! seriously i was pissed. not only because i wasted my time, but moreso because its one less program that i can apply to :worry:

oh well. hopefully ill get accepted to a school closer to home anyways.

so yea, that was my day. :blank:

write more later,


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