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The growing rift: US and Canada


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"Canadians are quick to blame the United States for not knowing about Canada," she said, "but Canadians make a lot of ignorant statements about the U.S."

That's soo true. I was born in Canada, and anytime I go back, and talk with people, they're so quick to bash americans as so ignorant, and i'm not saying there aren't americans that aren't ignorant, but I've heard some pretty far-fetched things about stuff canadians say about americans when I was there. And I do remember after sept 11th, like the girl in the article said, a lot of canadians that I talked with did share the same sentiments about the us deserving it b/c america goes interfering and meddling into every other country's business.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

you left out universal healthcare :tongue:

Why do people think a universal health care is better?

The promblem with our system is the massive awards malpractice suits receive that drive up costs... Dan Akroyd in a interview states the last place he would seek medical attention is Ontario and if you look at other universal health care systems especially in Europe they're terrible.. France had 10k of it's senior citizens die in the summer, please explain to me how that system is better then ours??

Remember one thing my freinds you ALWAYS get what you pay for and health care isn't an exception to the rule..

Canadians have French blood running through their veins

that expalins alot lol

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Why do people think a universal health care is better?

The promblem with our system is the massive awards malpractice suits receive that drive up costs... Dan Akroyd in a interview states the last place he would seek medical attention is Ontario and if you look at other universal health care systems especially in Europe they're terrible.. France had 10k of it's senior citizens die in the summer, please explain to me how that system is better then ours??

In order to make a comparison like that with France, you'd need to find out how many ppl die in the US because of lack of access to health care facilities. The US having AC and other cooling devices is not a sign of good health care.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

In order to make a comparison like that with France, you'd need to find out how many ppl die in the US because of lack of access to health care facilities. The US having AC and other cooling devices is not a sign of good health care.

I don't know raver why don't you tell me.. I have relatives in Europe who are amazed at the care you receive here.. Recently I have a cousin who needed root canal and waited 3 mos fgor a appointment at the dental clinic..

Again very important you get what you pay for meaning if you pay shit for health care you receive shit service...

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Don't they divide up dental hygene and healthcare?

either way you wait months they both suck...

You hear liberals rant about universal health care thinking they roll the red carpet out for you and that's just not true..

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Originally posted by mr mahs

either way you wait months they both suck...

You hear liberals rant about universal health care thinking they roll the red carpet out for you and that's just not true..

Key word is your accurate observation is rant....rant, rant, rant...The U.S. sucks at this, the U.S. sucks at that, everywhere else is better, if something is wrong somewhere else, it is the fault of the U.S., blah, blah, blah, rant, rant, rant....

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Originally posted by mr mahs

I don't know raver why don't you tell me.. I have relatives in Europe who are amazed at the care you receive here.. Recently I have a cousin who needed root canal and waited 3 mos fgor a appointment at the dental clinic..

Again very important you get what you pay for meaning if you pay shit for health care you receive shit service...

I don't know the answer...I'm just saying that in order to get a better overall picture you need to compare mortality rates, death due to lack of access to health facilities, etc. Its better for people like us because we can afford the healthcare (actually I'm not on insurance right now)...we have to look at the big picture and judge the impact on society as a whole (that includes the people in slums who cannot afford healthcare).

I'm not saying one is right and one wrong...maybe the optimum is a combination of the two. You have basic healthcare provided by the state, but have the option of paying extra money to buy a "premium" service.

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Originally posted by igloo

Key word is your accurate observation is rant....rant, rant, rant...The U.S. sucks at this, the U.S. sucks at that, everywhere else is better, if something is wrong somewhere else, it is the fault of the U.S., blah, blah, blah, rant, rant, rant....

Well it definitely balances the conservatives' never-ending praise for the US even when quite a few times, its in the wrong.

Bottom line is balance.


Question: What were the neo-cons saying when Clinton was president?

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Originally posted by raver_mania

I don't know the answer...I'm just saying that in order to get a better overall picture you need to compare mortality rates, death due to lack of access to health facilities, etc. Its better for people like us because we can afford the healthcare (actually I'm not on insurance right now)...we have to look at the big picture and judge the impact on society as a whole (that includes the people in slums who cannot afford healthcare).

I'm not saying one is right and one wrong...maybe the optimum is a combination of the two. You have basic healthcare provided by the state, but have the option of paying extra money to buy a "premium" service.

If you are dying and walk into a hospital they will not turn you away plain and simple. Medicare and medicade are programs to help people who need it.... The trick to solving this promblem of ours is capping mal-practice suits and getting people in jobs that pay for it and that can only happen with tax breaks and incentives..

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Well it definitely balances the conservatives' never-ending praise for the US even when quite a few times, its in the wrong.

Bottom line is balance.


Question: What were the neo-cons saying when Clinton was president?

Clinton is a disgrace to the oval office!

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