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Hate speech and Hillary


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Hate speech

Gary Aldrich

December 3, 2003

Having studied the Clintons up-close and personal, I have long since concluded that their politics are not the ideals of Liberals, nor are they the dreams of the naive. Instead, they matured from the radical New Left into the hateful “Hard-Left.â€

Nothing I have discovered has discouraged me from concluding that Hillary Clinton and her sometimes brilliant, sometimes useful-dupe husband are less than dedicated Marxists. Her mentor was Saul D. Alinsky, long-time Communist Party, U.S.A. member, and author of the Hard-Left’s playbook, “Rules for Radicals – A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals.â€

If you ever read this book, readily available in any book store and most college campus libraries, you will instantly recognize Bill and Hillary Clinton’s pattern of political conduct. Not only that, but once you read this book, you can predict every political move Hillary Clinton will ever make.

I’d be surprised to learn that the Republican National Committee does not have this book as required reading for every staff member. If they don’t, they would be well-advised to order some copies.

Let others hint and imply, I worked in “the nest,†and I know. I was there, met their friends and saw their backgrounds. I heard them talk and express a visceral hatred toward Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and anyone who ever worked for them.

They are hard-hearted, Hard-Left and very hateful people. Which brings me to my point.

I saw what the Clintons did to our White House, to employees who worked there, to the military officers unlucky enough to serve there – and I was myself subjected to one of the most hateful smear campaigns ever launched against a Clinton truth-teller. I didn’t hate them then, and I don’t hate them now.

To give in to that emotion would be to admit that I am powerless in the face of their power, which is not true then, now, or ever.

I never hated them, no matter what they did – anymore than I hated the Mafia crook, the kidnapper or the drug dealers I put in prison. I never hated these people, because they only represent human failure, which I do hate. I hate Communism, Socialism and National Socialism (Nazi), because these ideologies represent the worst character flaws in humans. They feed on human failure.

All these collectivist political movements have the same thing in common. In order for them to get and keep power, people must fail – or enough of them must fail to be ready to turn their lives over to people like Hillary on the basis of a lie, on the promise that somehow life will become better.

Except that it never does; it only gets worse. Millions of corpses in thousands of mass graves are silent testimony to the most deadly time on our planet – the last 100 years – when at least 100,000,000 died at the hands of their own governments, all of them Communist or Socialist.

That’s why I truly hate the sickness called Communism – because it is deadly.

That people can be born and raised in this country and grow up to hate America, hate Christians because of their beliefs, hate Capitalism because some do better than others – hate President George Bush because no matter what, he continues to do the right thing and his popularity with the American people continues to grow – that there are actually those who hate George Bush enough to fly to Iraq and make a political speech criticizing the Commander-in-Chief on Thanksgiving Day is truly appalling!

I hate the sickness that takes over a woman’s mind, allowing her to snatch every opportunity to misuse her moment in time, to keep that kind of hate alive.

But I cannot hate the persons of Hillary or Bill Clinton. I feel sorry for them. They have been especially privileged and lucky, and now they are especially rich, having sold books they did not write – and I would posit, never could write.

And yet they remain unhappy. They want to tear down this country. They support an ideology that will eventually destroy Democracy and Capitalism, if not stopped now.

And they will do anything they have to do to get their power back. They will lie, cheat and destroy others to get what they want. But they are no worse than others I met as an FBI agent. Except, in every profession but politics, you can be put in prison for lying, fraud, stealing, and trying to falsely imprison innocents – like Billy Dale, of the White House Travel Office, for example.

But in politics, you can reach high office, and then lie about the Commander-in-Chief during a time of war, in a foreign land, on Thanksgiving Day. You can bad-mouth President Bush to his own troops who are there and prepared to die for this country. You can do all that, and more, and not fear any consequence for your actions.

What Hillary just did is the perfect way to define hate.

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Aside the obvious, i don't get how clinton "bad mouths" bush ... critisizes yes ... and calling that "hate speech" is ridiculous ... and she did vote for the iraq war ... so i don't see how you can dislike her when she voted the way you would have ... the guy who wrote this has got to be so partisan that he cannot see what clintons actual politics are.

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Originally posted by xpyrate

Aside the obvious, i don't get how clinton "bad mouths" bush ... critisizes yes ... and calling that "hate speech" is ridiculous ... and she did vote for the iraq war ... so i don't see how you can dislike her when she voted the way you would have ... the guy who wrote this has got to be so partisan that he cannot see what clintons actual politics are.

Of course!!

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