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I thought I would talk about being a vampire, since I feel it is safe to do it because no one believes in vampires. Which is good really. It is not easy being a vampire because you come out a night and people think it a little strange. Though In a city like this I guess people don't notice much, which is again my good fortune. So I will tell you how I do it. It is not classy for a female vampire to wrestle with the victims, besides I don't want to break my good china or anything. So I use my little snake persephanie, I invite my male victim in the house and tell them they can freshen up a bit in the bathroom and put her into the couch. Then when the man sits on the couch he opens the crack where she is and of course the little darling bites him. He then is unable to move a muscle due to her venom. He is not dead , he can breath and his heart is still beating which is important of course. Then my retracted fangs come out and I bite him in the jugular and drink until I am full. Then I take some for my pets the vampire bats I keep, they don't really like pigs blood. Since I am a nurse its usually easy to access blood, but I like it fresh and warm as I have said on pryer occasions. The poor man, I guess I feel a little guilt is in shock by now or dead, sooo, then I undress him and get him ready for my pirannha tank. It is a large tank with about 50 of them and they can eat a man in about 3 or 4 minutes. All there is left at this point is some bones completely cleaned of flesh. There is a large area I found in the basement that is walled off, no one knows its there, I pull out the rock and stick the bones through the hole and put the rock back and I'm finished. Of course sometimes I like to go for a walk , fold the bones in a bag and dump them somewhere else. Or for a fly by, I enjoy flying but don't do it to much because someone might see me. I have long black hair , unusually large blue eyes, some say they are hypnotic, which of course they are. My hair goes to my waist which is sometimes a pain when your drinking blood and it gets in the way. I am 38, 24, 34 and 5' 7" , I wear red lipstick usually , go figure ,huh! LOL Maybe, I'll see one of you around a club one night. Batwoman 32 Pheww!!! I felt good getting that out, being a vampire is definately not easy.:laugh: :laugh: :blown: :blown:

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one of my all time favorite movie scenes is in "Blade" when they are in the club & they yell "BLOOD BATH" & the blood pours from the ceiling & then snipes comes & kicks some vampire ass.


But, i am sympathetic to your needs but since i am your fuckin food, there is a bit of a conflict of interest here.....

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Lol Well, I don't have to eat until your dead, but then you would be a vampire too. Of course there are some advantages to that , you don't have a big grocery bill. I do eat women actually as well as men. I can understand someone might not want to contribute to my food intake, but actually you would probably enjoy it. I could just nibble you know and I'm very good at pleasing humans. You don't actually feel any pain if you look into my eyes. I don't have to wrestle with my victims or contributors, hee, hee. But I hate to deprive my little snake of fun once in awhile. Then I don't have to get rats for my pirannha either. I think they get sick of rats. Naughty girl, I might be tempted to eat you all up,LOL :tongue: :tongue: ;)

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This would fit better in the Sex board

There are enough freaks to get off on blood and such...actually some 5 years back I was dating this girl who was into such things - When we were having sex I ended up with bite marks and hickies. At first I liked it (good to try new things) but after like fourth time I threw her out of the bed. We were together for another 3 months...

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You don't understand PCR, I am a real vampire! LOL I just don't make little marks or hickies, I drink blood. Besides, once your bitten your mine, there is no escape. You can't throw a vampire out of bed.LOL I'm stronger then you, number one, stronger then humans. And 2 , I open a vein or artery and drink, I mean it could be in your arm it doesn't have to be in your neck. I take it you object to being someones food. Naughty babe, there is a very hot male vampire in my neighborhood, he is 6'2", of course very pale , black hair very handsome. Of course his teeth are always out, he doesn't put them back in, because he knows people don't believe in vampires. Of course some people get a little nervous around him with those pointed teeth hanging out. He has long very beautiful hair, a sensuous full mouth, he wouldn't nip you unless you gave him your permission, he is a gentleman vampire. He doesn't eat on a date,lol, unless the woman says its ok, and some women want to be young and beautiful forever, so they let him feed. Of course they usually fall in love with him and he can call them anytime he wants after that, and they must respond. Unless, he just makes love to you and doesn't bite, which is up to you. Perhaps I could just drink a little from the back of your leg or where it wouldn't show. Promise we won't kill you, unless like I said you want to be one of the undead like us. Batwoman

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"....You can't throw a vampire out of bed.LOL I'm stronger then you, number one, stronger then humans. And 2 , I open a vein or artery and drink, I mean it could be in your arm it doesn't have to be in your neck. I take it you object to being someones food..."

Just one point I need to make:

I am a Scorpio - as hard core as they come - thus there is nobody or anything stronger than me.

And if you bite - I will bite back (that may be fun)

(me making that statment proves how much Scorpio I am :D )

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Stymie and shady lady or lady shady or whatever, did I ruffle someone's fur,my catty little friends. Or is it fur ball stuck in your cheap little throats? Or pubic hair perhaps? You have probably given blow jobs to anyone with a little crack to lay out or maybe even for a six pack. LOL!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: You are 2 funny!!! If you don't believe me, meet me somewhere at night, I have to go out at night and find out for yourselves> LOL Do you live in NYC? I don't usually eat your kind though, they taste bad, I guess its tainted blood.

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Originally posted by ladyshady

i hope you contract a disease. devil woman.

:laugh: :laugh:

Originally posted by batwoman32

Stymie and shady lady or lady shady or whatever, did I ruffle someone's fur,my catty little friends. Or is it fur ball stuck in your cheap little throats? Or pubic hair perhaps? You have probably given blow jobs to anyone with a little crack to lay out or maybe even for a six pack. LOL!!!!!!

:laugh: :laugh:

this thread is funny!

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T-cells, I don't know what T-cells have to do with being a vampire bonehead. What an ugly picture of a vampire, I happen to be beautiful. I am also not a fag hag or a crack whore like those two bitches that were talking before. Anyway anyone knows that you can't take a picture of a real vampire,duh!!!!!! You call yourself night people, LOL, your probably all afraid to go out in the dark, unless its 42nd Street strolling. I guess you have to make money somehow,LOL! I really enjoy talking to the brain dead, instead of the undead,Hee,Hee!:D:blown: :blown: :laugh:

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