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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Chris Rock Review


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OMFG chris rock is still the man.. he ran the gamut

same old chris topics he talked about


2)all the rappers being killed

3) sex

4) married life vs single life

5) slavery

6) the war against terrorism

7) kobe

8) michael jackson

just a great nite.

i know a few of u also went from the board.. post ur reviews

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Bling, they were not the same old topics. Completely new stuff from chris rock and he prooved why he is the funniest stand up act in the biz right now. Gotta say though bring the pain is still my favorite from him. He is starting to kinda remind me of george carlin as he is getting more and more political and sharing his beliefs in his acts, but he does it in a very funny way. Rock shows he is not only funny, but quite smart and aware of things going on in the world as well. Check it out next time u get a chance to or just wait im sure this new material will all be on an hbo special or something.

Funny topics

Another kid, mike jackson like oj having another dead white wife

Court case with kobe

Marriage and how a man no longer lives after getting married, just breathes for another 50 years.

Krispy Kreme Crack

Who pulls out money from an atm at 4 in the morning

No way to defend rap

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my fav joke

the one with the black family in the buggy in the 1920's that are too scared to stop at a stop sign cuz the whites will kill em cuz they are educated blacks so they drive thru intersection and get in a wreck

cop says.. didnut u see the sign. the black guy goes i cant read officer i dont understand whats on that octagon shaped thing

cop goes octagon where the fuck u learn that n$%$# (kills him )


also the one where bill gates has so much cash if he woke up to Oprah's money hed jump out the window and slit his throat on the way down LOL

and that oprah gives away cash on her show cuz she wants to keep the feds off her ass LOL

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