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with all this france bashing ...


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yes. but what is wrong with people being communists?

in other countries the communists can be totally legal a okay political parties that actually do alright.

directly post WWII I think you'll find that communists were a lot more active in opposing the Fascists than other people.

my point is this.

can you seriously defend US actions to ensure the removal of democratically elected politicians in other countries, just because they happend to belong to the communist party?

you think the repression of political views in the mcarthy era was justified? is that what ur trying to say?

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no, i really could care less if you are a communist in our country your aloud to be i guess.

but if you are in other countries vietnam for one tryin to take over south vietnam and spread communism they obviously didnt want it that way (the people of south vietnam did not wanna be a communist nation)

china right now same thing

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Originally posted by marksimons

spot the orwell steal. it's blatent. but I wanna see if anyone gets the reference...

they have this tv show, it's really great.

shit what's it's name, ah, that's right Sesame Street.

in this program they teach children about 'co-operation', it's a novel concept, you should try it one day.

with regards to the might is right concept of international relations, that's fine, until someone gets pissed and does something they're not supposed to, and hijacks a plane...

action, reaction, action, reaction...

how fucking long can it go on for.

the problem is that 90% of casualties in modern wars are civilians, which is a bit of a change from when most battles pre 20th century, for sure they were not nice, and there was a rapin' and a pilaging, but they didn't have 'collateral damage' and a bloody battlefield is better than a firebombed country.


I can't be fucked.

you're 20, I'm 20, you need to do some reading up on your history and politics boy, so you don't sound so f'ing crazy. and this is coming from me.

survial of the fittest is an interesting notion, and it works, but don't take it too far in terms of genetics, we end up in naziville.

but the thing is, countries aren't people, despite people being in countries, you can't label, or treat countries as people, it doesn't work.

you can keep screwing over countries just because you have the military and economic power to do so, if you're so strong that morals don't enter into it, then don't fucking ever bitch about sept 11th, just survival of the fittest, and if they were fit enough they'd have ran down those motherfucking steps, but being the fatassstupid americans they are, they had to stay in those towers as they fell around them.

nah, not what I really think, but in this world of survial of the fittest, WHO GIVES A SHIT about the dead right? they're dead? not fit enough FUCK THEM.

and fuck the starving kids. fuck the people dying from aids. fuck the people in prison and being tortured by despotic regimes supported by our governments. let them fucking die, fucking lower on the foodchain pieces of shit.

just so long as we can sit here, throwing away food, polluting the air and spawing selfish petulent little bastards who believe the earth is theirs to inheret, just so long as they realise the picture of humanity is a booth stamping on a face for the rest of time.

I like your posts dude!

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Originally posted by marksimons

I mean in a representative democracy, because, get this, communists can stand as communists in elections with anyone else, and you know what? in some places they get elected.

the reason for this? because russian communism is not communism. it is a totalitarian state, much like the communism of china. it's not marxist, it's just power.

however, some people actually rather respect the opinions and views of marx, especially in situations the results of capital, class and the like are plain to all.

communists can work in a govt without taking it over.

this was happening in places, but on a few ocassions the american govt used this as pretext for an 'immenent' communist takeover and just got rid of them one way or another.

the point is that any vaguely left wing was labelled communist, because people might start standing up to american might.

The problem with communism is not its theory, which in itself is a noble idea, BUT its application. Human being will not ever be able to practice pure communism because of that huge thing called greed.

Now, if machines ruled the world, without emotion, communism would be perfect.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

The problem with communism is not its theory, which in itself is a noble idea, BUT its application. Human being will not ever be able to practice pure communism because of that huge thing called greed.

Now, if machines ruled the world, without emotion, communism would be perfect.

You are correct. Just the same as pure capitalism is not workable as well.

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thanks raver!

the most important thing from Marx is that most of the fundamental problems of capitalism stem from capital and labour, treating labour as just another commodity, to be squeezed and kept as cheap as possible.

you know what sucks, my library here at uni doesn't seem to have any books by karl marx... f'ing joke... wanted to read das kapital...

enforced communism and uncontrolled capitalism result in the same thing. abuse of power.

the way I see 'pure' communism now would be a really devolved local government, with a lot of direct input from the community, but I see it mainly working rurally, just a picture I have in my head, a typically communist english vilage!, but nah, not going to happen, money is too useful, but we can do a lot better in terms of redistributing the wealth, we just need to cut out the middleman and sell the things we produce direct to each other.

music, art, food, drink, toys, games, chairs, trinkets, everything, we sell and ship to each other with the net, just give it a few years... *slips into tech fantasy*

I really need to stop posting here and get to work on my website idea... :-)

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