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b/c they have nothing else to look at. i hate when on the train people look at you and you catch them so they look away then you close your eyes or something and when you open them they are looking again LOL. i look out the window now, i dont like people looking at me, i think that they think i like them if i look back when really i am ust looking to see if they are still looking. :tongue:

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Originally posted by somebitch

b/c they have nothing else to look at. i hate when on the train people look at you and you catch them so they look away then you close your eyes or something and when you open them they are looking again LOL. i look out the window now, i dont like people looking at me, i think that they think i like them if i look back when really i am ust looking to see if they are still looking. :tongue:

you don't seem like the insecure type

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well the train i ride is packed. there are no seats not in view of anyone.

i am not insecure but it is not the kind of place where you want people looking at you lol. i just want to get where i am going. maybe i should start doing freaky shit so i am more entertaining.


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Originally posted by somebitch

well the train i ride is packed. there are no seats not in view of anyone.

i am not insecure but it is not the kind of place where you want people looking at you lol. i just want to get where i am going. maybe i should start doing freaky shit so i am more entertaining.


throw these in ya mouf one day and give some lil ol man a wink and a smile


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Originally posted by somebitch

b/c they have nothing else to look at. i hate when on the train people look at you and you catch them so they look away then you close your eyes or something and when you open them they are looking again LOL. i look out the window now, i dont like people looking at me, i think that they think i like them if i look back when really i am ust looking to see if they are still looking. :tongue:

i usually just look out the window, but sometimes i catch people staring at me by looking at the reflection on the window.

there was this time late at night, i noticed this odd looking guy was staring at me all weird. i pretended to not notice. he had newspapers spread out all over the seat, but he never looked at it. he was staring at me the whole ride. when my stop came, i waited until the last moment to leave the train.

I turned around and the weird guy was trying to get off, grabbing all of his newspapers. he was yelling something at me as the doors closed in his face. WTF...that shit was weird...right?

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yes that is pretty weird. the past 2 days weird guys have sat across from me in the 4seater. i purposely sit there figuring no one will sit directly across from me and about 50% of the time no one does...

so yesterday tis guy with his newspaper kept looking at me, the other guy next to him kept peeping from behind his paper. i think people only get papers so they can look like they are doing something and avoid awkward eye contact. this guy was stuffing all the newspapers under various seats, he was pushing my legs out of the way to stuff paper under my seat & lookign at me, smiling like it was funny. i was like WTF, just put the whole friggen paper under your seat if you dont want it, there is no need to try to be sneaky about it or put it under various seats. i just acted like i didnt notice him. people do odd shit. it is lucky didnt start laughing hysterically because i really get a kick out of weird behavior. shit time to go home bibi....

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Originally posted by dgmodel

how come you could be in the most crowded room in ever, and you look in a different direction, you automatically find the person who was staring at you??? everytime~!!!

When walking under a tree and the branches are low and you do not realize the person in front of you pushed the branch foward you get wacked in the face. But some how you know to bling your eyes???

Things to ponder...

And I do not think what you are talking about is so much instinct. I just think a room crouded with people and you turn to look around the first thing you will notice is something out of the ordinary.

Kinda like that ( look at this picture... Which object does not belong?)

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