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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

im mad that BUsh managed to turn world sympathy into world resentment after 9/11

im mad that having differing views from CNN/FOXNEWS makes u a traitor

im mad that questioning the establishment has become taboo..isnt that what the country was built upon?

im mad that the common people still believe they have the power to change things in this country...still blind to the fact that the rich elite control everything..and that the electoral college is the first line of defense against change.

im mad that theres boys in Iraq right now..sleeping in a desert..wondering why the fuck theyre over there..not knowing whether or not theyre gona make it home.....never knowing when some fanatic fuck is gona come and blow themselves up

im mad that people in this country still belive in blind faith

im mad that people believe America is a grat saviour..when actually it is...to qoute u...a CORPORATION

i can go on.

Hey man, im with you on all those points.

But im not going to be against everything our government does just for the sake of being against it.

Im sure more people than not are glad that Saddam was found.

Im sure more people than not are glad that the Iraqi's have new found freedom.

Im happy that some people are smart enough to NOT spoonfeed the news and hear what the news DOESN"T say.

Serge, i go to belgium A LOT . Im very familiar with the various news agencies and research outlets available to us.

But I live in america. I may not appreciate everything we do, but that goes for ANY country in the world.

So basically, i think there should be reforms, more checks and balances, and a closer tie between gov't and it's citizens.

Why do you think i Like Ralph Nader so much? He's against everything you stated :eek:

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

My point is this...the soldiers who are dead.... for the most part... weren't lured in by military life.... they were baited by the financial incentives... Many of them probably had no intentions of staying in the military beyond their obligation....

I don't think everything is so clear cut.

My father didn't join the Navy in the 50's because he was "lured by financial incentives"... He fought because A) it's in his blood, B_) he wanted to stand up for his country, and C) he wanted to toughen up.

I am well aware of the financial incentives available to our military personnel, but people who enter the military enter for many reasons other than financial. how about love? How about desire to kick ass? how about devotion? Are those lost, or just overlooked?

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Hey man, im with you on all those points.

But im not going to be against everything our government does just for the sake of being against it.

Im sure more people than not are glad that Saddam was found.

Im sure more people than not are glad that the Iraqi's have new found freedom.

Im happy that some people are smart enough to NOT spoonfeed the news and hear what the news DOESN"T say.

Serge, i go to belgium A LOT . Im very familiar with the various news agencies and research outlets available to us.

But I live in america. I may not appreciate everything we do, but that goes for ANY country in the world.

So basically, i think there should be reforms, more checks and balances, and a closer tie between gov't and it's citizens.

Why do you think i Like Ralph Nader so much? He's against everything you stated :eek:

ralph nader is against everything i stated? really?

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Look , i hate it when our bombs kill innocent civilians. It makes me cringe to hear that, especially how we went without authorization or support from the UN or other nations.

BUT, if you all knew or saw what went on in Iraq due so Saddam's brutal regime, and it's practices, i wouldn't want to just sit there and let it keep going on.

We are the largest, most powerful nation in the world. If we just sit there and let the killing take place, we look like insensitive do-nothings.

Losing life is never a good thing. but those that are in the military know what's at stake. And they fight not only for their freedom, but the freedom of nations everywhere

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

oh ....cause nader was the only reason i almost voted last time..til my senses caught up to me and i was like WHOA UR VOTE DONT MATTER


damn, yo.. the green party almost received enough votes to get federal aid. If you and i voted, maybe we would have pulled him up!

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

oh ....cause nader was the only reason i almost voted last time..til my senses caught up to me and i was like WHOA UR VOTE DONT MATTER

i still wana know why im naive by magilicutti's terms though

i said it already

you are naive because you are mad the govt lies. you are very ignorant on this topic

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Originally posted by gmccookny

I don't think everything is so clear cut.

My father didn't join the Navy in the 50's because he was "lured by financial incentives"... He fought because A) it's in his blood, B_) he wanted to stand up for his country, and C) he wanted to toughen up.

I am well aware of the financial incentives available to our military personnel, but people who enter the military enter for many reasons other than financial. how about love? How about desire to kick ass? how about devotion? Are those lost, or just overlooked?

I don't think that that the military was offering these incentives back in the 50's... back then there was no G.I. Bill... and lets face it... your father may have joined for the right reasons...but many people are talked into it by recruiters in poor areas these days....

I personally am gratefull to all these people ... but I can't help to think that some of the same people who are fighting the war "for us" really didn't know what they were in for.... It just bothers me that so many people have such a casual attiitude about these people who are paying the ultimate price...... my initial response was triggered by the post about the woman who was writing about her husband and the response she got..... Again your environment dictates many of the choices that you make in life...

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

I don't think that that the military was offering these incentives back in the 50's... back then there was no G.I. Bill... and lets face it... your father may have joined for the right reasons...but many people are talked into it by recruiters in poor areas these days....

I personally am gratefull to all these people ... but I can't help to think that some of the same people who are fighting the war "for us" really didn't know what they were in for.... It just bothers me that so many people have such a casual attiitude about these people who are paying the ultimate price...... my initial response was triggered by the post about the woman who was writing about her husband and the response she got..... Again your environment dictates many of the choices that you make in life...

I agree 100%

The financial rewards are insane now. Many people who join the military never think that theyre actually going to have to go to war. Some people get me so angry when they have a title, but they dont honor it. I have family and friends in the military, they joined for the right reasons, however, theres people that they have to deal with that have a horrible attitude about working hard for what they signed up for. These people that just sign up without any knowledge of exactly what theyre going into are going to get a slap in the face when theyre thrown into the middle of the desert somewhere. Maybe they'll appreciate exactly how good they have it. The ones who sign up for the right reasons, definitely don't get enough credit past their 15 minutes of recognition

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Originally posted by magilicuti

i said it already

you are naive because you are mad the govt lies. you are very ignorant on this topic

shouldnt i be commended for not being one of the sheep and not going along with the lies? i think im more mad at the people who believe the lies and try to tell me different.

you keep dropping these little cryptic statements U R NAIVE..U R IGNORANT....and then ur explanation for them is minimal...which leads me to believe that perhaps ur the one ignorant on the topic and cant expand the discussion beyond that

sorry for the delay..im tryin to bang out my study session for my tax final

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the govt and any govt for that matter fucking lies you moron. why are you mad at bush? any president in his place would have to do the same thing.

tell the american public we are going to war and sending our men to die for some oil instead of dressing it up as we are doing now. see how america will react.

things are done for a reason. please, the govt has been run this way since the beginning of time. what you are complaining about is just foolish. completely fucking foolish

as for reasons. i stated many things throughout this thread, read them. i'm not gonna repost and reword my statements just so you understand

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Originally posted by gmccookny

No, one capture will not change a lot

As far as Anti-american sentiment, yes there is that there. And it's pretty bad. But there's also many Iraqi's that are happy about the overthrow and look forward to a free Iraq. There were crowds cheering that Saddam was captured.

I think many Iraqis' are more upset that America is there alone trying to rebuild Iraq. Iraqii's im sure would rather do it themselves, or have a more international presence.

Just without too much US meddling ;)

Americans shouldnt be over there in the first place. Yes Saddam was captured and I'm happy about that, but theres always going to be someone more ruthless to take his place. Iraqis arent upset that America is there alone, theyre probably more mad that we're there period.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

the govt and any govt for that matter fucking lies you moron. why are you mad at bush? any president in his place would have to do the same thing.

im mad at bush cause he's the president of the country i currently reside in. i cant be mad at Chirac or Blair ...cause frankly...their politics dont affect me directly.

bush is a religious zealot who happens to contradict everything the "good book" he preaches from states. thats what bothers me...

ur mad confusing man..like a walkin contradiction...FUCK THIS COUNTRY...LEAVE IF U DONT LIKE IT...THE GOVT LIES..WHY R U MAD AT BUSH...make up ur min man

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