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New CP AWARDS Thread (just copy n paste your answers)


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Yeah i'm pretty new and i see a lot of people kissing ass... but it's so hard when there are so many fine ladies on this board... at least compared to the other board i post to... a toyota forum... i think the only chick on that forum has 40's on her 4runner,... I don't want to know what she looks like....

I'm not sure but did i just kiss ass in this post?

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Originally posted by cintron

when i stopped taking CP seriously.

Lina, it's IMPOSSIBLE to look at any board without seeing some ridiculous amount of brownnosing or whatever. Not that i'm waving the Anti-BS flag high and proud, but like somebitch or jonstephens or others, it's always interesting how people get taken down a notch when they just speak their mind.

I remember back when the board had more of a lounge-feel to it, where people were who they were. Now it feels like some prissy social club where everyone tries to be someone else.

call me crazy, call me an asshole or call me jaded, but it's just sad to see so many personalities gone. If you look at that "award", you'll see it's not negative. Just a simple statement of fact, from my viewpoint. I jab you for your britney obsession because it's fun. It's not like anyone doesnt know which obsessions to nag me on.

regardless... i just want to see people speak their mind and quit pretending so fucking hard or being so fucking diplomatic. Maybe it doesnt affect you but it sure as hell pisses me off to see so many facades.

<---steps off soapbox

i totally feel u on everything u just said.... but the thing is... is there is a difference between speaking ur mind and blatently trying to make a point that u dont kiss peoples ass... and there is a difference between paying someone a compliment and kissing someones ass... if u hate it here so much and u hate how everything has changed then why are u still here? just to make it known that cp isnt the same anymore? trust me i remember how it was back in the day... ive been here for longer than u probably remember me bein here... and its definitely changed... cp used to be cool it used to be so much more FUN and chill.... but for some reason i just cant leave lol... :tongue: either way, im here and im not gonna just sit and post stupid negative "jaded" shit about everyone on this board just b/c im bitter that its changed... i def dont take this board too seriously.. i am simply commenting on what people say.. just as people comment me and say shit about my sigs and my bad taste in music lol... the truth is, i dont know u... u dont know me... but wtf why are u so damn "i have to prove a point" lately? not taking cp seriously anymore shouldnt equate to being an asshole. its not like u do it for fun (and if it is then ur pretty damn serious about being fun lol) its not like u do it as if ur rizzo or smokesum... u do it cuz ur like... seriously mad at cp lol which is kinda silly if u ask me :)

idk whatever... lol i have finals to study for... hat_3.gif

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Nah it's okay, whatever......I'm just sayin I was a little offended that's all I get called out for -- having 'smoke blown up my ass'.......a lot of people get complimented and give compliments - it's all good....just know that no matter what gets said about me, I am not some conceited snot.......people that know me in real life know this.......that is all :)

I dont know you because I've never met you, just seen you. However, from what my girl and the whore Misk tells me your cool and nice. I have nuttin against you but I REALLY hope you see that all the guys kiss your ass. They all repeat the same shit over and over. I dont hate and I give credit where credit is due, but sometimes enough is enough. lol Anyway, I'm sure we will cross paths soon.

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Originally posted by linabina

i totally feel u on everything u just said.... but the thing is... is there is a difference between speaking ur mind and blatently trying to make a point that u dont kiss peoples ass... and there is a difference between paying someone a compliment and kissing someones ass... if u hate it here so much and u hate how everything has changed then why are u still here? just to make it known that cp isnt the same anymore? trust me i remember how it was back in the day... ive been here for longer than u probably remember me bein here... and its definitely changed... cp used to be cool it used to be so much more FUN and chill.... but for some reason i just cant leave lol... :tongue: either way, im here and im not gonna just sit and post stupid negative "jaded" shit about everyone on this board just b/c im bitter that its changed... i def dont take this board too seriously.. i am simply commenting on what people say.. just as people comment me and say shit about my sigs and my bad taste in music lol... the truth is, i dont know u... u dont know me... but wtf why are u so damn "i have to prove a point" lately? not taking cp seriously anymore shouldnt equate to being an asshole. its not like u do it for fun (and if it is then ur pretty damn serious about being fun lol) its not like u do it as if ur rizzo or smokesum... u do it cuz ur like... seriously mad at cp lol which is kinda silly if u ask me :)

idk whatever... lol i have finals to study for... hat_3.gif

your okay in my book. Even if you sweat Britney and have horrible taste in music.

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Originally posted by somebitch

person i am happiest to have met: myst, i <3 myst like a sister...

Aww :heart: I <3 you too!

You are one of the few on this board that really know my true personality in 'real life' and you know that what people most often think of me on this board is way off......You know all about my issues!!!!!!!!!

partying this weekend?!?!?! :D

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Originally posted by linabina

i totally feel u on everything u just said.... but the thing is... is there is a difference between speaking ur mind and blatently trying to make a point that u dont kiss peoples ass... and there is a difference between paying someone a compliment and kissing someones ass... if u hate it here so much and u hate how everything has changed then why are u still here? just to make it known that cp isnt the same anymore? trust me i remember how it was back in the day... ive been here for longer than u probably remember me bein here... and its definitely changed... cp used to be cool it used to be so much more FUN and chill.... but for some reason i just cant leave lol... :tongue: either way, im here and im not gonna just sit and post stupid negative "jaded" shit about everyone on this board just b/c im bitter that its changed... i def dont take this board too seriously.. i am simply commenting on what people say.. just as people comment me and say shit about my sigs and my bad taste in music lol... the truth is, i dont know u... u dont know me... but wtf why are u so damn "i have to prove a point" lately? not taking cp seriously anymore shouldnt equate to being an asshole. its not like u do it for fun (and if it is then ur pretty damn serious about being fun lol) its not like u do it as if ur rizzo or smokesum... u do it cuz ur like... seriously mad at cp lol which is kinda silly if u ask me :)

idk whatever... lol i have finals to study for... hat_3.gif

i dont do it to be an asshole....im just being honest

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Originally posted by origskeemr

I think people take honesty and being blunt as a negative thing here. So much ass kissing warped their mind to think everyone is always gunna give a positive comment.

I also agree that a lot of people take honesty as a bad thing, but sometimes it's just hard for people to take or hear negative things about themselves.......I can say this bc thats how I am unfortunately.........I am a little too overly sensitive and get upset easily, but that is one thing about myself I'm trying to get over....I need to be tougher!

But seriously, no hard feelings for your comments......I completely see where you're coming from.

Hopefully we'll get to meet up soon ;)

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Originally posted by origskeemr

I think people take honesty and being blunt as a negative thing here. So much ass kissing warped their mind to think everyone is always gunna give a positive comment.

i see smokesum as honest... yes... but he also does it in a humorous way and 1/2 the time hes busting balls... or thats what i gather from it... i dont think being honest is negativity.... i think being negative is negativity... and if thats ur honest opinion then thats fine... but u cant deny that there are overly negative people who seem to do it purposely to be an asshole... just like there are overly nice people who compliment purposely to be an ass kisser :tongue:

p.s.. i :heart: smokesum

p.s again... thanks for accepting me even though i like pop music :cry::half: besides, my range of music preference is huge... from cheesey pop to chattin with u on the hiphop board to nsync concerts lol to jay z concerts... to house to trance... to alternative...to classical!! ( i love to fall asleep to this shit) i listen to everything except country and heavy metal :yuck:

but yes. i sweat britney spears. and im damn proud of it. :D

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My response to this thread is met with trepidation & doubt. However, i do find it necessary to undo some of the ambiguity which i find to be quite pervasive in all threads.

First & foremost, yes, Mystify22 & linabina can do no wrong. They could go out to taco bell, eat 20 beef burritos, have terrible diarrhea, photograph & post said diarrhea. What would follow would be a 3 page thread of posts similar to below:

"Oh wow girls, didnt know such thin in shape girls could eat so much ! But who cares, everyone has to eat bad at some point! your girls are always hot in my book & regarding the diarrhea, well you are only human :tongue: "

*Of course, there is a such thing as being complimentary, sincere & genuine. However, in the name of using Objective logic, i think most of us as adults can recognize such compliments are few & fare between & my example instead represents the norm*

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I agree but I think people fail to realize that maybe why I can "do no wrong" is NOT just about how I look....I think its also bc I have always been sincere and nice to almost everyone on this board.

I have never gone out of my way to start with anybody, unless it was in defense of a friend or myself. And if you knew me personally, you would know that I am a genuinely nice person with a big heart. I do not want negativity/conflict/drama in my life. I avoid it at all costs. Life is too short to have bad blood w/people.

Actually, I am often taken advantage of for my niceness but that's just how I am. I do not have a bad bone in my body.



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Just to clarify......my niceness is not a front I put up on this board, like I said, whoever knows me personally knows I am a sweetheart......Some of you call it ass-kissing, whatever, it doesn't matter.......bc I know that my niceness/compliements/etc come from my heart....

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I agree but I think people fail to realize that maybe why I can "do no wrong" is NOT just about how I look....I think its also bc I have always been sincere and nice to almost everyone on this board.

I have never gone out of my way to start with anybody, unless it was in defense of a friend or myself. And if you knew me personally, you would know that I am a genuinely nice person with a big heart. I do not want negativity/conflict/drama in my life. I avoid it at all costs. Life is too short to have bad blood w/people.

Actually, I am often taken advantage of for my niceness but that's just how I am. I do not have a bad bone in my body.



Hi Myst,

I will say this. If someone was really a nice & sincere guy, would he be nice & complimentary to all or just to attractrive females?

The trend i see is to only be nice to a select few, but sarcastic, cruel & wise to those who you have no other motives for. This is why i doubt the sincerity of most compliments aimed at you & lina.

Also, i am nice to everyone & never start trouble, yet everyone has negative comments towards me. :laugh::tongue:

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I agree but I think people fail to realize that maybe why I can "do no wrong" is NOT just about how I look....I think its also bc I have always been sincere and nice to almost everyone on this board.

I have never gone out of my way to start with anybody, unless it was in defense of a friend or myself. And if you knew me personally, you would know that I am a genuinely nice person with a big heart. I do not want negativity/conflict/drama in my life. I avoid it at all costs. Life is too short to have bad blood w/people.

Actually, I am often taken advantage of for my niceness but that's just how I am. I do not have a bad bone in my body.



dont take this offensively, but do you really think people care about someone's personality here. The first response when a girl joins is "post a pic." You can have the shittiest personalit but with looks you will still get 100 PM's. The fact that your nice MAY help but I'm sure everyone drools over your looks rather than your niceness.

Men are so shallow.:blank:

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