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What would you do in this situation?


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Say you are in a bar/lounge and you have your coat set on your seat. You get up to go to the bathroom and when you come back, your coat is gone. You notice a coat rack along the wall with a bunch of coats lined up obviously more expensive than yours and its the middle of December.

Do you:

a) nonchalantly take a coat similar to yours and walk out with it

B) pout because you just got beat for a coat

just curious


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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Say you are in a bar/lounge and you have your coat set on your seat. You get up to go to the bathroom and when you come back, your coat is gone. You notice a coat rack along the wall with a bunch of coats lined up obviously more expensive than yours and its the middle of December.

Do you:

a) nonchalantly take a coat similar to yours and walk out with it

B) pout because you just got beat for a coat

just curious


a......but also supposedly accoding to people i have no morals...

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Say you are in a bar/lounge and you have your coat set on your seat. You get up to go to the bathroom and when you come back, your coat is gone. You notice a coat rack along the wall with a bunch of coats lined up obviously more expensive than yours and its the middle of December.

Do you:

a) nonchalantly take a coat similar to yours and walk out with it

B) pout because you just got beat for a coat

just curious


a......but also supposedly according to people i have no morals...

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Say you are in a bar/lounge and you have your coat set on your seat. You get up to go to the bathroom and when you come back, your coat is gone. You notice a coat rack along the wall with a bunch of coats lined up obviously more expensive than yours and its the middle of December.

Do you:

a) nonchalantly take a coat similar to yours and walk out with it

B) pout because you just got beat for a coat

just curious


See, i've chosen A, but not for coats, for a basketball when someone takes mine :laugh2:

If im playing ball, and someone takes my bball, i'll just take someone else. It's a universal known fact :D

But coats are different. What if the original owner sees you wearing his?

2 wrongs don't make a right. I say no :nono:

Choose C) regret it that your coat was stolen, buy a new one and NEVER leave it anywhere ;)

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ugh. i would be so pissed. i definitel wouldnt take someone elses coat though, i have some respect for myself and others. i couldnt walk around in someone elses coat and act normal about it. that is so classless, just b/c some scumbag felt ok about taking yours doesnt mean you should stoop to their level.

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i wouldnt leave my coat on a bar stool in the 1st place... it would go directly into coatcheck OR i would make sure someone watched my shit while i was gone...

but since that wasnt the actual case... i would leave coatless... u didnt like it when someone took urs... so why would u take an innocent persons coat just to make urself feel better?

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if its gone, dont fuck over the next man just because you're too fucking stupid to know how to keep what you have.

and if you're smart, you leave the coat as a decoy, look like youre going to the bathroom, move towards the door of the club and wait for the fucker to come out wearing it.


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