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jew should of killed saddam


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and if they would of the world would of been in a outrage. but yet this war would not be going on?????

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

TEL AVIV, Israel — The Israeli military planned a daring assassination attempt against Saddam Hussein in 1992 — a plot that would have involved landing commandos in Iraq and firing sophisticated missiles at him during a funeral, an Israeli newspaper reported Tuesday.

The attempt was reportedly called off after an accident during a training exercise for the mission ended in the deaths of five soldiers.

The Maariv daily reported that with the capture of Saddam, Israeli military censors lifted a ban on publication of the full story. Israeli officials were not immediately available for comment.

The Israeli military put together the plan to kill Saddam in retaliation for Iraq's firing of 39 Scud missiles at Israel during the 1991 Persian Gulf War (search). However, the plan was never brought before the government for final approval, the newspaper said.

It said critics warned that whether it succeeded or failed, it could have triggered Iraqi retaliation in the form of a biological attack. It also said soldiers from the army's top commando unit, Sayeret Matkal (search), were to carry out the mission.

Israeli military intelligence determined that Saddam himself, and not one of his doubles, would attend the funeral of his father-in-law in Saddam's home town, and the assassination could be carried out there, Maariv said.

The commandos would set up a few miles from the cemetery and fire two specially designed missiles that would home in on Saddam, who wore a lighter-colored military uniform than other soldiers. The custom-made missiles were named "Obelisk," the paper said.

After the assassination, the commandos were to be flown out of Iraq on an Israeli plane that would take off from a temporary airfield built in Iraq, the paper said.

The training mishap occurred during one of the final practices on Nov. 5, 1992, at the large Tzeelim training base (search) in the southern Negev desert.

The five soldiers, members of the elite unit, were playing the part of the targets, Saddam Hussein and his bodyguards, and the other commandos were to fire a dummy missile at them. By mistake, a live missile was substituted, and the five were killed. Six others were wounded.

The mishap led to cancellation of the assassination attempt. Maariv reported that in fact, as predicted by Israeli intelligence, Saddam himself attended the funeral where he was to have been targeted.

The top commanders of the Israeli military were at the base to watch the exercise, including the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Ehud Barak, later Israel's prime minister. The fact of his presence came out a few days after the mishap, leading to rumors about the real mission, including the possibility that it was aimed at Saddam.

Israeli military censors clamped a tight lid on the accident and the purpose of the training, banning publication of the details. After two foreign newspapers printed stories that the target was Lebanese Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, the Israeli government suspended the press credentials of the papers' reporters in Israel, charging that they had broken censorship rules.

Maariv reported Tuesday that the Nasrallah story was a government plant to distract reporters from the real target — Saddam — and the suspension of the reporters' press credentials was part of the deception

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they fired 39 scuds at isreal. thats why they wanted to kill him.

and they fired for no reason at all just cause he hates jews

he has given millions of dollars over the years to families of homicide bombers that attack isreal

is murdering your own people against international law???

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Originally posted by xpyrate

you do realize that assinating a leader is against international law don't you? this article just proves that israel is truly no better than any of the arab so-called terrorist groups.

oh yeah, it would be swell to have a fundamentalist islamic state - or quadafi, or hussein, or syria, to our south, instead of mexico- think of how wonderful that would be- tell me- who would you consider an allie to the usa?? and who would be an enemy, and lastly- when you look up in the sky, what color is the sun??

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where exactly did i prove that.

im not racists i could be black or gay or a jew

hippie is not a race of people

take my words what ever way you would like but i know im not racists i just view things different then you do

cant you just say that without caling me a racist

if it makes you feel better about yourself then so be it i could care less

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Originally posted by pattbateman

they fired 39 scuds at isreal. thats why they wanted to kill him.

and they fired for no reason at all just cause he hates jews

he has given millions of dollars over the years to families of homicide bombers that attack isreal

is murdering your own people against international law???

if we were to break international law than we would be no better than saddam.

and some of your post really does make ne believe that you do not have a well informed understanding of the israeli/palestinian conflict. it really is 50/50 i dont understand the need to take israels side.

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Originally posted by xpyrate

you do realize that assinating a leader is against international law don't you? this article just proves that israel is truly no better than any of the arab so-called terrorist groups.

Schmuck...you do realize that Iraq launched attacks against Israel in 1991...right?..

You do realize that Iraq and Saddam Hussein tried assassinating former President Bush......right?

If this article proves anything, it once again proves that this war was the ONLY way to rid the world of this cancer.

SO much for the morons who still say "there are others ways" to get rid of Saddam Hussein...

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Originally posted by pattbateman

he man let me tell you im not one to side with the jews.

for one they killed J.C.!!!

they fight over religion over there they are all to blame but

check your records- romans/italaians set up the whole deal fool- on Jesus-read about it

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by pattbateman

he man let me tell you im not one to side with the jews.

for one they killed J.C.!!!

they fight over religion over there they are all to blame but

did ya see the movie- where the romans( itlains) nail jesus to the cross yet??

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yes. cause CNN were there at the time with a camcorder...

well that hippy palestinian jewish fucker deserved to die, long haired preaching peace. what a wanker peace, and wine, and eating, and forgiveness and tolerance.

bet he would have been protesting against the war, hippy fucker, doesn't he understand it's the only, THE ONLY WAY to get peace, by sheding more blood and admitting more into his kingdom of heaven.

amazing to think how far we've come since the empire of rome killed jesus.

2000 years on and we've come from killing peace activists on crosses - highly inefficient, doesn't even work properly, you can take them down, hide them in a cave and have them on their feet within three days - and we've now got these advanced bulldozer things:

Chris McGreal in Jerusalem and Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles

Monday March 17, 2003

The Guardian

An Israeli army bulldozer crushed an American peace activist to death in the Gaza Strip yesterday in what witnesses described as a deliberate killing. Rachel Corrie, 23, died as she attempted to prevent the military destroying homes in the Rafah refugee camp, one of the most dangerous in the occupied territories.

"She was standing on top of a pile of earth," said another activist, Richard Purssell, who was a few feet away. "The driver cannot have failed to see her. As the blade pushed the pile, the earth rose up. Rachel slid down the pile. It looks as if she got her foot caught. The driver didn't slow down; he just ran over her. Then he reversed the bulldozer back over her again. She was very courageous."


Other activists said the bulldozer had approached from several metres away and that Ms Corrie, who was wearing a brightly coloured jacket, was waving and they were shouting at the driver to stop but he ignored them.

Witnesses said another protester had been slightly injured about half an hour earlier when the same bulldozer knocked him into barbed wire.

Ms Corrie was one of eight foreign volunteers - four from the US and four from Britain - with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) seeking to block house demolitions.

Mr Purssell, from Brighton, said that earlier an Israeli tank protecting the bulldozer had attempted to drive protesters away with warning shots and teargas. But there had been no trouble immediately before Ms Corrie was crushed.

Doctors at al-Najar hospital said she had died from skull and chest fractures. The Israeli military described the death as a "very regrettable accident".

"We are dealing with a group of protesters who are acting very irresponsibly, putting everyone in danger - the Palestinians, themselves and our forces - by intentionally placing themselves in a combat zone," the army said.

An Israeli military official later claimed there was limited visibility, especially on the ground immediately in front of the vehicle, from the windows of the armoured bulldozers used by the army.


text http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,2763,915725,00.html

images http://www.indybay.org/news/2003/03/1583861.php

btw, who like Monty Python's Life of Bryan?

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Originally posted by babbo

did ya see the movie- where the romans( itlains) nail jesus to the cross yet??

yes, but the jews were really pushing for his death, they really wanted him dead. they also werent satisfied when he was dead so they asked for roman guards to be placed outside his tomb for fear he would arise from the dead.

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Originally posted by djxeno

no, it is also historically accurate.


by whos account? you wanna show me someone who was there? or a piece of literature that can be qualified as "historically accurate?" nobody can even prove jesus existed you dumb schmuck.

in all seriousness, you're pretty lucky i dont feel well today so that i'm actually bored at home wasting my time on your pathetic worthless ass. thankfully i'll go back to my life tomorrow and wont have to be reminded that there are retards like you tumbling around this country.

what ever happened to Sassa? she was the only extremist here that could actually hold a somewhat intelectual debate...

now its just a bunch of dumbasses

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2


by whos account? you wanna show me someone who was there? or a piece of literature that can be qualified as "historically accurate?" nobody can even prove jesus existed you dumb schmuck.

in all seriousness, you're pretty lucky i dont feel well today so that i'm actually bored at home wasting my time on your pathetic worthless ass. thankfully i'll go back to my life tomorrow and wont have to be reminded that there are retards like you tumbling around this country.

what ever happened to Sassa? she was the only extremist here that could actually hold a somewhat intelectual debate...

now its just a bunch of dumbasses

wow, you seem to have everything under control. now that you have spewed bullshit out of ur ass, i bet you can sleep tight tonite.

by the tone of your response, seems to me like your a jew, since you are really hung up on this jesus thing and when anybody mentions his name you get ur panties in a bunch..

did i miss something...how did i become an extremist?

if really wanna find out historically what went down, i shouldnt have to tell you this...but you can read books, (remember them), and you would know that many theologians agree that the jews had something to do with his death.

we all know that everytime a prophet came the jews would kill them and not respect them. these are facts.

once again, take ur head out of your ass or you might miss how many extremists theyre really are in this country.

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Originally posted by djxeno

wow, you seem to have everything under control. now that you have spewed bullshit out of ur ass, i bet you can sleep tight tonite.

by the tone of your response, seems to me like your a jew, since you are really hung up on this jesus thing and when anybody mentions his name you get ur panties in a bunch..

did i miss something...how did i become an extremist?

if really wanna find out historically what went down, i shouldnt have to tell you this...but you can read books, (remember them), and you would know that many theologians agree that the jews had something to do with his death.

we all know that everytime a prophet came the jews would kill them and not respect them. these are facts.

once again, take ur head out of your ass or you might miss how many extremists theyre really are in this country.

yes i am jewish, and very proud of it

now listen, if you've got something to say about that how bout we meet and i'll smack you around like the little bitch that you are

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Originally posted by djxeno

wow, you seem to have everything under control. now that you have spewed bullshit out of ur ass, i bet you can sleep tight tonite.

by the tone of your response, seems to me like your a jew, since you are really hung up on this jesus thing and when anybody mentions his name you get ur panties in a bunch..

did i miss something...how did i become an extremist?

if really wanna find out historically what went down, i shouldnt have to tell you this...but you can read books, (remember them), and you would know that many theologians agree that the jews had something to do with his death.

we all know that everytime a prophet came the jews would kill them and not respect them. these are facts.

once again, take ur head out of your ass or you might miss how many extremists theyre really are in this country.

yeah- study it- romans/italians set him up for the kill- and the romans/italians- physically killed christ- study children= study

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

yes i am jewish, and very proud of it

now listen, if you've got something to say about that how bout we meet and i'll smack you around like the little bitch that you are

yeah so i was right, no wonder you got ur panties in a bunch just because someone mentioned "jesus"

God forbid. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by djxeno

yeah so i was right, no wonder you got ur panties in a bunch just because someone mentioned "jesus"

God forbid. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

what the hell are you talking about? i've read a lot about Jesus, I just dont like when a fucking imbecile like you starts opening his dumb mouth about this stuff.

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