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Congratulations Phillipio ...


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Originally posted by livin42nite

Saleen is the man for the reviews when it comes to clubs.

Philippio has had a couple good reviews, but they not as unbiased as saleens.

Saleen not biased :laugh:

He is the poster boy for bias. Most of the time, if the music isn't NYC House or Classics, its always bashed or not given a review at all. There is very little objectivity in his reviews and they are based on HIS perspective of what good music is, regardless of technical ability. Anybody can run down a tracklisting for a nights programming and give their opinion on what tracks were good or bad. I find his reviews to lack any concrete perspective on a DJs actual technical ability and what they may be doing within their set. Other than stating if the music was too low, muffled or loud or if a build up was brought in too high (rookie mistake, as he calls it), he offers no real review of just what is going on behind the decks because he has no real frame of reference for what is happening in the booth. I like my Music reviews to be centered around.....well.... the Music ....and for them to explain with some insight just what may have transpired wthin the course of an evenings musical programming, both technically and emotionally. Other than that he does do a good job on other points such as decor, staff, lighting etc.....all of which are of second interest to me. Oh ....and his reviews can be good for laugh or two sometimes, depending on what mood he is in.

Good reviews should be objectional and as un-biased as possible, for that I am sticking with the person I named in the CP awards thread as the best reviewer....Ramon. He tells it like it is, has a great capacity for music that cross multiple genres and he can get down to the technical aspects of a night as well.

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Originally posted by lyrik

Saleen not biased :laugh:

He is the poster boy for bias. Most of the time, if the music isn't NYC House or Classics, its always bashed or not given a review at all. There is very little objectivity in his reviews and they are based on HIS perspective of what good music is, regardless of technical ability. Anybody can run down a tracklisting for a nights programming and give their opinion on what tracks were good or bad. I find his reviews to lack any concrete perspective on a DJs actual technical ability and what they may be doing within their set. Other than stating if the music was too low, muffled or loud or if a build up was brought in too high (rookie mistake, as he calls it), he offers no real review of just what is going on behind the decks because he has no real frame of reference for what is happening in the booth. I like my Music reviews to be centered around.....well.... the Music ....and for them to explain with some insight just what may have transpired wthin the course of an evenings musical programming, both technically and emotionally. Other than that he does do a good job on other points such as decor, staff, lighting etc.....all of which are of second interest to me. Oh ....and his reviews can be good for laugh or two sometimes, depending on what mood he is in.

Good reviews should be objectional and as un-biased as possible, for that I am sticking with the person I named in the CP awards thread as the best reviewer....Ramon. He tells it like it is, has a great capacity for music that cross multiple genres and he can get down to the technical aspects of a night as well.

well said lyrik, in other words if a place is jumping and the floor is packed and the vibe is strong, and the dj is technically sound, then even if its not your preference of music you should be able to write a fair unbiased review...

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Originally posted by lyrik

Saleen not biased :laugh:

He is the poster boy for bias. Most of the time, if the music isn't NYC House or Classics, its always bashed or not given a review at all. There is very little objectivity in his reviews and they are based on HIS perspective of what good music is, regardless of technical ability. Anybody can run down a tracklisting for a nights programming and give their opinion on what tracks were good or bad. I find his reviews to lack any concrete perspective on a DJs actual technical ability and what they may be doing within their set. Other than stating if the music was too low, muffled or loud or if a build up was brought in too high (rookie mistake, as he calls it), he offers no real review of just what is going on behind the decks because he has no real frame of reference for what is happening in the booth. I like my Music reviews to be centered around.....well.... the Music ....and for them to explain with some insight just what may have transpired wthin the course of an evenings musical programming, both technically and emotionally. Other than that he does do a good job on other points such as decor, staff, lighting etc.....all of which are of second interest to me. Oh ....and his reviews can be good for laugh or two sometimes, depending on what mood he is in.

Good reviews should be objectional and as un-biased as possible, for that I am sticking with the person I named in the CP awards thread as the best reviewer....Ramon. He tells it like it is, has a great capacity for music that cross multiple genres and he can get down to the technical aspects of a night as well.

Ramon gets my vote for best train-spotter, if ever I'm at a club and a dj drops a tracks that I like, but never heard of before, and Ramon is standing close by, then I'm in luck! instant track id... (thanks R!)

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Guest brwneydtrouble

Funk said it best.

Saleens reviews are always tilted one way or another depending on what style the DJ played and whether he was comped or not. The most objective review so far has to be MIA, and thats an Italian restaurant! So go figure....

Phillipio may rant and rave, make a scene but when he gets down to business, its always good.

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Originally posted by livin42nite

Saleen is the man for the reviews when it comes to clubs. If i wanted to read a review for a track or album I'd prefer rcrespo to do the reviews. Philippio has had a couple good reviews, but they not as unbiased as saleens. Blue 95 percent of time gets amazing reviews, space always gets bashed as do all their djs, nerve always sucks, crobar always sucks. Only good honest reviews I can say I've read from him or of luna and that was a great review. Keep the reviews like that and quit the bs threads, only funk can do those. The rest of the others (bling, chaflas, jq) need to quit it.:blown:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Yeah ok, Saleen is unbiased. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

By the way, scroll down some....a gift awaits you.

:finger: :finger:

Have some refreshments as you leave and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

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Guest saleen351

Wow so many clueless idiots on here. Guys reviews are not written for djs or people who are hard core in the scene. Have you ever read those reveiws? They are boring as hell. CJ and other club related news sources are designed for the masses. I could care less about what 1% of the clubbing population thinks. Do you really think the industry peeps give a fuck about music etc and all the bs you mentioned above? They don't, they want a decent overrall picture of how the night was and how the venue was. When someone reads a review, they should get a sense of what the place is about before they ever step foot in the door. Hows the decor, sound, what type of music, type of crowd, layout, vibe etc...

I was in the booth for morillo, i could have wrote a book about what he was doing, hell me and pod talked about it alot, but you'll never see me put that stuff in my review.

I want avg joe clubber to read my reviews and make a decison to go check out that dj or venue. I don't want avg joe clubber to read 5 paragraphs on mixing and track selection. 90% of the time i only mention tracks, so the 1% of the hard core clubbers get to read what the dj dropped.

My reviews are #1 for a good reason. K.I.S.S





on top of that, the cj crowd knows i'm from nj, and knows i hate trance, but i gave egdar a more than fair review at maze...

I don't sell out ever for my reviews, I walked in for DT on the owners list, and bashed the living hell out of them the next day on CJ....

and I get comped everywhere, and i don't do a review on every event where I get comped. I do the reviews when i feel like it.

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Originally posted by saleen351

Wow so many clueless idiots on here. Guys reviews are not written for djs or people who are hard core in the scene. Have you ever read those reveiws? They are boring as hell. CJ and other club related news sources are designed for the masses. I could care less about what 1% of the clubbing population thinks. Do you really think the industry peeps give a fuck about music etc and all the bs you mentioned above? They don't, they want a decent overrall picture of how the night was and how the venue was. When someone reads a review, they should get a sense of what the place is about before they ever step foot in the door. Hows the decor, sound, what type of music, type of crowd, layout, vibe etc...

I was in the booth for morillo, i could have wrote a book about what he was doing, hell me and pod talked about it alot, but you'll never see me put that stuff in my review.

I want avg joe clubber to read my reviews and make a decison to go check out that dj or venue. I don't want avg joe clubber to read 5 paragraphs on mixing and track selection. 90% of the time i only mention tracks, so the 1% of the hard core clubbers get to read what the dj dropped.

My reviews are #1 for a good reason. K.I.S.S





on top of that, the cj crowd knows i'm from nj, and knows i hate trance, but i gave egdar a more than fair review at maze...

I don't sell out ever for my reviews, I walked in for DT on the owners list, and bashed the living hell out of them the next day on CJ....

and I get comped everywhere, and i don't do a review on every event where I get comped. I do the reviews when i feel like it.

Nick ... you are soooo right. N/K.

It is one thing to write a review at a printed/cyberspace media that focuses primarily on a local reading base. Obviously the context of what is written is determined by the reading audience.

On this note, you have rapidly become a recognized voice among your readers. Props to you.

There are other printed/cyberspace media whose audience seeks a different kind of review. More specialized in certain things. If the media you are reading appeals to many readers around the globe idistinctively, then descriptions of the bathrooms, the staff, the door or the local club gossip aren't of interest or relevant to that audience.

I thought I had expressed my views clearly in my prior post. This isn't a competition or a who is better. To that extent, this is just like any other side of life.

Would we say that an article written for Newsweek is better of than an article written for a tabloid? (extreme comparison here). The writter is chosen/hired according to the kind of media and the audience determined by the kind of media.

Lastly. Ramon is superb in writing music reviews. He is extremely knowledgeable in tracks and DJs.

Lyric also knows his material. And expresses it correctly.

This thread wasn't intended to compare Phillipio with other fellow members. It was simply intended to give props to a Cper who has been chosen to write reviews on events in South Florida. Which includes in occassions Orlando.

I wish Phillipio good luck in this endeavour, and good luck to all other of us in their own. :)

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Originally posted by saleen351

I was in the booth for morillo, i could have wrote a book about what he was doing, hell me and pod talked about it alot, but you'll never see me put that stuff in my review.

Did Morillo get a blowjob? Come on, we want the dirt! What are you fucking losers doing at the booth anyways? Can't you let the fucking djs work, bitch? :finger:

I want avg joe clubber to read my reviews and make a decison to go check out that dj or venue. I don't want avg joe clubber to read 5 paragraphs on mixing and track selection.

There's no such thing as an "average joe clubber" you pompous bastard...every clubber is numero uno in my book...avergae joe clubber, my ass!


My reviews are #1 for a good reason. K.I.S.S





How about you bend over backwards and K.I.S.S. your own ass...damn, what the fuck is up your self-promoting-rambling?...it's like you get a hard-on when you talk aboiut yourself...it's fucking ridiculous!


I don't sell out ever for my reviews, I walked in for DT on the owners list, and bashed the living hell out of them the next day on CJ....

You are a Club Owner's Whore...it's all that you are and everyone knows it...you do all this shit to associate with club owners at a personal level...while they look down upon you and laugh...and rightly so.

Just kidding Saleen, you are the bomb!


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reviews are written by people. people are biased. therefore, reviews are biased. you want unbiased? try a double-blind lab test.

some of you are taking this review thing way too seriously. this is clubplanet, not some scientific journal. the only peer-review that goes on here is done with smilies.

while i certainly appreciate the kind folks who go to the trouble to review parties, especially those reviewers who try to be somewhat unbiased, i don't expect full disclosure of their possible conflicts of interest, and i don't expect their "official review" posts to live up to my quaint journalistic standards. just tell me about your night, and don't try to be judge judy of clubplanet.

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Originally posted by livin42nite

Saleen is the man for the reviews when it comes to clubs. If i wanted to read a review for a track or album I'd prefer rcrespo to do the reviews. Philippio has had a couple good reviews, but they not as unbiased as saleens. Blue 95 percent of time gets amazing reviews, space always gets bashed as do all their djs, nerve always sucks, crobar always sucks. Only good honest reviews I can say I've read from him or of luna and that was a great review. Keep the reviews like that and quit the bs threads, only funk can do those. The rest of the others (bling, chaflas, jq) need to quit it.:blown:


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Originally posted by saintjohn

reviews are written by people. people are biased. therefore, reviews are biased. you want unbiased? try a double-blind lab test.

some of you are taking this review thing way too seriously. this is clubplanet, not some scientific journal. the only peer-review that goes on here is done with smilies.

while i certainly appreciate the kind folks who go to the trouble to review parties, especially those reviewers who try to be somewhat unbiased, i don't expect full disclosure of their possible conflicts of interest, and i don't expect their "official review" posts to live up to my quaint journalistic standards. just tell me about your night, and don't try to be judge judy of clubplanet.

well put my friend:cool:

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Originally posted by lolahotass

Everyone has their own opinion of how the night was... a "review" is how the person who is writing viewed the night.......

We all right good reviews in our own mind....

This is not a fight of "who has the best reviews on CP"....:rolleyes:

That's right...this is Philippio's congratulation thread...and look what your friend did to it...bad vibes, really.


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People, this is not a competition as Marco clearly pointed out. Of course every review will have an "angle" to it based on the preferences of the person writing it. Subjectivity. I'm not going to dive into writing review with the sole purpose of pleasing a club owner or promoter who gave me comps to get in, comp drinks all night and comp admission to the dj booth. ANd although the dj booth is a pretty nice place to be, you can't talk with the dj most of the time cause he's working and you definitely cannot see the interaction of the dj and the crowd. That's one of the most important jobs of the dj. To make a connection with the crowd. So Saleen, you can continue writing your reviews the way you do and anyone who clicks their stupid mouse button to read them, should not post a bashing reply. The same goes with mine. I can't take 100% of the subjective remarks out of a review. Only a machine can do that.

:D:hat: thank you.

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People, this is not a competition as Marco clearly pointed out. Of course every review will have an "angle" to it based on the preferences of the person writing it. Subjectivity. I'm not going to dive into writing review with the sole purpose of pleasing a club owner or promoter who gave me comps to get in, comp drinks all night and comp admission to the dj booth. And although the dj booth is a pretty nice place to be, you can't talk with the dj most of the time cause he's working and you definitely cannot see the interaction of the dj and the crowd. That's one of the most important jobs of the dj. To make a connection with the crowd. I'm not going to brag about getting in for free and I won't complain about having to pay to get in. Where do you all think the money comes from that pays all the dj's you like to go and see? I may on occasion compare the cover to another event that I attended with respect to which was better. So Saleen, you can continue writing your reviews the way you do and anyone who clicks their stupid mouse button to read them, should not post a bashing reply. The same goes with mine. I can't take 100% of the subjective remarks out of a review. Only a machine can do that.

:D:hat: thank you.

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(Saleen)Guys reviews are not written for djs or people who are hard core in the scene.

- Ahh... yes they are. Maybe your own reviews aren't, but there are reviews written that take into consideration the DJs and "hard core" people.....and with turntables out selling guitars in Europe in years past I can only assume that there is large population that would be very interested in the technical point of view.

(Saleen)Have you ever read those reveiws?

-Yes...just like any other reviews some are good, some are great and some are shit....all depends on the information and the way its presented within the context of the topic being reviewed.

(Saleen)CJ and other club related news sources are designed for the masses. I could care less about what 1% of the clubbing population thinks.

-So what you are saying is that you are writing your reviews to be geared towards the other 99%....I'll get to the 99% later...

(Saleen)Do you really think the industry peeps give a fuck about music etc and all the bs you mentioned above?

-Hopefully yes, because until they can accurately gauge just how big of a population the educated club goers make up, it would be in their best interest to take all opinions into account. Word of mouth can be a powerful thing. If a consumer is dissatified with a product they generally warn their friends or associates about the product and that can have a trickle down effect.

(Saleen)They want a decent overrall picture of how the night was and how the venue was. When someone reads a review, they should get a sense of what the place is about before they ever step foot in the door. Hows the decor, sound, what type of music, type of crowd, layout, vibe etc...

-Totally agree with ya on this....that is if you are doing a generalized review of the venue, but were talking event/DJ specific.

(Saleen)I was in the booth for morillo, i could have wrote a book about what he was doing,

-I'll believe it when I see it....regardless of your reviews, you have never posted a thread that I have seen that would give me the impression that you really comprehend all the technical aspects.

(Saleen)I don't want avg joe clubber to read 5 paragraphs on mixing and track selection.

-Who said 5 paragraphs? 1 paragraph would suffice in most cases and there are tons of ways to put it into laments terms....you know...keep it simple stupid.

(Saleen)on top of that, the cj crowd knows i'm from nj, and knows i hate trance,

-Ok lets talk about what people know of you and this will take into account the 99% of clubbers that your reviews are suppose to be geared towards. Again and again you have stated that Miami and basically anything outside of the NYC/NJ area is clueless about music, you have offered up some of your ideas on how to make the scene better...classics night etc, etc. so on and so forth. So in general if most people are clueless in your opinion, I can only assume that the 99% of the people that your reviews are geared towards have to fit into a large majority of that clueless population. So if you are willing to offer up ideas and state on how things could be better, I can only assume that you would actually like to see this happen. Your assumption that 99% of the clubbing popualtion would turn a deaf ear, is just that....an assumption. So basically you have been given a forumn in which you could educate the clueless population, but instead you make the blind assumption that it is not what the people want to hear and then in turn you then criticize this same population for not understanding the music, its scene and what could and/or couldn't make it better. Does that make any sense to you?

Sorry for the


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