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Recruiting terrorists in Europe to kill Americans


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Recruiting terrorists

in Europe to kill Americans in Iraq

Network described as complex, well-organized

By Lisa Myers

Senior investigative correspondent

NBC News

Updated: 6:39 p.m. ET Dec. 19, 2003Since the arrest of Saddam Hussein, attacks on American troops have continued. Most of the insurgents in Iraq are Iraqi-born, but some have been foreign fighters. And many of them have been recruited from Europe. European police have arrested nine suspects recently on charges they were recruiting fighters to kill Americans in Iraq. NBC News has learned the network of recruiters spans from Italy to Norway.

European intelligence officials say the streets of Milan are the epicenter of a network of al-Qaida and other extremists recruiting militants from Europe, to kill Americans in Iraq.

Intelligence experts estimate hundreds of volunteers or recruits from Europe have attempted to enter Iraq.

One British Olympic hopeful in martial arts reportedly blew himself up in a suicide attack in Iraq last month.

At least five Muslims from Italy also are believed to have been killed carrying out attacks in Iraq, according to a confidential Italian court document obtained by NBC News. Another Italian recruit was tied to the rocket attack on the Baghdad hotel where Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz was staying.

“The most troubling picture is the fact that the network is extremely complex and well organized, and branches throughout Europe,†according to European terrorism expert Lorenzo Vidino.

Police in three countries recently arrested nine suspects, including four men, for allegedly providing false documents and logistical support through a network that spans Britain, Norway, France, Spain, Germany and Italy.

“Militants from all over Europe were basically calling the cell in Milan to find a way to cross the border in to go to Iraq,†Vidino added.

Syrian connection

Most went by way of Syria. In wiretapped phone calls detailed in the Italian documents, a militant in Syria asks for recruits similar to the Japanese Kamikaze pilots of World War II.

One another call, a ringleader in Milan tells his partner in Syria, “I am going to send you four more.†The man in Syria responds, “We need 40 of them, but good like those of last time.â€

And in an intercepted call last March, a true believer in Italy boasts, “Many communities... have gotten ready to leave and fight against the Americans... Their blood is hot.â€

British peace envoy Canon Andrew White says he recently encountered British Muslims about to enter Iraq and was stunned by who they were. “They didn’t have long beards," he said. "They were very smart. They spoke very good English. And they were the least likely people that you would expect to be involved in any terrorist activity."

German intelligence reports much of the recruiting has shifted from mosques to Internet chat rooms and coffee houses.

“These extremists are even more cautious, even more clandestine than before. They are more careful,†according to intelligence official Carl Heinrich von Bauer of Germany’s Northrhein-Westphalia state.

NBC News obtained a flier by a Milan group called “Lovers of Martyrdom†which says, “Leave this short meaningless life and expect the highest rewards in heaven... The doors are open for new recruits... Many volunteers have entered Iraq thru Syria.â€

There are no reliable numbers on how many European militants are actually fighting in Iraq. The U.S. military says foreign fighters are only a fraction of insurgents who’ve been caught. Still, their presence can only make the violence worse.

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Originally posted by normalnoises


better yet ... let's all chip in for nuclear proof shelters for all the top 10% richies in america then nuke the entire world ... let the world burn asunder, fearing the allmighty wrath of the usa, god willing they will all pay for dissenting our edict of total domination of all the earths resources

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Originally posted by xpyrate

better yet ... let's all chip in for nuclear proof shelters for all the top 10% richies in america then nuke the entire world ... let the world burn asunder, fearing the allmighty wrath of the usa, god willing they will all pay for dissenting our edict of total domination of all the earths resources

You clearly had an adult help you put this little paragraph together, or found the copy/paste function....this is certainly a departure from your normal "green eggs and ham" style

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Originally posted by marksimons

what the fuck? I'm doing the washing up later, and my stuff is being packed up soon...

what ya babbling about now?

Then put on those clean clothes, and hit the streets son...Hit the streets with passion.......

Demand more of your government (s) in this REAL war....

Demand a European Patriot Act son (one that at least protects coffee houses so that while you are safe and secure discussing the big, bad, West, Islamists are trying to destroy it)

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Originally posted by igloo

You clearly had an adult help you put this little paragraph together, or found the copy/paste function....this is certainly a departure from your normal "green eggs and ham" style

just because you didn't understand the sarcasm and humor of my post does not mean i needed someone to help me with it ... i suggest enrolling in clown school because your sense of humor needs a serious tune up, about your education level as well

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seriously, the kids down the road shot me with a BB gun, twice, little fuckers... well actually only one hit me...

hitting the streets?

well, I've explained what my plan is.

hitting the streets about european attitudes towards terroism? protesting against terroists in europe? what the fuck do you want me to hit the streets for?

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Originally posted by marksimons

seriously, the kids down the road shot me with a BB gun, twice, little fuckers... well actually only one hit me...

hitting the streets?

well, I've explained what my plan is.

hitting the streets about european attitudes towards terroism? protesting against terroists in europe? what the fuck do you want me to hit the streets for?

You don't see the hypocrisy in your efforts to protest a war for a greater good but ignore the gathering of forces in your country??

Why not protest the reluctance of the English authorities in apprehending them?

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they are, have there been any terror attacks in britain?


they have arrested people, we have our own mini-guantanamo thing.

the british security services have decades of experience in dealing with terroists, I think they appreciate the threat.

I do believe that actions of Mr Blair in iraq, and his selling of weapons internationally - to Indonesia, India, Pakistan, and more, do more to contribute to animosity towards the country.

the best way to help confront terroism at home is to include the communities from which the most likely terroists, for the low level bombing stuff will come from, which is dissafected young people, probably unemployed, the same people, whom if they were white would be skinheads or racists...

dealing with terroism is not as simple as locking people up or killing them, hence ONE of the reasons why I was opposed to the iraq war. there are many more reasons as well.

why should I protest against war then go and protest FOR the curtailing of civil liberties - as iggy suggest when he said why not get a european patriot act - I infact believe mr blunket in the uk did pass something similar, but will need to check it out.

I don't believe the british authorities are reluctant to apprehend people, I remember a few cases of people being arrested on suspicion of terroism stuff.

and as I've said, has there been an attack in britain by 'al quaeda'?

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

It sounds like you almost want there to be a terrorist attack. Why is it necessary to say, "not yet"?

If you think that AlQeada isn't actively planning attacks agains all democratic free loving countries you are naive... I was only pointing out HIS error in drawing the conclusion that a non-incident equals protection....

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Originally posted by xpyrate

better yet ... let's all chip in for nuclear proof shelters for all the top 10% richies in america then nuke the entire world ... let the world burn asunder, fearing the allmighty wrath of the usa, god willing they will all pay for dissenting our edict of total domination of all the earths resources

yeah the top 10%. lets look at the senate for one.

look up the top ten richest senators the majority democrats

im sure you will find the same to be true for our country!

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with regards to terroist threats.

unlike america britain has been bombed, and from a very early age with my Granny telling me about hiding under tables during the blitz and seeing the shell of a church in the city where I lived, understanding that in times gone past you stood the risk of being killed in the place where you're meant to be safest.

england as a nation has suffered worse threats than islamic terroists, if they try and attack, they just want to kill an damage to panic and enrage a population to seek revenge, for eye for an eye results in both sides being blinded...

put it this way, if people of my grandfathers generation could stand the blitz by nazi germany, then I sure as shit won't be scared by the much lower danger of suicide bombers or terroism.

that's simply the truth.

also I do feel that all this 'orange alert' or whatever the fuck, it's just to scare people, scared people more pliable...

neway... time for the funny before the facts:




eloquently put batemann, do you mean the richest 10% are dems?

here's some research, seems there are some rich dems, but as we all know, the dems in the house and senate, are for the most part spineless republican lites:

U.S. Senate wealth..........

According to a recent article on cnn.com, there are 40 millionaires in the U.S. Senate, according to their own financial statements. (See list below.)

Of these, the 5 richest are Democrats. Of the dozen richest, 10 are Democrats and 2 are Republicans. The richest (Democrat) senator is worth more than 6 times as much as the richest Republican senator.

Finally, since the remaining 60 senators must be worth less than $1M each, we can compute that the 3 richest senators (all Democrat) are worth more the the rest of the Senate combined!

John Kerry D Massachusetts 163,626,399

Herb Kohl D Wisconsin 111,015,016

John Rockefeller D West Virginia 81,648,018

Subtotal of 3 richest 356,289,433

Jon Corzine D New Jersey 71,035,025

Dianne Feinstein D California 26,377,109

Peter Fitzgerald R Illinois 26,132,013

Frank Lautenberg D New Jersey 17,789,018

Bill Frist R Tennessee 15,108,042

John Edwards D North Carolina 12,844,029

Edward Kennedy D Massachusetts 9,905,009

Jeff Bingaman D New Mexico 7,981,015

Bob Graham D Florida 7,691,052

Richard Shelby R Alabama 7,085,012

Gordon Smithy R Oregon 6,429,011

Lincoln Chafee R Rhode Island 6,296,010

Ben Nelson D Nebraska 6,267,028

Lamar Alexander R Tennessee 4,823,018

Mike DeWine R Ohio 4,308,093

Mark Dayton D Minnesota 3,974,037

Ben Campbell R Colorado 3,165,007

Chuck Hagel R Nebraska 2,963,013

Olympia Snowe R Maine 2,955,037

James Talent R Missouri 2,843,031

Arlen Specter R Pennsylvania 2,045,016

Judd Gregg R New Hampshire 1,916,026

John McCain R Arizona 1,838,010

James Inhofe R Oklahoma 1,570,043

John Warner R Virginia 1,545,039

Kay Bailey Hutchison R Texas 1,513,046

Mitch McConnell R Kentucky 1,511,017

Harry Reid D Nevada 1,500,040

Sam Brownback R Kansas 1,491,018

Thomas Carper D Delaware 1,482,017

Ted Stevens R Alaska 1,417,013

Maria Cantwell D Washington 1,264,999

Barbara Boxer D California 1,172,003

Orrin Hatch R Utah 1,086,023

Mary Landrieu D Louisiana 1,080,014

Bill Nelson D Florida 1,073,014

Charles Grassley R Iowa 1,016,024

Remaining Senators < 60,000,000

Subtotal of remaining 97 senators < 330,490,971

Total < 686,780,404


however, when it comes to the team around bush, well they're really rich:



A majority of President Bush's new cabinet are millionaires and several are multimillionaires.

According to information from financial disclosure reports, released by the Office of Government Ethics, most cabinet appointees have amassed their fortunes in stock options.

Now a Washington-based think tank is questioning whether some of the cabinet members could face a possible conflict of interest.

It is not unusual for American politicians to be rich. For the last two decades more than half of all cabinet members have been millionaires.

Strong ties

But the number of millionaires in this new cabinet highlights the influence of money in American politics.

"You don¹t come to Washington and give up your life and business unless you have a lot of money," said Charles Lewis, executive director of the Center for Public Integrity.

What makes the new Bush administration different from previous wealthy cabinets is that so many of the officials have links to the same industry - oil.

The president, vice-president, commerce secretary and national security adviser all have strong ties to the oil industry.

Vice-President Dick Cheney amassed some £50m-$60m while he was chief executive of Haliburton oil company.

Commerce Secretary Donald Evans held stock valued between $5m and $25m in Tom Brown Inc, the oil and gas exploration company he headed.

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