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Terror alert raised


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Don't know how all of your lives are being affected by the new level of orange (second highest possible), but things are pretty crazy here in my area.

For any of ya who havent heard, Ridge and the homeland security people are saying that over the holidays there is a possibility for attacks that are as bad as, or maybe even worse, than the 9-11 attacks.

We have one of the highest military populations (troops and bases) in the country here in the southeastern part of VA. Between Va Beach, Chesapeake, and Norfolk (all are about 10-15 miles apart) there are 3 navy bases and a couple army, marines, and air force bases. We also have one of the biggest shipping ports in the country after NYC, LA, and Boston. Anyway...because of all of this, security around the area has been increased like crazy. Maybe you New Yorkers will know what I mean because I saw on CNN how things are pretty tight up there.

The coast guard has been brought in to protect the shipping ports...roads that go by military bases are checkpointed by the military. Its pretty nuts...all the bases are set far far far away from any civilian roads but they are still stopping every car going through the areas of the bases and doing a quick sweep. Same goes for the 5 tunnels surrounding Va Beach. Every car is stopped and given a quick check by the military before being allowed to enter. Same goes for the Chesapeake Bay Bridge/Tunnel, which is a 27 mile bridge/tunnel that connects the peninsula of Va thats separated by the Chesapeake Bay.

All the local news stations are saying security will be like this until a week or so after the new year. Its kinda scary to see this first hand...I cant imagine what its like in NYC or DC. But I'd rather have to take an extra 30 minutes out of my commute each day to know the military in my area is safe, as well as us regular old citizens.

Anyone else seeing a change like this because of the alert?

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I live right next to Andrews AFB and work right across the street from the white house. If I'm gonna be worried about shit like this I should be worried all the time. I'd say don't allow yourself to be intimidated by our gov't. It's all just fear based mind control.

“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.â€

— Herman Goering

Nazi Air Force (Luftwaffe) commander

at the Nuremberg Trials

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That sounds like pretty heavy security, perhaps they've got concrete evidence of planned attacks, perhaps just a bit of preparation for more visible police in the american state? Did you see how the police carried on at Miami, very visible, very pro-active.

I hope that these sorts of security measures are temporary, but there are some paranoid people out there who think one more big terroist attack in America and it could be a nice big suspension of constitution and attempted police state...

but... well... that is a *bit* paranoid, but, stranger things have happend.

I thought these were funny.



the point is you shouldn't give up liberty for safety, it's a fundamentally flawed concept.

a fair amount of legislation passed as 'temporary' or 'for national security' can have a habit of hanging around.

also as a method of manipulating a population fear is a good tactic.

doesn't matter whether the fear is true or not, if you repeat something often enough it has the power to become the truth, a tactic used well in nazi germany, and by most PR companies today. different ends same tactics.

having police checkpoints near military installations in a time of war, let's not beat about the bush, is probably a sensible precaution, problem comes if that gets extended to say parts of cities, or cities, or something like that, I mean you look at the trouble they're having with checkpoints set up hastily in iraq, a civilian vehicle travels through not noticing a new checkpoint, and safety over liberty, the scared paranoid troops, unable to tell a guerilla fighter from a civilian open fire.




American military commanders have defended the right of their soldiers to open fire in self-defence.

They were responding to the deaths of seven Iraqi women and children, who were shot in their vehicle by soldiers at a checkpoint.

Two other Iraqis were wounded when the vehicle they were all travelling in was fired on after it reportedly failed to stop at the road block near the city of Najaf, south of Baghdad.

US commanders said they would investigate the incident, but the first reaction was to back the troops.

Click for map of coalition advance on Baghdad

The soldiers involved "absolutely did the right thing", General Peter Pace, vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said.

"Our soldiers on the ground have an absolute right to defend themselves."

And at US Central Command in Qatar, Brigadier General Vincent Brooks said there would be no change in the rules of engagement at checkpoints.

"We're trying to get some separation between a potential threat and the force that is being protected," General Brooks told reporters.

"There will be occasions where civilians will be put in harm's way," he said.

best make sure you slow down in good time at those checkpoints in america...

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I understand what you're saying about giving up liberty for safety. But because I live in a pretty big military area, I dont mind it. All this extra security is to just protect those who protect us. Know what I mean? Like if an attack were to happen, these are the people who would come to our aid. So I don't mind a little extra security. If this were just Anytown, USA it would be a little annoying and I'd be questioning it, but its not....so I can live with it for a week or so. And who knows, maybe there has been intelligence that something in this area could be a target.

And I certianly dont look at it as "paranoid" mind control or whatever. They wouldnt go through all of this to try to scare the public or "control our minds." They are doing it to show whoever might have something up their sleeves that we're not going to do whatever it takes to stop them and not make it easy for them, and obviously to do their best to protect us.

At least this way if something happens, you liberals can't blame Bush and the conservatives for not protecting our country the way it should be. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by youarehot99

At least this way if something happens, you liberals can't blame Bush and the conservatives for not protecting our country the way it should be. :rolleyes:

I hope that's not the only reason that they raise terror warnings...So the gov't can say I told you so but rather prevent innocent deaths. :smile2:

I guess what I'm saying is just chill out, dude. You'll be ok. Attacks will come on soft targets that means inner cities. You wanna trade places?

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personally, i hate the fact i see national gaurd units with m16s or whatever gun they use walking around in subways it's fucking unnerving ... and what good are they anyway? why not arm cops with better firepower instead? though id even be against that with all the gun control laws. there is no reason they need to the army to police civilians, that's what banana republics do, which reminds me of this ...



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Ok well I guess I figured out why we're being heavily guarded here. I was watching Fox News this morning and they said that the US intelligence said NYC and DC would be obvious targets but other possible targets included Las Vegas, Alaskan oil fields, and the Hampton Road area of Virginia because of its militray. So I guess thats why we're being watched so heavily. A few flights scheduled to LA from France were not allowed to enter the country today either.

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