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Leave Bush Alone

mr mahs

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Those who oppose our successful efforts in Iraq and despise our commander in chief have found a new charge to level against President Bush. No, it's not the tried and true "He's a miserable failure." It's not "He doesn't work well with others." It's not "He didn't go to the United Nations before getting us involved in an unnecessary war." It's not even "He was SELECTED, not ELECTED, president in 2000."

Those attacks have failed to move the president's disapproval rating out of the low 30s. In an effort to move that number in an upward direction, some have taken to blasting Bush for not attending the funerals of our servicemen and women who have been killed in Iraq. They have also attacked the president for not allowing TV cameras to be positioned at Dover Air Force Base, to record the coffins of those killed in action as they return home one final time.

At least one man who lost his son in Iraq has had enough of the criticism of the president.

"I'm the father of a soldier who was killed in Iraq on May 30 earlier this year." That's how Ron Griffin, who lost his 20-year-old son Kyle, began his phone call to me on my WABC Radio program in the wee hours of a New York morning. He had just heard Gen. Wesley Clark bring up the issues of the base at Dover and the funerals.

He had also seen the issues raised as questions in a recent poll, where the majority of Americans answered that they thought President Bush should attend some of the funerals and should allow viewing of the returning dead soldiers.

"Very simply, the media has no reason to be at Dover Air Force Base," he told me. "My son was killed with two of his best friends. If I was to sit and watch TV to see three soldiers coming off a plane, how do I know who is my son?" What about the 17 soldiers who were killed [in Somalia]? How do you have the media there?"

Griffin told me that at first he wasn't going to go to pick up his son, but he did head out to meet his son at Dover. "We went to pick my son up. They hold a full military ceremony with honors. The old guard is there from Washington, D.C. It's all done in private with the soldiers and their family only. I was told very nicely by those in charge that they take care of their own."

Ron Griffin says it would be impossible for President Bush to be at every military funeral. "The day that my son was buried, his two friends were buried the same day at the same time in different places. Two in Pennsylvania and one in New Jersey. How does the president pick and choose which one he goes to? Does he go to my son's and not his two friends? Or does he go to one of the friend's and leave my son out?"

And then there is the possibility of turning the funerals into a media event. "If he would have showed up at my son's funeral, there would not have been any room at the church. So who gets kicked out?" Griffin wondered. "One of my son's friends?"

Griffin says: "Bush is doing absolutely the right thing. We don't want a media circus. It would take away from everything the day was. It was a celebration of my son's life."

Kyle Griffin, born on Sept. 11, 1982, was a long-range reconnaissance special operations soldier. He was killed in a traffic accident between Tikrit and Mosul. His dad, a Vietnam veteran, says that Kyle loved being in the military and knew that there was a chance he wouldn't return home. "I don't need somebody like Wesley Clark to tell me that I should be angry at George W. Bush because he doesn't attend funerals," Ron Griffin said. "I don't understand how people can use the death of somebody to their advantage."

"My son and I talked about [u.N.] Resolution 1441. He wanted to be a soldier. He had no qualms about going to Iraq." The proud father added: "There are only about 450 families who are going through this. People don't understand what we're going through."

I think that President Bush does, and you would think that the general would too

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Originally posted by djxeno

the U.S.'s problems.

Economy-- CHECK...

Terrorism-- CHECK...

Medicare-- CHECK...


Looks good to me so far...

Wait until his next term then he tackles the massive Social Security problem..

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Economy-- CHECK...

Terrorism-- CHECK...

Medicare-- CHECK...


Looks good to me so far...

Wait until his next term then he tackles the massive Social Security problem..

he should tackle his language skills first.

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Originally posted by mr mahs

WOW did you think of that rebutal all by yourself SADAM?

hahaahahhaha now you think I'm Saddam.

I think all those countless hrs you spend by the computer screen playing war games have really fried your brain.

Get a life dude.

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Originally posted by djxeno

hahaahahhaha now you think I'm Saddam.

I think all those countless hrs you spend by the computer screen playing war games have really fried your brain.

Get a life dude.

Countless hours?

Dude I work full time at a brokerage firm, go to school and have enough common sense to know Sadam was evil tyrant that did nothing but bring MISERY to the Arab world.. and it was Bush and Co that removed him for a greater good....

What do you do as a profession besides a professional FLUFFER? :laugh:

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Countless hours?

Dude I work full time at a brokerage firm, go to school and have enough common sense to know Sadam was evil tyrant that did nothing but bring MISERY to the Arab world.. and it was Bush and Co that removed him for a greater good....

What do you do as a profession besides a professional FLUFFER? :laugh:

lol first of all...how did Saddam bring "misery" to the Arab World ?

Iranians are not considerd arab if you are refering to that 10 year war. the only other country he attacked was Kuwait.

so you have no clue when you say he brought "misery" to the arab world.

he may have brough "misery" to the kurds and shites, but they are not the Arab world.

As far as working, I don't have to answer to the likes of you but I am out of school and work at Citigroup, Inc. as a security analyst.

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freedom of speech, as normal said.

that said, I think I might leave bush alone now... I mean what has he done wrong...

erm... wait... heheh... just found a cool site


"We see the same intolerance of dissent; the same mad,

global ambitions; the same brutal determination

to control every life and all of life."

- G. W. Bush


"A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier,

there's no question about it."

- G. W. Bush


"I understand people's willingness to protest, but they should

not protest the decisions our coalition is making, because

it is in the best interest of freedom and humankind."

- G. W. Bush


"There ought to be limits to freedom."

- G. W. Bush


"...we have arrested or detained over 1,000 people

here in America, to determine - to find out

what they know."

- G. W. Bush


"Our priorities is our faith."

- G. W. Bush


"Our enemies fear a society which is pluralistic

and open to worship an almighty God."

- G. W. Bush


"The prayer that I would like America to ask

for is to pray for...a shield of protection...so that...

there is a spiritual shield that protects the country."

- G. W. Bush


"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate

what I believe and what I believe - I believe

what I believe is right."

- G. W. Bush


"Our nation seeks a more just and more peaceful world.

Our nation seeks a safer and better world."

- G. W. Bush


"In this new era of warfare, we can target

a regime, not a nation. Our aim is to

track and strike the guilty."

- G. W. Bush


"We come to Iraq with respect for its citizens."

- G. W. Bush





"Peace in parts of the world where

people have said peace is impossible.

I think it is. That's the vision I have."

- G. W. Bush


"It is important that we stay the course, bring these

people to justice, to show? and show others

how to fight the new wars of the 21st century."

- G. W. Bush


"We expect there to be transparency. People who have got

something to hide make us nervous..."

- G. W. Bush


"I'm the commander, I do not need to

explain why I say things. That's the in-

teresting thing about being the President.

Maybe somebody needs to explain to me

why they say something, but I don't feel

like I owe anybody an explanation...."

- G. W. Bush


"I take personal responsibility for everything

I say, of course. Absolutely. I also take

responsibility for making decisions

on war and peace."

- G. W. Bush








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MarkSimons as for your pics of the injured children and all from Iraq I really think you should stray to another angle in your protest for the war. Hussein was far from a humanitarian so in trying to demonstrate the death and anguish the american assault and occupation of Iraq is causing you must take into account the amount of lives saved by Hussein not being in power. Both sides use the Iraqi people as political pawns but lets cut the bullshit neither gave 2 shits about them until this whole conflict began.

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

MarkSimons as for your pics of the injured children and all from Iraq I really think you should stray to another angle in your protest for the war. Hussein was far from a humanitarian so in trying to demonstrate the death and anguish the american assault and occupation of Iraq is causing you must take into account the amount of lives saved by Hussein not being in power. Both sides use the Iraqi people as political pawns but lets cut the bullshit neither gave 2 shits about them until this whole conflict began.

you forget that it was the U.S. Led Sanctions that led to the deaths of over 4000 Iraqi children every month.

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Originally posted by djxeno

you forget that it was the U.S. Led Sanctions that led to the deaths of over 4000 Iraqi children every month.

No Sadam not adhering to the ceae fire agreemnet after Gulf War I had nothing to do with those sanction right?:rolleyes:

Or his CONSTANT defiance to the INTERNATIONAL community because remember it was the U.N that placed those sanctions on him..

It amazes me how people can blame the U.N as if they just decided one day, to place sanctions on that madman and completly ignore what occurred for those sanctions to be put in place..

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Originally posted by mr mahs

No Sadam not adhering to the ceae fire agreemnet after Golf War I had nothing to do with those sanction right?:rolleyes:

Or his CONSTANT defiance to the INTERNATIONAL community because remember it was the U.N that placed those sanctions on him..

It amazes me how people can blame the U.N, as if they just decided to place sanctions on that madman and completly ignore what occurred for those sanctions to be put in place..

facts are facts.

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Originally posted by djxeno

facts are facts.

You mean the FACT that Saddam Hussein did not adhere to the 1991 ceasefire agreements and a decade of U.N. resolutions?

You mean the FACT that the money (billions) from the U.N. Food and Oil programs when to building Presidential Palaces and buying weapons instead of hospitals and medicine?

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"In this new era of warfare, we can target

a regime, not a nation. Our aim is to

track and strike the guilty."

- G. W. Bush


"We come to Iraq with respect for its citizens."

- G. W. Bush

I was just making a point how what bush says is bullshit.

contrasting what he says, which implies that this war can be faught with minimal civilian casualties, which is rubbish.

also the respect for iraqi citizens, have you seen the instances of people being arrested without due process, just taken off the streets without charges, or without evidence, just like saddam did...

there have been over 1500 civilian deaths in bagdhad alone since it has been occupied.

totally there is an estemated minimum of 7960 dead and a max estemate of 9792 dead civilians in iraq.

and this is in, how many months? when did America invade Iraq? gotta be close to 1000 civilians a month hasn't it? started around march 21st...

sooo... let's say, april may june july august sept oct nov dec.

so thats a minimum of about 884 iraqis dead per month, and a max of about 1088.

say there's 31 days on average in those months, that means that every day there has been a minimum of 28 iraqi civilians killed, and a max of about 35. a day.

that's not including casualties which is an additional 20,000+ civilian casualties.

erm, yeah, using crippled kids is a bit below the belt, but, well, fuck it, it's not the main thrust of my argument against the war, my argument is far far broader, but, it's good to put a face to collatoral damage.

you can't fool yourself into thinking this is a bloodless war, or that because saddam killed lots of iraqis it's okay for the US to have accidentally killed a few thousands because, well in the long term it's okay 'cause you got rid of saddam, saved them blah blah.

balls, that's still a good few thousand dead, more than died in 9/11, and well, that was used as the reason for two wars wasn't it...

perhaps I should have used the repsect for it's citizens quote then show a slide show of a house's wall being broken down in the middle of the night, the men forced out at gunpoint, made to lie on the floor, then bound and hooded and taken away, and it turns out that these weren't the men they were looking for.

I've seen that happen...

clinton was just as bad, albright I believe in 1996 said that 500,000 dead iraqi children was a price worth paying for keeping saddam contained..

well, not a statement I would agree with...

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Originally posted by marksimons

"In this new era of warfare, we can target

a regime, not a nation. Our aim is to

track and strike the guilty."

- G. W. Bush


"We come to Iraq with respect for its citizens."

- G. W. Bush

I was just making a point how what bush says is bullshit.

contrasting what he says, which implies that this war can be faught with minimal civilian casualties, which is rubbish.

also the respect for iraqi citizens, have you seen the instances of people being arrested without due process, just taken off the streets without charges, or without evidence, just like saddam did...

Did we carpet bomb Iraq?

Don't you agree with the might of the U.S anad Britain military, Iraq could have been turned into a parking lot?

Anyone ever taken by Sadam never returned, big difference...

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