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ever have sex in a nightclub bathroom


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Guest yakkored

Having sex in a club bathroom is one of those things if you do, you keep it to yourself. Sure you can brag to all your peers and those who don't know you about it, but in the future that know of this exploit might not be so willing to give up the goods.

Or maybe they know you're willing to get dirty and they might be all about it.

Who knows?

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Sometimes the body needs it. IM sure if most of ya had a gir who was hot and said lets go somewhere and fuck you wouldnt think twice. Now to answer the question: TUNNEL, WEBSTERHALL, EXIT, CASABLANCA, HALCYON. If your ashamed of something you should never do it. But im the type of person who doesnt shame easily. Why else would i even post on clubplanet sex board. Oh yeah insomnia.

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Originally posted by silverbull

Sometimes the body needs it. IM sure if most of ya had a gir who was hot and said lets go somewhere and fuck you wouldnt think twice.

Actually I'd think let's go back to my place or even at worst a hotel (not the piss laden bathroom downstairs where someone just puked all over the floor)

Now to answer the question: TUNNEL, WEBSTERHALL, EXIT, CASABLANCA, HALCYON. If your ashamed of something you should never do it.


But im the type of person who doesnt shame easily. Why else would i even post on clubplanet sex board.

Good point, I guess I don't have to dig up any of those old threads of yours propositioning any random female from the entire board to have sex with your 4'10 self.

I love to read silverbull's posts because eah one is more absurd that the last :D

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Originally posted by silverbull

i think most people wouldnt admit to it even if they did something. Personally i know a few of them and have met them all over CLUBS,STREETS,SALONS, everywhere. Now lets see theres some very vey hot ones. And normal ones and then horrible ones and then drag queens.Some people just dont know the difference. Ive gotten my "LIL BULL" sucked b4 by shemales aint no biggie. i dont find men attractive nor do i wanna get fucked in the ass. And yes i haveslept with a surgically remvoed penis VAGINA. Interesting feelin but wont make it a habit. And you knowwhat if im horny andthe shemale is hot fuck it i will do the same like evans friend did. Ive slept with all types of women so i have no insecurities about myself. Im just a horny guy.

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Originally posted by thehype

i know this girl who had sex in the bathroom at DJAIS in Belmar...

WTF was she thinkin :confused:

i think her exact thought was "lolzzzzz i'm a stupid slut, and i want my box stuffed.... lolzzzz omg!!!!!! lolzzzzzz"

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OU812,GHHHOSTGlad to see you guys think of me and remember me sooooooo much. Wish i could say the same. ANd your asssumption was wrong didnt have sex wth any shemales in clubs. Im actualy 5'3 lol but my exs have been 5'6, 6'1. 5'8. Dude ive been a lucky guy. So keep enjoying my posts people.

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