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Iran refuses help from Israel


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This is from Debka, I don't know why the fuck Israel is even offering them help

"As many as 70,000 may have perished or been injured in earthquake catastrophe in Iran’s Kerman province to which aid is pouring in from many countries. Iranian government officials have said help accepted from every country in the world – except Israel. This response made to indirect aid offer from Jerusalem to Tehran."

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Originally posted by g420

This is from Debka, I don't know why the fuck Israel is even offering them help

Because everyone isn't an evil cock smoker like you. Sorry but you're a big dick in my book so I could care less what the hell you think after you showed delight over 20,000 people dying you sick fucktard.

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Figures they'd rather see their people suffer than accept aid from Jews, bunch of racist shitbags. Just like the homocide bombers' families would rather send their children to death than recognize Israel as a state.

Here's the full article from Haaretz

20,000 people die in earthquake in Bam, Iran

By News Agencies

BAM, Iran - governments around the world rushed hundreds of medical experts, rescue teams, water-purification systems - even tea - to Iran on Saturday to provide aid to the earthquake-ravaged country.

The scramble to dole out millions of dollars worth of aid and assistance was a harried first step for Bam, Iran, where officials say at least 20,000 people were killed and thousands more injured in the wake of the 6.3-magnitude earthquake Friday morning.

Two leading rescue officials said the final death toll from Friday's quake could be much higher. "As more bodies are pulled out, we fear that the death toll may reach as high as 40,000. An unbelievable human disaster has occurred," said Akbar Alavi, the governor of Kerman city, the local provincial capital.

"We need help, otherwise we will be pulling corpses, not the injured, out of the rubble," Brigadier Mohammadi, commander of the army in southeast Iran, told state television.

Jahanbakhsh Khanjani, a spokesman for Iran's Interior Ministry, said Saturday that Iran would accept aid from all countries of the world, aside from Israel. The announcement followed statements by foreign correspondents in Jerusalem, who reported that the Foreign Ministry had said that unofficial Israeli sources were considering sending aid to Iran. "The Islamic Republic of Iran accepts all kinds of humanitarian aid from all countries and international organizations with the exception of the Zionist regime [israel]," Khanjani said.

U.S. President George W. Bush, who once branded Iran part of an "axis of evil" for allegedly developing weapons of mass destruction, and other world leaders rushed to offer whatever help they could to the Islamic Republic.

Washington has no official ties with Tehran, but Bush said in a statement: "We stand ready to help the people of Iran."

A spokesman for Bush said Washington would be offering humanitarian aid, and a U.S. official said the State Department would be announcing an aid package soon.

The quake struck when many people were still asleep in their homes.

About 70 per cent of Bam, a popular tourist spot some 1,000 km (600 miles) southeast of the capital Tehran with an historic citadel and other centuries-old buildings, was leveled.

Reuters witnesses in Bam said hundreds of corpses were bundled into trucks and the back seats of cars. Distraught relatives wailed next to bodies wrapped in blankets.

Many residents were feared trapped under the rubble and the city of 200,000 in Iran's Kerman province was without water, power or fuel as night temperatures headed below freezing. Some people accused the government of doing nothing to help them.

Survivors lit fires to stay warm in the open amid the mass of flattened mud-brick houses. Survivors using their bare hands joined search teams tearing at rubble.

"I have lost all my family. My parents, my grandmother and two sisters are under the rubble," said Maryam, 17.

One grief-stricken old woman, her face covered with dirt, just kept saying: "My child, my child."

The United Nations, European Union countries, Russia, China, Poland, Japan, Turkey and others also heeded Iran's appeals for help from the international community.

They pledged doctors, medical supplies, financial aid, and rescuers with sniffer dogs and equipment to locate survivors.

A 60-strong British rescue team with sniffer dogs, special cameras and listening devices left London on Friday night and was due to arrive in Kerman, near Bam, early on Saturday.

Rubble-strewn pavements were lined with injured, some on intravenous drips.

State media said two hospitals had collapsed, crushing many of the staff, and remaining hospitals were full. The injured were being ferried to neighboring towns.

Mechanized diggers hollowed out trenches where the dead were hastily buried without rites.

A large part of the ancient citadel was destroyed, Kerman province governor Mohammad Ali Karimi said. Dating back 2,000 years, it had sprawling fortifications, towers, buildings, stables and a mosque. It was the city's main tourist attraction.

"The city of Bam must be built from scratch," said its governor Ali Shafiee.

Houses in the date-growing area are traditionally made from mud-brick, making them vulnerable to earthquakes.

Bam is on the old Silk Road route between China and Europe used by merchants and travelers for centuries. It is a tourist spot with inns, a theological school and bazaars.

In Tehran, state television showed people queuing to give blood. Bakeries in Shiraz said they would make bread from dusk until dawn as their contribution to the aid effort.

Quakes are a regular occurrence in Iran, an oil-producing country crossed by major fault lines in the earth's structure.

In June last year, a tremor measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale hit northern Iran, killing at least 229 people and injuring more than 1,000.

Some 35,000 people were killed in 1990 when earthquakes of up to 7.7 on the Richter scale hit the northwest of Iran. Tehran was hit by a quake of about seven on the Richter scale in 1830.

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Originally posted by babbo

ive heard, russua, germany, usa, red cross, eu, all have organized aid on the way, but....not aid mentioned from arab, or moslem nations- isnt that interesting?????

Would you believe that Afghanistan, with their limited means, will try and do something:

Countries with more modest means were looking for ways to contribute. President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan (news - web sites), Iran's eastern neighbor, was gathering his ministers to discuss any assistance that the country could provide.

"Even if it is not much, we will help them any way we can," he said.

The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said it is working with 20 countries that have sent search and rescue teams to Iran: Austria, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Norway, Poland, Russian Federation, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey, Britain and the United States.

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Originally posted by igloo

Would you believe that Afghanistan, with their limited means, will try and do something:

Countries with more modest means were looking for ways to contribute. President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan (news - web sites), Iran's eastern neighbor, was gathering his ministers to discuss any assistance that the country could provide.

"Even if it is not much, we will help them any way we can," he said.

The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said it is working with 20 countries that have sent search and rescue teams to Iran: Austria, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Norway, Poland, Russian Federation, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey, Britain and the United States.

ok the newly "liberated affghanies" offer help thats kool! where. when are the other arab moslem countries- chiming in to help their brothers and sisters???????? where are they????

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Its kinda fucked up that Saudi, Pakistan, Kuwait and the gulf states didn't offer help. The other countries are in no state to offer any help (that is, Iraq and Afghanistan).

Of course, I haven't yet done any research to see if in fact, some other Arab stated did offer help.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Its kinda fucked up that Saudi, Pakistan, Kuwait and the gulf states didn't offer help. The other countries are in no state to offer any help (that is, Iraq and Afghanistan).

Of course, I haven't yet done any research to see if in fact, some other Arab stated did offer help.

kinda fucked up that the entire arab and MOSLEM nation( see malaysia/indoneshia etc etc) has not chimed in yet??

thats urprising?? or is that predictable????//

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Originally posted by djxeno

its Sunni/Shiite hatred between Muslims.

Iran is predominately Shiite.

and Sunni and Shiite Muslims dont get along that well.

I believe this is the main reason, although Turkey and Afghanistan are predominantly Sunni. Can't figure out Pakistan yet. Yes, there is much Shia-Sunni violence there, but they also cooperate with each other on military projects.

You have to also understand that Iran is the premier sponsor of terrorism in the world, including support of both Shia and Sunni groups aimed at the govts of Arab and Muslim countries. Ironically, the mullahs , with Bin Laden have long been sponsoring to put aside Sunni-SHia differences in their world to focus on the "common" enemy.....U.S.....

I think the Sunni world, despite past history and recent activity, should pledge assistance and support. Sends a strong message to the Iranain people, and only helps push the mullahs further to their eventual doom.

And of course, helps innocent people---which should be the main concern. The Saudis and compny should follow the lead of the U.S.

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Originally posted by igloo

I believe this is the main reason, although Turkey and Afghanistan are predominantly Sunni. Can't figure out Pakistan yet. Yes, there is much Shia-Sunni violence there, but they also cooperate with each other on military projects.

You have to also understand that Iran is the premier sponsor of terrorism in the world, including support of both Shia and Sunni groups aimed at the govts of Arab and Muslim countries. Ironically, the mullahs , with Bin Laden have long been sponsoring to put aside Sunni-SHia differences in their world to focus on the "common" enemy.....U.S.....

I think the Sunni world, despite past history and recent activity, should pledge assistance and support. Sends a strong message to the Iranain people, and only helps push the mullahs further to their eventual doom.

And of course, helps innocent people---which should be the main concern. The Saudis and compny should follow the lead of the U.S. [/QUit just shows you, the "mindset of these people- they won't even help their own kind-even in the midst of a tragedy like this earthquake- goes to show you again- how they value( or don't) value a single human life- and how deedp their hatred runs towards others!!

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Originally posted by babbo

Originally posted by igloo

[/QUit just shows you, the "mindset of these people- they won't even help their own kind-even in the midst of a tragedy like this earthquake- goes to show you again- how they value( or don't) value a single human life- and how deedp their hatred runs towards others!!

It is sad

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same animals the rest of us.

now read this and shut the fuck up you racist cunt.

everyone is doing what they can.


A plane sent by the United Arab Emirates carrying 30 tons of food, medical supplies, tents and blankets has landed Sunday in Kerman. The United Arab Emirates is the first Arabian country sending aid to Iran.

Indonesia is to dispatch relief assistance worth at least 200,000 US dollars to Iran. The world's largest Muslim country has called its people to pray for the Iranian victims and their families. Indonesia and Iran are members of the Organization of Islamic Conference.

Bangladesh has announced that it would send medicine and a medical team to Iran, said the country's BSS news agency.

The Philippines has said a rescue and search team including firefighters, doctors, security personnel will soon leave for Iran.

Egypt has dispatched two chartered military planes loaded with 10 tons of aid, local media reported.

UN officials said Sunday that the search for survivors was expected to end Sunday with the attention shifting to the recoveryof bodies and aid for the homeless. The Iranian Interior Ministry said Sunday that over 20,000 people have been confirmed dead in the devastating earthquake. Enditem

Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich Gulf Arab states today pledged quick aid to victims of the devastating earthquake that hit the southeastern Iranian city of Bam, killing at least 20,000 people.

King Fahd and Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz ordered Saudi Arabian authorities to "promptly provide relief aid and send a medical team carrying the required medicines, blood and medical equipment," the official SPA news agency said.

The Saudi aid, which will include food and clothing, will be flown to Iran as of tomorrow, it said.

The United Arab Emirates and Kuwait also promised to provide aid to victims of the devastating earthquake.

In the UAE, which has a dispute with Iran over three strategic Gulf islands controlled by Tehran, President Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahayan ordered the dispatch of a team from the Red Crescent Society "to provide emergency and relief aid" to the quake victims, according to the official WAM news agency.

In Kuwait, the head of the Gulf emirate's Red Crescent Society, Berjes Hmud al-Berjes, told KUNA news agency his organisation was "at the ready to assist its Iranian counterpart" in caring for the quake victims.

"We will do all that we can to stand by our friends in Iran," he said.

No figures were immediately provided for the intended aid by Iran's three Arab neighbours.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak sent his condolences to his Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Khatami, and expressed the "total solidarity" of Egypt with Iran's government and people.

Egypt and Iran have not had diplomatic ties since 1980, but relations have been thawing recently, and the two leaders met earlier this month in Geneva.

Japan's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi sent his condolences to Iranian President Mohammad, the Kyodo news agency reported.

Koizumi also pledged Japan's assistance in the quake's aftermath, Kyodo reported government officials as saying Saturday.

US President George W Bush said today he was "greatly saddened" by the loss of life, injuries and damage to the city of Bam.

"I extend my condolences to all those touched by this tragedy. The thoughts of all Americans are with the victims and their families at this time, and we stand ready to help the people of Iran," the president said in a statement.

He made no mention of the government of Iran, a nation he has said is part of an "axis of evil".

His spokesman Scott McClellan said earlier that the United States would provide humanitarian aid to Iran, but gave no further details.

Canada was ready to send humanitarian aid to Iran, the Foreign Ministry said.

Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham and Minister for International Cooperation Aileen Carroll "expressed Canada's deepest sympathy and condolences on the loss of life and destruction caused by today's earthquake in southeastern Iran," said a statement.

"Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, their families and all those touched by the horrible destruction and human suffering," said Graham. Carroll said Canada was "ready to provide urgent humanitarian assistance to those affected by this tragedy."

Britain and Ireland pledged to do whatever possible to help Iran deal with the earthquake.

"This is a terrible disaster to hit Bam and and as I told Foreign Minister (Kamal) Kharazi, our thoughts and prayers are with the people of this area who have been affected," British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said in a press statement.

"Our condolences go to the relations of those who tragically perished in this natural disaster. We will do all we can to help," Straw said after speaking to his Iranian counterpart by telephone.

And in Dublin, Development Minister Tom Kitt pledged 1 million euro ($A1.69 million) for the quake victims.

"The assistance would be used for the rescue operation and to meet immediate humanitarian needs," Kitt said in a press statement.

Meanwhile Britain called up specialist rescue groups, the International Rescue Corps (IRC) and Rapid-UK, to fly out this evening.

Russia is sending doctors, paramedics and sniffer dog handlers to help find people buried under rubble. Germany was sending 28 tonnes of mainly medical supplies and clean water equipment.

Turkey said five planes carrying search and rescue teams and humanitarian aid and body bags had arrived near Bam. Japan said it was sending a specialist medical team.

More countries are joining the international humanitarian mission and sending aid to Iran, whose Bam city in the Kerman province was hit Friday by a powerful earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale.

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Originally posted by marksimons

same animals the rest of us.

now read this and shut the fuck up you racist cunt.

everyone is doing what they can.


A plane sent by the United Arab Emirates carrying 30 tons of food, medical supplies, tents and blankets has landed Sunday in Kerman. The United Arab Emirates is the first Arabian country sending aid to Iran.

Indonesia is to dispatch relief assistance worth at least 200,000 US dollars to Iran. The world's largest Muslim country has called its people to pray for the Iranian victims and their families. Indonesia and Iran are members of the Organization of Islamic Conference.

Bangladesh has announced that it would send medicine and a medical team to Iran, said the country's BSS news agency.

The Philippines has said a rescue and search team including firefighters, doctors, security personnel will soon leave for Iran.

Egypt has dispatched two chartered military planes loaded with 10 tons of aid, local media reported.

UN officials said Sunday that the search for survivors was expected to end Sunday with the attention shifting to the recoveryof bodies and aid for the homeless. The Iranian Interior Ministry said Sunday that over 20,000 people have been confirmed dead in the devastating earthquake. Enditem

Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich Gulf Arab states today pledged quick aid to victims of the devastating earthquake that hit the southeastern Iranian city of Bam, killing at least 20,000 people.

King Fahd and Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz ordered Saudi Arabian authorities to "promptly provide relief aid and send a medical team carrying the required medicines, blood and medical equipment," the official SPA news agency said.

The Saudi aid, which will include food and clothing, will be flown to Iran as of tomorrow, it said.

The United Arab Emirates and Kuwait also promised to provide aid to victims of the devastating earthquake.

In the UAE, which has a dispute with Iran over three strategic Gulf islands controlled by Tehran, President Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahayan ordered the dispatch of a team from the Red Crescent Society "to provide emergency and relief aid" to the quake victims, according to the official WAM news agency.

In Kuwait, the head of the Gulf emirate's Red Crescent Society, Berjes Hmud al-Berjes, told KUNA news agency his organisation was "at the ready to assist its Iranian counterpart" in caring for the quake victims.

"We will do all that we can to stand by our friends in Iran," he said.

No figures were immediately provided for the intended aid by Iran's three Arab neighbours.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak sent his condolences to his Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Khatami, and expressed the "total solidarity" of Egypt with Iran's government and people.

Egypt and Iran have not had diplomatic ties since 1980, but relations have been thawing recently, and the two leaders met earlier this month in Geneva.

Japan's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi sent his condolences to Iranian President Mohammad, the Kyodo news agency reported.

Koizumi also pledged Japan's assistance in the quake's aftermath, Kyodo reported government officials as saying Saturday.

US President George W Bush said today he was "greatly saddened" by the loss of life, injuries and damage to the city of Bam.

"I extend my condolences to all those touched by this tragedy. The thoughts of all Americans are with the victims and their families at this time, and we stand ready to help the people of Iran," the president said in a statement.

He made no mention of the government of Iran, a nation he has said is part of an "axis of evil".

His spokesman Scott McClellan said earlier that the United States would provide humanitarian aid to Iran, but gave no further details.

Canada was ready to send humanitarian aid to Iran, the Foreign Ministry said.

Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham and Minister for International Cooperation Aileen Carroll "expressed Canada's deepest sympathy and condolences on the loss of life and destruction caused by today's earthquake in southeastern Iran," said a statement.

"Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, their families and all those touched by the horrible destruction and human suffering," said Graham. Carroll said Canada was "ready to provide urgent humanitarian assistance to those affected by this tragedy."

Britain and Ireland pledged to do whatever possible to help Iran deal with the earthquake.

"This is a terrible disaster to hit Bam and and as I told Foreign Minister (Kamal) Kharazi, our thoughts and prayers are with the people of this area who have been affected," British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said in a press statement.

"Our condolences go to the relations of those who tragically perished in this natural disaster. We will do all we can to help," Straw said after speaking to his Iranian counterpart by telephone.

And in Dublin, Development Minister Tom Kitt pledged 1 million euro ($A1.69 million) for the quake victims.

"The assistance would be used for the rescue operation and to meet immediate humanitarian needs," Kitt said in a press statement.

Meanwhile Britain called up specialist rescue groups, the International Rescue Corps (IRC) and Rapid-UK, to fly out this evening.

Russia is sending doctors, paramedics and sniffer dog handlers to help find people buried under rubble. Germany was sending 28 tonnes of mainly medical supplies and clean water equipment.

Turkey said five planes carrying search and rescue teams and humanitarian aid and body bags had arrived near Bam. Japan said it was sending a specialist medical team.

More countries are joining the international humanitarian mission and sending aid to Iran, whose Bam city in the Kerman province was hit Friday by a powerful earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale.

awwwweeee- youre sensitive- eat scum deusche bag!!!

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Originally posted by marksimons

not as sensative as those who don't like it when I criticise certain aspects of American government, culture and foreign policy...

i am not defending all usa policy and actions- no one, no nation is 100 %- however- i do know who my frinds are, and i know who has my back. I also know who my enemies are, and who would slice my throat open in a mini second. you can go back and upheave all the the history , actions, policies, etc, of any administration, or nation- in the end- you gotta know who's with ya , or against ya- its very clear

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Originally posted by marksimons

is it now?

I notice you've almost directly used a phrase spouted by Bush and repeated many times over...

nice to see you're thinking for yourself...

are you a bush supporter then?

do you believe his actions have made America safer?

nope- not a bush supporter. pretty much a political i am. but.I'm a PEOPLE supporter- and I know a murderer & murdrerer supporting nations when i see one( plural) you go where you feel comfortable- i know who I belong with. these people you "support" will cut your belly open- the first chance they get- and blame your grandfather and winston churchill for their actions'lmfao

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