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G W Bush's Uncle's Bank Used To Give Funds To 9/11 man


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Two of the Hijackers Received Funds from Princess Al-Faisal -- Drawn from Bank Where Bush's Uncle is an Exec!

Allan Duncan writes: "Turns out that some of the money al-Bayoumi received was from Princess Haifa Al-Faisal, wife of the Saudi Ambassador Bander Bin Sultan... The money then ended up in the hands of Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi for monthly living expenses while they rented rooms in the home of the FBI informant. The checks from Princess Haifa were drawn on Riggs Bank in Washington D.C. One of the chief officers of Riggs Bank is Jonathan Bush, an uncle of President George W. Bush... So it appears to me, that the redaction of the Saudi information from the 9-11 Report had more to do with covering the President's own ass from the embarrassing fact that his own uncle was part of the Saudi money trail that enabled two of the hijackers to crash a plane into the Pentagon, and very little to do with jeopardizing our national security at all." Was Princess al-Faisal's account with J. Bush & Co., the Riggs subsidiary 'for high net-worth individuals' -- that is headed by Jonathan Bush? http://www.opednews.com/duncan_bush_should_cry_uncle_and_releas.htm

__Newsweek in Nov. 2002 Reported that Princess Al-Faisal's Account was with Riggs -- Jonathan Bush's Bank

Michael Isikoff reported on 11/22/02: "Sources familiar with the evidence say the payments--amounting to about $3,500 a month--came from an account at Washington's Riggs Bank in the name of Princess Haifa Al-Faisal, the wife of Saudi Ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar bin Sultan... After Al Bayoumi left the country in July 2001--two months before the September 11 terror attacks--payments for roughly the same amount began flowing every month to Osama Basnan, a close associate of Al Bayoumi's who also befriended the hijackers." A visit to the Riggs website (www.riggsbank.com) shows that "Jonathan Bush, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of J. Bush & Co., Inc., founded the company in 1970... He is the son of the late Senator Prescott Bush and the brother of former President George Bush." Also, "J. Bush & Company manages assets for high net-worth individuals, corporate benefit plans and foundations" (Click on "Investments", then "Investment Advisors"). http://www.msnbc.com/news/838867.asp

__Riggs Bank Cited for Violating Money Laundering Laws

Kathleen Day reported for the WashPost on 7/16/03: "Federal bank regulators cited Riggs Bank for violating money-laundering laws, the bank said yesterday. The bank consented to an order from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency requiring Riggs to beef up its procedures for reporting potentially suspicious transactions under the Bank Secrecy Act. The law requires banks to report cash transactions of $10,000 or more. Riggs officials and regulators did not specify if the consent order was tied to any particular customer, or how many transactions Riggs failed to report over what time period. Sources said that in a separate but related investigation, the FBI continues a months-long probe into whether charitable contributions made by a Saudi princess with checks drawn on her Riggs account indirectly [?] benefited two of the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A2876-2003Jul16.html

__The Bizarre Connections of Marvin and Jonathan Bush to the Saudis and 9/11

Margie Burns writes: "George W. Bush's brother was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines... The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family... Marvin P. Bush, the president's youngest brother, was a director at Stratesec from 1993 to fiscal year 2000... The suite in which Marvin Bush was annually re-elected [to the board], according to public records, is located in the Watergate in space leased to the Saudi government. The company now holds shareholder meetings in space leased by the Kuwaiti government there. The White House has not responded to various requests for comment. Speaking of the Watergate, Riggs National Bank, where Saudi Princess Al-Faisal had her 'Saudi money trail' bank account, has as one of its executives Jonathan Bush, an uncle of the president." http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0204-06.htm

__Sources: Classified Section of 9/11 Report Details Info about al-Bayoumi and Bassnan

"One U.S. official who has read the classified section said it describes 'very direct, very specific links' between Saudi officials, two of the San Diego-based hijackers and other potential co-conspirators 'that cannot be passed off as rogue, isolated or coincidental' ... Those officials refused to discuss the classified sections of the report but confirmed that they detailed additional allegations about Omar al-Bayoumi and Osama Bassnan, two Saudi men, and their suspicious activities in the United States. Al Bayoumi was an employee of the Saudi civil aviation authority who FBI agents said received 'seemingly unlimited funding' from Saudi Arabia. Bassnan and his family received significant charitable support from Princess Haifa al-Faisal, wife of the Saudi ambassador to the U.S., Prince Bandar bin Sultan... The classified section cites federal authorities as saying they believed both men, each of whom has been linked to Al Qaeda operatives, could have been Saudi intelligence agents." http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-na- saudi2aug02,1,4474000.story?coll=la-home-headlines

__Jonathan Bush is CEO of Two Riggs Bank Subsidiaries

From the Riggs Bank website: "Washington, D.C., May 31, 2000 - Riggs Bank NA. today announced that the Board of Directors of RIMCO, a wholly owned investment management subsidiary, has elected Jonathan J. Bush President & Chief Executive Officer... Mr. Bush will continue as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of J. Bush & Co., an investment management company he founded in 1970, which Riggs acquired in 1997." As we reported yesterday, Princess Al-Faisal's paid Al-Bouyami and Bassnan from a Riggs account. An enterprising reporter should seek to answer the following questions. Did Princess Al-Faisal have an account with either RIMCO or J. Bush & Co.? Did Jonathan Bush personally manage her account? Did she draw funds from a RIMCO or J. Bush &Co. account that went to al-Bouyami and Bassnan? Or did she draw these funds from a Riggs account that was linked to an account with RIMCO or J. Bush & Co? http://www.riggsbank.com/Discover_Riggs/may31_00.html

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Originally posted by marksimons

not saying he knew or anything, an unfortunate co-incidence, but this could be one of the reasons why some parts of that 9/11 reported were stripped out...

It seems that bush administration is petrified to let anything remotely accusatory or showing any responsibility of 9/11.

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Originally posted by marksimons

Two of the Hijackers Received Funds from Princess Al-Faisal -- Drawn from Bank Where Bush's Uncle is an Exec!

Allan Duncan writes: "Turns out that some of the money al-Bayoumi received was from Princess Haifa Al-Faisal, wife of the Saudi Ambassador Bander Bin Sultan... The money then ended up in the hands of Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi for monthly living expenses while they rented rooms in the home of the FBI informant. The checks from Princess Haifa were drawn on Riggs Bank in Washington D.C. One of the chief officers of Riggs Bank is Jonathan Bush, an uncle of President George W. Bush... So it appears to me, that the redaction of the Saudi information from the 9-11 Report had more to do with covering the President's own ass from the embarrassing fact that his own uncle was part of the Saudi money trail that enabled two of the hijackers to crash a plane into the Pentagon, and very little to do with jeopardizing our national security at all." Was Princess al-Faisal's account with J. Bush & Co., the Riggs subsidiary 'for high net-worth individuals' -- that is headed by Jonathan Bush? http://www.opednews.com/duncan_bush_should_cry_uncle_and_releas.htm

__Newsweek in Nov. 2002 Reported that Princess Al-Faisal's Account was with Riggs -- Jonathan Bush's Bank

Michael Isikoff reported on 11/22/02: "Sources familiar with the evidence say the payments--amounting to about $3,500 a month--came from an account at Washington's Riggs Bank in the name of Princess Haifa Al-Faisal, the wife of Saudi Ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar bin Sultan... After Al Bayoumi left the country in July 2001--two months before the September 11 terror attacks--payments for roughly the same amount began flowing every month to Osama Basnan, a close associate of Al Bayoumi's who also befriended the hijackers." A visit to the Riggs website (www.riggsbank.com) shows that "Jonathan Bush, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of J. Bush & Co., Inc., founded the company in 1970... He is the son of the late Senator Prescott Bush and the brother of former President George Bush." Also, "J. Bush & Company manages assets for high net-worth individuals, corporate benefit plans and foundations" (Click on "Investments", then "Investment Advisors"). http://www.msnbc.com/news/838867.asp

__Riggs Bank Cited for Violating Money Laundering Laws

Kathleen Day reported for the WashPost on 7/16/03: "Federal bank regulators cited Riggs Bank for violating money-laundering laws, the bank said yesterday. The bank consented to an order from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency requiring Riggs to beef up its procedures for reporting potentially suspicious transactions under the Bank Secrecy Act. The law requires banks to report cash transactions of $10,000 or more. Riggs officials and regulators did not specify if the consent order was tied to any particular customer, or how many transactions Riggs failed to report over what time period. Sources said that in a separate but related investigation, the FBI continues a months-long probe into whether charitable contributions made by a Saudi princess with checks drawn on her Riggs account indirectly [?] benefited two of the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A2876-2003Jul16.html

__The Bizarre Connections of Marvin and Jonathan Bush to the Saudis and 9/11

Margie Burns writes: "George W. Bush's brother was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines... The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family... Marvin P. Bush, the president's youngest brother, was a director at Stratesec from 1993 to fiscal year 2000... The suite in which Marvin Bush was annually re-elected [to the board], according to public records, is located in the Watergate in space leased to the Saudi government. The company now holds shareholder meetings in space leased by the Kuwaiti government there. The White House has not responded to various requests for comment. Speaking of the Watergate, Riggs National Bank, where Saudi Princess Al-Faisal had her 'Saudi money trail' bank account, has as one of its executives Jonathan Bush, an uncle of the president." http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0204-06.htm

__Sources: Classified Section of 9/11 Report Details Info about al-Bayoumi and Bassnan

"One U.S. official who has read the classified section said it describes 'very direct, very specific links' between Saudi officials, two of the San Diego-based hijackers and other potential co-conspirators 'that cannot be passed off as rogue, isolated or coincidental' ... Those officials refused to discuss the classified sections of the report but confirmed that they detailed additional allegations about Omar al-Bayoumi and Osama Bassnan, two Saudi men, and their suspicious activities in the United States. Al Bayoumi was an employee of the Saudi civil aviation authority who FBI agents said received 'seemingly unlimited funding' from Saudi Arabia. Bassnan and his family received significant charitable support from Princess Haifa al-Faisal, wife of the Saudi ambassador to the U.S., Prince Bandar bin Sultan... The classified section cites federal authorities as saying they believed both men, each of whom has been linked to Al Qaeda operatives, could have been Saudi intelligence agents." http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-na- saudi2aug02,1,4474000.story?coll=la-home-headlines

__Jonathan Bush is CEO of Two Riggs Bank Subsidiaries

From the Riggs Bank website: "Washington, D.C., May 31, 2000 - Riggs Bank NA. today announced that the Board of Directors of RIMCO, a wholly owned investment management subsidiary, has elected Jonathan J. Bush President & Chief Executive Officer... Mr. Bush will continue as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of J. Bush & Co., an investment management company he founded in 1970, which Riggs acquired in 1997." As we reported yesterday, Princess Al-Faisal's paid Al-Bouyami and Bassnan from a Riggs account. An enterprising reporter should seek to answer the following questions. Did Princess Al-Faisal have an account with either RIMCO or J. Bush & Co.? Did Jonathan Bush personally manage her account? Did she draw funds from a RIMCO or J. Bush &Co. account that went to al-Bouyami and Bassnan? Or did she draw these funds from a Riggs account that was linked to an account with RIMCO or J. Bush & Co? http://www.riggsbank.com/Discover_Riggs/may31_00.html

this is old new- big fucking deal- what is impiortant is that we arrest- or kill the terrorists in our midst NOW TODAY

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