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are these people stupid?

you know they bring it upon themselves all the ridicule they recieve

Furor Over Muslim Football Tournament

Monday, December 29, 2003

IRVINE, Calif. — The idea was innocent enough: A group of young men organize a holiday football tournament and give their teams such innocuous names as "4th and Goal" and "Playmakerz."

It was some of the other team names that raised eyebrows: Intifada, Soldiers of Allah and Mujahideen.

The furor that followed has forced some teams to change their names and a handful of players to quit. It also sparked a debate that threatens to overshadow the tournament, which was planned primarily for young Muslims (search) and scheduled for Jan. 4.

"This was really just supposed to be about the youth playing football. Now it's become so political that a part of me thinks we shouldn't even play," said Tarek Shawky, 29, one of the tournament's organizers.

Those involved in the league said they never set out to upset or offend anyone. But critics say such names as Intifada and Mujahideen glorify terrorism (search).

Intifada, "uprising" in Arabic, is a term used by Palestinians for their revolts against Israeli occupation from 1987 to 1993 and over the past three years. Mujahideen, which means "holy warrior," is associated with several Islamic groups that are on the U.S. list of terrorist organizations.

"The issue is these are words that are linked to real terrorists, real threats, real murders today," said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center (search).

"There shouldn't be young Americans chanting the name Mujahideen as American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq are put in danger and attacked daily," Cooper said. "As for Intifada, it has been a disaster for the Palestinians and the nearly 1,000 Israeli children and parents murdered by suicide bombers."

Muslim leaders have asked the teams to reconsider the names.

"Sensitizing our youths is our role as adults," said Hussam Ayloush, the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Southern California.

But he also said he believed the players were not being malicious when they decided the names.

"In this case, the choices were totally innocent and meant for a small intra-Muslim tournament whose members all knew what the terms stand for," Ayloush said. "Unfortunately, we are aware that a few of those terms are being tainted by the abominable actions of a few Muslims."

Ayloush and others believe the incident can be used to teach youths about freedom of speech and sensitivity to others.

One member of the Intifada team said a few of his friends were forced to quit because their parents were worried for their safety.

"It's kind of annoying me how big it's gotten," said 16-year-old Mohamad, whose family asked his last name be withheld.

Mohamad, whose family is Palestinian, said little discussion went into selecting the team name.

Mohamad's mother, Nuha, said she wants her son to play despite the controversy but said her sister is considering withdrawing her own son from the tournament.

The uproar began about a month ago after 18-year-old Sabih Khan, who attends community college, began organizing a football tournament for the New Year's holiday weekend. Khan had played football in high school.

"I've been missing it all these years," he said.

Although the league was named "Muslim Football," Khan said it was not limited to Muslims.

He passed out fliers at an Orange County mosque and set up a Web site, inviting teams to register and submit names. Although most submitted names such as "4th and Goal" and "Muslim Football Allstars," three came under fire.

Since then, the tournament's founder has received numerous hate e-mails. The team names also prompted a war of words in local newspapers and on talk radio.

"I don't understand it all. They are just words," Khan said, pointing to professional teams such as the Washington Redskins, a nickname deemed offensive by some American Indian groups.

But Khan said he also has asked the teams to change their names.

While two teams — Soldiers of Allah and Mujahideen — agreed, Intifada has not. Shawky said the team was considering a name change before the tournament.

The league also posted an open letter on the Internet, apologizing "if anyone took offense to what was intended to simply be a positive outlet for Muslim youth."

The letter also defended the use of the word Intifada, citing the Palestinian movement.

Khan and others said they intend to continue with the tournament.

"Controversy comes and goes," he said. "Today it's about the tournament; tomorrow it will be something else."

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um, so what happened to freedom of speech? So, someone has a name thats offends Muslims, that name shouldn't be changed because of "freedom of speech" but when the tables are turned the Muslims are stupid to use names like that!

Sometimes the hypocrisy on this board is mind-boggling!

Personally, I think its not wise to name teams like that, BUT, its freedom of speech, and they should have every right to name their teams whatever the fuck they want.

If, in a mostly Christian football league, a team named themselves "Promised Land", and it was offensive to Muslims, would you be for or against changing that name?

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Originally posted by raver_mania

um, so what happened to freedom of speech? So, someone has a name thats offends Muslims, that name shouldn't be changed because of "freedom of speech" but when the tables are turned the Muslims are stupid to use names like that!

Sometimes the hypocrisy on this board is mind-boggling!

Personally, I think its not wise to name teams like that, BUT, its freedom of speech, and they should have every right to name their teams whatever the fuck they want.

If, in a mostly Christian football league, a team named themselves "Promised Land", and it was offensive to Muslims, would you be for or against changing that name?

yeah and Im starting a youth baseball leauge the first game is between the Nigger Stomping Rednecks and the Coucamonga Cracker Killers

you just don't get it

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Originally posted by siceone

yeah and Im starting a youth baseball leauge the first game is between the Nigger Stomping Rednecks and the Coucamonga Cracker Killers

you just don't get it

intifada means "uprising"

soldiers of Allah means "soldiers of God"

mujahdeen means "a military force of muslims engaged in jihad, which means "struggle"

why do u find that offensive ?

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Originally posted by djxeno

intifada means "uprising"

soldiers of Allah means "soldiers of God"

mujahdeen means "a military force of muslims engaged in jihad, which means "struggle"

why do u find that offensive ?

Nigger means ignorant person

but it's offensive too our culture ans society so are those words get a clue

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Originally posted by djxeno

nigger does not mean ignorant person, it is a derogatory term.

i think you are a xenophobe.

you're going to tell me the meaning of a word I have been called since I can remember yeah right

Im no xenophobe belive me just allergic to ignorant people

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Originally posted by siceone

you're going to tell me the meaning of a word I have been called since I can remember yeah right

Im no xenophobe belive me just allergic to ignorant people

then you must be allergic to yourself since you were ignorant to the terms you thought were offensive.

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Originally posted by djxeno

then you must be allergic to yourself since you were ignorant to the terms you thought were offensive.

I rest my case


I did not say once that I personally found them offensive I said we generally as a country find them offensive, and we DO!!! I love how you bleeding heart liberals are always begging people to think about others feelings, but don't understand when the words or things that YOU hold dear offends others. Instead of understanding why someone might find those words offensive you berate us for not towing YOUR line. double standard much ?

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Originally posted by siceone

you're going to tell me the meaning of a word I have been called since I can remember yeah right

Im no xenophobe belive me just allergic to ignorant people

According to Webster's dictionary:


\Nig"ger\, n. A negro; -- in vulgar derision or depreciation

nig·ger ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ngr)

n. Offensive Slang

Used as a disparaging term for a Black person: “You can only be destroyed by believing that you really are what the white world calls a nigger†(James Baldwin).

Used as a disparaging term for a member of any dark-skinned people.

Used as a disparaging term for a member of any socially, economically, or politically deprived group of people: “Gun owners are the new niggers... of society†(John Aquilino).

Nigger doesn't mean ignorant.

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Originally posted by siceone

I rest my case


I did not say once that I personally found them offensive I said we generally as a country find them offensive, and we DO!!! I love how you bleeding heart liberals are always begging people to think about others feelings, but don't understand when the words or things that YOU hold dear offends others. Instead of understanding why someone might find those words offensive you berate us for not towing YOUR line. double standard much ?

are you going to edit your post again so u can add more insults?

and i would disagree when you say most of the country finds those words offensive, and even if they did...it just shows ignorance on thier part cuz there is nothing offensive about those words.

the only reason why you may find those words offensive is if you are a racist.

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Originally posted by djxeno

intifada means "uprising"

soldiers of Allah means "soldiers of God"

mujahdeen means "a military force of muslims engaged in jihad, which means "struggle"

why do u find that offensive ?

Actually djxeno, all these words are associated with terrorist groups, so they are not just harmless words as you are trying to portray them to be. Secondly why would one call themselves “soldiers†of Allah, rather than something along the lines of “disciples, or followers, or servants†of Allah? Im sure if they chose any one of those three words their team name would not have been scrutinized.

Raver.....about the freedom of speech thing, would it have been ok if they decided to call themselves the 9/11 bombers? Where do you draw the line?

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Originally posted by skince55

Actually djxeno, all these words are associated with terrorist groups, so they are not just harmless words as you are trying to portray them to be. Secondly why would one call themselves “soldiers†of Allah, rather than something along the lines of “disciples, or followers, or servants†of Allah? Im sure if they chose any one of those three words their team name would not have been scrutinized.

Raver.....about the freedom of speech thing, would it have been ok if they decided to call themselves the 9/11 bombers? Where do you draw the line?

Using your logic. Should the redskins change their name as a franchise in the NFL?

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Using your logic. Should the redskins change their name as a franchise in the NFL?

if it is insulting to the Native Americans then yes they should

but the name is used as a symbol of strength (i.e. strong football players who are like tyhe strong red skins) so i doubt many would find offense in that

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Should the Atlantic City Boardwalk Bullies change theirs too?


Should the Winnepeg Blue Bombers change theirs too?


Not that I'm advocating that any team can name themselves the 9/11 bombers. I hope no team ever gives themselves that name so I agree with Skince in that respect.

Boardwalk Bullies. Nice name. :)

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

if it is insulting to the Native Americans then yes they should

but the name is used as a symbol of strength (i.e. strong football players who are like tyhe strong red skins) so i doubt many would find offense in that

I tend to agree with you to a certain degree. I think the name is cool, but from a native american perspective I can see how it's offensive. So maybe they should change the name. The name of the team was decided over 75 years ago so it's obvious the nfl wasn't being sensitive to derogitory names.

Getting back to the subject, free speach is a wonderful thing but I think people should be sensitive to possible offensive names.

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