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Syria Calls for Nuclear Free Middle East


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Syria Calls for Nuclear Free Middle East

Less than 72 hours before it completes its two-year term in the 15-member U.N. Security Council, Syria formally introduced a resolution Monday calling for a nuclear weapons-free zone in the politically volatile Middle East.

The resolution, which was apparently prompted by Libya's decision last week to come clean on its weapons of mass destruction (WMD), is implicitly aimed at Israel, the only country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons.

After closed door consultations, Syrian Ambassador Fayssad Mekdad told reporters Monday he was not sure whether the draft resolution will be put to a vote before Wednesday, when Syria leaves the Security Council after its two-year stint as a non-permanent member.

"We are giving members of the Security Council time to consult with their capitals. We will have to wait and see what the next step should be," he added.

The draft resolution calls for a Middle East free of all WMD, "in particular nuclear weapons."

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Syria Calls for Nuclear Free Middle East

Less than 72 hours before it completes its two-year term in the 15-member U.N. Security Council, Syria formally introduced a resolution Monday calling for a nuclear weapons-free zone in the politically volatile Middle East.

The resolution, which was apparently prompted by Libya's decision last week to come clean on its weapons of mass destruction (WMD), is implicitly aimed at Israel, the only country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons.

After closed door consultations, Syrian Ambassador Fayssad Mekdad told reporters Monday he was not sure whether the draft resolution will be put to a vote before Wednesday, when Syria leaves the Security Council after its two-year stint as a non-permanent member.

"We are giving members of the Security Council time to consult with their capitals. We will have to wait and see what the next step should be," he added.

The draft resolution calls for a Middle East free of all WMD, "in particular nuclear weapons."

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as long as Israel abides by this i am all for it.

but of course they won't so i hope all of the arab countries get nukes.

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Originally posted by djxeno

as long as Israel abides by this i am all for it.

but of course they won't so i hope all of the arab countries get nukes.

So Iran can drop a Nuke on Isreal?

Oh and for the record the whole region is to volatile for any country to have nuclear weapons....even Isreal..

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Originally posted by mr mahs

So Iran can drop a Nuke on Isreal?

lol i can not believe u came back to the board so quickly after you got ur ass handed to you in the previous thread.

and to make matters worse....u did it to urself! u basically fucked urself in the ass........if i were you i would go back to playing ur little war games.......your lack of intellect here will only feed us with more laughter........carry on.....

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Originally posted by djxeno

lol i can not believe u came back to the board so quickly after you got ur ass handed to you in the previous thread.

and to make matters worse....u did it to urself! u basically fucked urself in the ass........if i were you i would go back to playing ur little war games.......your lack of intellect here will only feed us with more laughter........carry on.....

Look at idiot boy making Jokes.... So me referencing a letter written by the always american hateful Amnetsy International and I am dumb? Mr... "Sadam did lots of wonderful things for Iraq like build hospitals" You are the shining example of person who has his head up his ass when it comes to world events my friend... So tell me when you walking on a bus with C4 to comitt yourself to your Palestinian brothers cause?

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Look at idiot boy making Jokes.... So me referencing a letter written by the always american hateful Amnetsy International and I am dumb? Mr... "Sadam did lots of wonderful things for Iraq like build hospitals" You are the shining example of person who has his head up his ass when it comes to world events my friend... So tell me when you walking on a bus with C4 to comitt yourself to your Palestinian brothers cause?

lol since when did amnesty international become hateful....LOL.........if you can't take my jokes go play you war games so u can feel like man.....lol....and one more thing....i never ever ever said suicide bombings were legit.

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Originally posted by djxeno

lol since when did amnesty international become hateful....LOL.........if you can't take my jokes go play you war games so u can feel like man.....lol....and one more thing....i never ever ever said suicide bombings were legit.

Do you condemn them?

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Originally posted by raver_mania

interesting, and productive if all, and I mean all countries submit to continuous and extended unfettered inspections.

I think all of you need to think long and hard as to why Syria and others would push for Israel to disarm.....

think about it...

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Originally posted by igloo

I think all of you need to think long and hard as to why Syria and others would push for Israel to disarm.....

think about it...

In this day and age there is no threat of these countries attacking Israel. They know the Israel has the US' full backing. Hell, there was speculation, that after the formation of a Palestinian state, the US was going to push for a nuke free ME as well.

Iran (from the article I read) is probably the only country that will go after Israel, but they've stated that they'd do that whether or not Israel has nukes.

IMO, Israel is too unstable to possess nukes.

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

um... no threat of these countries attacking Israel?

how many times has Israel been attacked, and keep in mind its had US backing since it was formed

so yet again you know not what you say, but its ok cause we've come to expect that from you

Hey dickweed...when was the last time Israel was attacked by 'these countries"? SInce when has the US been the only superpower? Think before you answer - I know it must be difficult and something completely knew, but at least try.

Dude, stop making a fool of yourself by grasping for anything you can find.

BTW, I thought you were bored yesterday and were on the board only for that day...isn't it time to run along to middle school now?


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This could be Bush's chance to win the world over, People... If he could make the middle east a nuke free zone and broker it through israel and syria? Think of the diplomatic reprecussions... He would be a champion of world peace and nuclear disarmament. The opportunity is there. Chances are it'll never happend. Israel barely acknowledges that it even has nukes.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Hey dickweed...when was the last time Israel was attacked by 'these countries"? SInce when has the US been the only superpower? Think before you answer - I know it must be difficult and something completely knew, but at least try.

Dude, stop making a fool of yourself by grasping for anything you can find.

BTW, I thought you were bored yesterday and were on the board only for that day...isn't it time to run along to middle school now?


raver....this is not like you....I hope I have not been a bad influence on you ;)

I am suppossed to be the insult king around here!

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Originally posted by igloo

raver....this is not like you....I hope I have not been a bad influence on you ;)

I am suppossed to be the insult king around here!

tired today...and whenever I get insulted I always give back. Plus I know this guy from long before, so its not entirely new.

Gotta say though, I did pick up some points from you! ;)

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Now I remember you...you used to post here a long time ago. I thought you'd stay out of it now, since you got your ass whacked last time!

um... no actually i think i was the one whacking asses...

and you got my offer to get slapped around just like your dumb buddy djxeno

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The us has been the worlds sole superpower since, well, the end of the cold war - in practical terms...

I don't think any of the countries in the area would attack Israel now, unless of course they get really mad, I think they know that they would run the risk of some serious ass kicking, especially as right now there are over 100,000 American troops in the region and god knows how many boats with planes on them near by :P

A nuclear free middle east would be nice.

and Israel is the only one with them, apparently around 400 warheads, but that's off the top of my head.

America has a good few thousand, plus enough biological agents to kill everyone in the world a few times over.

The nuclear powers in the world are:

France, Britain, Israel, America, Pakistan, India, Russia and China.

North Korea has said they've got one, but I don't believe that's actually been verified yet - please correct me if I'm wrong on that one.

Nuclear weapons are fucking stupid.

big cocks I say.

amazing how the 'mine's bigger than yours' thing affects the most serious of things in the world...

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let's look at the history of Israeli / Arab agression.

1948 War of Independence

Upon independence, Israel was invaded by the armies of six Arab nations: Egypt, Syria, Transjordan (later Jordan), Lebanon, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. In addition, local Arab Palestinian forces also fought the Jewish Israelis.

1956 Sinai War

The invasion and temprorary conquest of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula by Israel, while France and Great Britain seized the Suez Canal.

1967 Six Day War

In a rapid pre-emptive attack, Israel crushed the military forces of Egypt, Jordan and Syria and seized large amounts of land from each. Iraq also participated in the fighting on the Arab side.

1973 Yom Kippur War

In a surprise attack launched on the Jewish Yom Kippur holiday (the dates also fell on the Muslim Ramadan holiday), Egypt and Syria attacked Israel. Despite aid from Iraq, the Arab forces failed to defeat Israel.

1981 The Osirak Raid

An Israeli air attack on Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor.

1982-1984 The Israeli Invasion of Lebanon

In response to repeated guerrilla attacks by the PLO, which were launched from South Lebanon, Israel invaded with the intent of destroying Arafat's forces. Syria, which maintained a large army in Lebanon, fought Israel and suffered an embarrassing defeat.

1984-2000 The Israeli Occupation of South Lebanon

As they withdrew from most of Lebanon seized in the 1982 invasion, Israel held onto a large part of Southern Lebanon with the aid of the "South Lebanon Army (SLA)," a militia set up and supported by Israel. This occupation was opposed by the PLO and other Palestinian groups as an extension of their long-running conflict with Israel. Also, other militia armies (mostly Lebanese Muslim groups), such as Hezbollah (supported by Iran and Syria), stepped up attacks on the Israeli-occupied region as well as on settlements and military targets in northern Israel. In 2000, Israel withdrew from Lebanon and the SLA disbanded.

1991 Persian Gulf War - While Israel took no offensive action in this war, Iraq did launch Scud missiles which struck Israel and almost caused Israel's intervention in the Gulf War.

In an attempt to goad Israel into retaliating, Iraq launched Scud missiles at Israel during the Second Persian Gulf War. Under pressure from the United States, which sent Patriot missiles to Israel to defend against the Scuds, Israel refrained from launching attacks on Iraq. The Iraqi goal in this was to force Israel into the war, which may have caused the Arab members of the anti-Iraq coalition to quit he war or even switch sides.

Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979, and Jordan made peace in 1994


a bit of history there. thanks history guy:


so Israel has attacked Arab nations in the past, Arab nations have attacked Israel.

I think most of the Arab nations are now aware that Israel is here and is going to stay.


who here would attack Israel?

Iran? well, they're got their own stuff to deal with at the moment, disaster relief, and they're tottering on the brink of a popular revolution, a war with Israel would be a distraction, but, well, given the number of American troops next door, I don't think they're that stupid.

Iraq? ... silly question, course not... neither the means or the inclination, a different enemy in their eyes right now...

Saudi Arabia? nah, I doubt they really give a shit, they have their own internal terroism and they would get an almighty bitch slap from America, as, like Iran there is a significant number of American troops right next door.

Syria? Well, just found an interview with the Syrian President, carried out this November and it appeared in the New York Times, but their site is crappy and you have to register and shit, so I cribbed it from somewhere else...

Question: If you could resolve the problem of the Palestinians and the problem of the Golan, is Syria still ready for formal normalization of relations with Israel as was expressed by the Arab League at the Beirut summit?

Answer: This is one of the points in which we achieved huge progress in the peace negotiations in the early 1990s. Imagine that you're negotiating with another party about the borders, water, security arrangements and relations in their general sense, this means that you have gone a huge part of the way imagining countries in the region living in peace.


Syria also has American troops right next door, also remember, Israel launched an air strike against Syria around the 5th of October 2003.

(CNN) -- Syria on Sunday called for the U.N. Security Council to condemn Israel's airstrike against what Israel called a terrorist training camp inside Syrian territory. Israel said it acted in self-defense after a suicide bombing that killed 19 people.


Syria did nothing to retaliate.

Libya? Doubt they'll attack Israel now Ghadaffi is a 'statesman'...

Egypt? well, as pointed out earlier: Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979. So unless directly provoked I doubt they'll do anything.

Jordan? they'd get destroyed, so, doubt they'd attack tomorrow if given the choice.


Israel's main security problem is suicide bombers. If there was genuine peace in the region, genuine human rights for the Palestinians and co-operation in a Two State, Single State, whatever state solution, then the region will be much more stable.

If we can get a decent democracy in Iraq, then we could get one in Iran.

The problem will be is if America tries to get a puppet government in Iraq that will allow the Privatisation of national assets. If the new Iraqi government is just a tool of Washington then, as with the Iranian Islamic revolution of 1979 we could see a backlash which really destablises the region...


my two euros...

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Originally posted by igloo

raver....this is not like you....I hope I have not been a bad influence on you ;)

I am suppossed to be the insult king around here!

hahaha as much as i hate you and think of how big of an ignorant piece of shit you are....i have to admit you have wrote some of the funniest shit i have read in a long time.........LOLOLOL

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Originally posted by djxeno

lol i can not believe u came back to the board so quickly after you got ur ass handed to you in the previous thread.

and to make matters worse....u did it to urself! u basically fucked urself in the ass........if i were you i would go back to playing ur little war games.......your lack of intellect here will only feed us with more laughter........carry on.....

arabs with nukes- sounds good to me- they'll end up blowing themselves to bits- by the time they realize israel is still standing- they would have obliterated themselves lmfao

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