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Ivano Bellini @ Nerve Review


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Well let me start by saying that I am glad I didnt take other opinions and make them my own...IVANO KICKED SOME ASS LAST NIGHT!!!

Mdamon and I got to Nerve about 1130pm (I know we were there pretty early) and the place was Freakin DEAD...Im talking 20 people!!! Jon Cowan was on the decks and I always enjoy his sets, they are fun and entertaining and you can still talk to your friends over the music. I think Jon is a great opening DJ at Nerve. As the night went on Jon got a little funkier and threw down some nice tracks (sorry I have NO IDEA of the names).

Ran into some peeps from CJ (LisaLoca and her bf Luis....way cool people). The crowd got a little better probably about 150-200 peeps by the time Ivano came on. About 1am Ivano came on and ripped NERVE a new asshole!!!! Ive heard many people describe his sets as sleepy house (which I hate) but this set was anything but sleepy! It was funky had lots of highs and lows and he was seriously slamming on some tracks. I highly enjoyed his set.

We left about 3am so that we could save some energy for Ferry tomorrow night...looking forward to this! My only negative comment is that both Jon and Ivano have little to no contact with the clubbers. I think if they were more into their own music it would pull people in and get them to dance more. Be excited about your music and we will be excited too.

Also...big props to the bartender (didnt catch his name) what a nice guy and he makes a nice strong drink.

Sorry I missed you Pod, Philippio & Mimi...I heard you were on your way when we left.

See you guys at Ferry!!!:D

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Originally posted by pod

Must have just missed the lot of ya. Phil drove excellently down I-95, but we were slightly delayed by a bunch of lowlives in a honda...typical south floridians.

:laugh: :laugh: What theres only lowlives in south florida? I swear pod you come up with some funny ass shyt:laugh: :laugh: U guys got caught up in a drive by or something?:eek:

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Outside of my friends on this board, the other fine board where I post actively too (sign up today and get a free chance at appearing in the gallery!), and my non-board friends, most South Floridians are semiliterate morons. I walk around a mall and I feel dumber because of it.

But anyway, back to the topic at hand, Nerve has done something good by having Ivano as a resident...He's broken out of his terrace funk, and moved on to some good stuff.

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Originally posted by pod

But anyway, back to the topic at hand, Nerve has done something good by having Ivano as a resident...He's broken out of his terrace funk, and moved on to some good stuff.

:eek: :eek:

Nice to hear you guys had a good time..... and that Ivano actually played good music:tongue:

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Originally posted by laliux

I am sure Ivano ripped it up at Nerve but I seriously doubt he played "funky" house..."funky" is just not his style.....gotta check him out again....haven't seen him in almost 2 years and I am sure he's got new records now. :D

I don't think she was describing his style but more the feeling of the room and everyone knows that the "FUNK" is the "FUNK" whether its disco, tribal, funky, chunky, minimal or what not!:D

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Originally posted by rudeboywarrior

I don't think she was describing his style but more the feeling of the room and everyone knows that the "FUNK" is the "FUNK" whether its disco, tribal, funky, chunky, minimal or what not!:D

Thanks Matt.;)

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Originally posted by pod

Must have just missed the lot of ya. Phil drove excellently down I-95, but we were slightly delayed by a bunch of lowlives in a honda...typical south floridians.

Like I said in the car, I'll need to have a 4-point harness installed just for Chad;)

I had a lot of fun though. Pod took some great pics of last night at Delux and at Nerve.

Bling, you should've come along you silly Jewban!


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i had a nice nite at a friends house. then for some reason i got a nasty migrane and went to be early .. prolly the weather change or something :)

ill be out tonite wth my trance heads at space OMFG ferry corsten

he will be rockin it like no bodies bizness tonite :)

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Well for the first time being there and listening to Ivano, I would admit for a house Dj he did a good job, like crzy said the place was dead when we got there but peeps started to roll in and there was a moderate crowd and having meet lucyloca and her bf helped bring the mood up a little since alot of people in there werent really doing much. We took off early to save our energy tonight for ferry and to have the rest of the week to recover for edgar v next friday at crobar. One highlight of the night is that Ivano threw down a reconstruction version of No Doubt's newest single, i forget the name of it but wow it was badass. Anyways thats my two cents, I will see you guys tonight for Ferry, OH YEAH!!!

Damon 2.0

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