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mind the pics, I'd like to keep my job, thanks...

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board ettiquette request...

I think it's safe to say that nearly all of us post while at work. with that in mind, can those of you posting pictures involving sex or nudity please give a warning to those of us who don't wish to be fired?!

numerous times I've opened a post that simply read "funny" or "check this out" only to find a self-loaded porno-type image or double-clicked a generically titled attachment to find the same.

reading email during our lunch break is permissable at most offices. pulling up sh*t like that will get most of us canned on the spot, especially with companies being so sensitive on the sexual harrassment issue.

can you guys please be considerate enough to

1) include these images as an attachment, not embed them in the message (this includes sigs!)

2) indicate the content of the image in the subject line or image title ... something like "XX" would probably do it

I'm not into censoring here, I'm just asking for fair warning. if I get reprimanded or lose my job coz one of you carelessly and vaguely posted some porn shot you're gonna owe me the lost wages.




fire in da belly

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I have to agree with firegirl.

A lot of people read at work, and we need to protect them as well. Please try and attach images and let people know what the content is in the title!



- DaVe


  clubplanet.com - nightlifestyle™

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Originally posted by firegirl:

board ettiquette request...

I think it's safe to say that nearly all of us post while at work. with that in mind, can those of you posting pictures involving sex or nudity please give a warning to those of us who don't wish to be fired?!

numerous times I've opened a post that simply read "funny" or "check this out" only to find a self-loaded porno-type image or double-clicked a generically titled attachment to find the same.

reading email during our lunch break is permissable at most offices. pulling up sh*t like that will get most of us canned on the spot, especially with companies being so sensitive on the sexual harrassment issue.

can you guys please be considerate enough to

1) include these images as an attachment, not embed them in the message (this includes sigs!)

2) indicate the content of the image in the subject line or image title ... something like "XX" would probably do it

I'm not into censoring here, I'm just asking for fair warning. if I get reprimanded or lose my job coz one of you carelessly and vaguely posted some porn shot you're gonna owe me the lost wages.



You shouldnt be reading messageboards on company time in the first place.. smile.gif


Mars aint the kind of place, to raise your kids..

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Originally posted by firegirl:

board ettiquette request...

I think it's safe to say that nearly all of us post while at work. with that in mind, can those of you posting pictures involving sex or nudity please give a warning to those of us who don't wish to be fired?!

reading email during our lunch break is permissable at most offices. pulling up sh*t like that will get most of us canned on the spot, especially with companies being so sensitive on the sexual harrassment issue.

Where the hell do you work at and why would you wanna hold on to a job in that kinda place anyway?? Those rules really suck.


My colleague has XXX nude pics as his screensaver and I can surf the net and write emails all day long here if I want to. No one is gonna give me shit about it.

~~~~~little sexual harassment doesn't harm anyone~~~~~


[This message has been edited by nydancer (edited 10-13-2000).]

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don't be too worried about that. if your working in an accounting firm there's probably a partner who likes to check out hot latin girls .com

uhhhhh... not at my firm though


"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."


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keanu...no, silly, your sig's fine. I meant like if someone posted a lifesize naked pic of a woman riding a monkey or something.

tranza...now, see that's more like it...freaky and disturbing = good, big tit/cock shot = bad ; )

the rest of you...c'mon guys, lets be real here. having a job that doesn't wish to you view porn at work is called, surprise, having a responsible job. I of course was using sarcastic humor in my post...I wouldn't really bang on someone's door and expect some cash. I'm just asking that you keep in mind that not everyone on the list is 19 and working at a coffee shop.

I reiterate, nearly all of us on this board are surfing at work...to assume otherwise would suggest everyone here is unemployed and sitting home at their computer all day. and nearly all companies accept surfing/email use during down time and personal time (lunch). let's just show some common courtesy and give those of us who have to pay the rent some fair warning about some types of posts. by just generically or deceptively posting nude or sexual images, you are infringing upon other's rights to *choose* to read or ignore something. which imposes your expression on others by ambushing them.

hell, I'm not even saying I don't like them, find them offensive, or want you to stop. I'm just saying can you give a little notice like an "XX" or "OF" (off color) or something very small and inintrusive to respect the choice of your fellow clubbing folk.

gees, you'd think I asked people to become amish or something. *G*




fire in da belly

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Please, I work with ALL MEN. They think I am a pervert.

Although this may not be far from the truth, they don't need to know. They just feed off it. It really doesn't take much to get these guys fired up.


The music makes the people come together...

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I have to agree with firegirl...regardless of whether or not some bosses are more leniant or if we should be reading these boards on company time. People should be sensitive to whether or not other people want to even SEE this stuff in the first place.

Just my .02




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Originally posted by tranza:


Poster Child for the Inbreaders.

Now, Tranza, did ya have to go through photo shop...or did ya just aim and click :-)


"Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, today is a gift...that is why we call it the present"

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

LOL, I took my flasher off after about a week exactly for that reason.. Especially since it was a signature and not me posting a picture.. Definitely do the appropriate warnings smile.gif

that's so funny because I used to have to scroll past your sig really quickly when you had that up...I'd see your name and zzzip past so I didn't have a big animated flashing penis on my screen...*L



fire in da belly

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Originally posted by firegirl:

keanu...no, silly, your sig's fine. I meant like if someone posted a lifesize naked pic of a woman riding a monkey or something.

tranza...now, see that's more like it...freaky and disturbing = good, big tit/cock shot = bad ; )



Ummm, Firegirl

could you please refrain from posting words like tit and cock shot, I don't want my boss to get offended and fire me....Thank you..

- Peter


hehehehe, I am the boss cwm30.gif




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Originally posted by schwingep:

Ummm, Firegirl

could you please refrain from posting words like tit and cock shot, I don't want my boss to get offended and fire me....Thank you..

- Peter


hehehehe, I am the boss cwm30.gif


how bout %$*#@!#$!!!

better? *w



fire in da belly

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Originally posted by firegirl:

not everyone on the list is 19 and working at a coffee shop.

...just spilled the coffee I was about to serve, thanks a lot!


But seriously, who has the interest to pass around "funny" porn pics anyway... in the 5 years I've been surfing I've pretty much seen it all.



~~homepage coming up!~~

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Originally posted by nicole212:

I have to agree with firegirl...regardless of whether or not some bosses are more leniant or if we should be reading these boards on company time. People should be sensitive to whether or not other people want to even SEE this stuff in the first place.

Just my .02

Yeah I have to agree with you guys too..... That's all I need is the CEO walking by and seeing some porn assed pic on my screen....

Listen to this story, kinda like along the same lines - on my first day of work at the new job like a year ago, my best friend sends me an email as soon as I gave him the address.....the subject is simply "good luck at your new job" , so I open it up, and click on the url inside.....

my screen starts flashing every color in the rainbow, a siren sound goes off, and the words "I fuck little girls" start flashing on the screen..... and worse than that, it says "press escape to save yourself" at the bottom..... well every time I pressed escape, it made the font size larger...I had to reset the computer on the spot and lost my first day's unsaved work....

It funny now in hindsight, but i was sooo embarrased for like a week.... Imagine having to explain that to your new boss.....



This week's gigs:

Thursday Oct 12th - Velvet Lounge (Long Island)

Friday Oct 13th - Hofstra USA (Long Island) 10-2am & "Secret Room" @ Exit 3-6am

Saturday Oct 14th - Mainfloor, Tunnel (Opening for Vicious)




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tee hee nice sensational anecdote russ!

anyhoo as someone who works in the world's most open plan orifice I can sooooo see where FG is coming from, an important thing to note is that your boss may not give a shit (and may have the biggest porno collection in the office) but if ANYONE sees it and takes offence then you're screwed frown.gif

Surely a lot of ppl here have a 'company email policy' that they ignore for the most part?!??!



hapfac01.gif coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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