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The Death of the Hallucinogens...


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Whatever happened to the days of Acid, Gel tabs, Mescaline, and Liquid Acid. My theory is that all the new druggies have only heard all the bad stories about these substances therefore leading to these substances becoming incognito within society.

EG. Everyone knows someone that knows someone, that knows someone that ate 50 stamps of acid and is currently in an insane asylum because he thinks he's a banana.

......Story sound familiar? These stories have lead to the death of the Hallucinogen, what a pity. Sorry no offense against X, GHB, or any other drug that might grab your fancy but Hallucinogens are hands down spirtually and mentally more stimualting than all of the above. Just my opinion.

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Originally posted by sotuorlando

Whatever happened to the days of Acid, Gel tabs, Mescaline, and Liquid Acid. My theory is that all the new druggies have only heard all the bad stories about these substances therefore leading to these substances becoming incognito within society.

EG. Everyone knows someone that knows someone, that knows someone that ate 50 stamps of acid and is currently in an insane asylum because he thinks he's a banana.

......Story sound familiar? These stories have lead to the death of the Hallucinogen, what a pity. Sorry no offense against X, GHB, or any other drug that might grab your fancy but Hallucinogens are hands down spirtually and mentally more stimualting than all of the above. Just my opinion.

First things first. Mescaline is readily available. What most people call mescaline is really microdots of acid. You 'd have to take a minimum half a gram of pure mescaline extract to trip and that just doesnt fit in a microdot. As far as the shortage of LSD ... unless you have an overseas supplier your going to have a hard time finding it. Mainly because of this bust:


However I've been told by freinds that things are picking up again.....

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Originally posted by stryker71

have either of u tried drinkin cough syrup?? i got childrens dimetapp im tryin to find shit out bout it before i do it... its got DXM in it and enough to get me and two others messed up... can u please help me?! :) thanks

yeah I can help you... stop drinking cough syrup unless you have a cough..:rolleyes:

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Stryker last time I checked the title of the Thread was Hallucinogens not fucking experimenting with Dimetapp so why don't you stop:jacked: and swig some more cough syrup!

By the way Bump, you have to agree with me that the great majority of the new up and comers in the drug scene have shunned away from trying anything like acid or dots. All they know is X, GHB, K, ECT. There has been so much bad "word of mouth" revolved around hallucinogens that the newbies are scared to even try it, and you know it's all about supply and demand, and obviously the demand isn't there and that's why the supply has dropped drasticaly. By the way nice article, didn't know about that bust, knowledge is power!

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Originally posted by sotuorlando

Stryker last time I checked the title of the Thread was Hallucinogens not fucking experimenting with Dimetapp so why don't you stop:jacked: and swig some more cough syrup!

By the way Bump, you have to agree with me that the great majority of the new up and comers in the drug scene have shunned away from trying anything like acid or dots. All they know is X, GHB, K, ECT. There has been so much bad "word of mouth" revolved around hallucinogens that the newbies are scared to even try it, and you know it's all about supply and demand, and obviously the demand isn't there and that's why the supply has dropped drasticaly. By the way nice article, didn't know about that bust, knowledge is power!

The younger generation will do whatever is fashionable because they just dont know any better... once word gets around tho... there becomes a huge demand. The other issue is that people who are into acid are a very tightly knit group and no major seller would ever deal with young club goers based on their history of recklessness and flipping under pressure..

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I'm not to sure about that though because I remember when acid and dots used to be readily available, they were all over high schools and middle schools. Shit the first time I ate acid I was in 8th grade. Even as I would get older for some reason you could always find Acid amongst the younger generation but now it seems as if that generation has grown up and the next didn't pick up the slack. I think NOW it has become more of a trend issue, versus before people would try them just to experiment. Everything has become an image thing.

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Originally posted by sotuorlando

I'm not to sure about that though because I remember when acid and dots used to be readily available, they were all over high schools and middle schools. Shit the first time I ate acid I was in 8th grade. Even as I would get older for some reason you could always find Acid amongst the younger generation but now it seems as if that generation has grown up and the next didn't pick up the slack. I think NOW it has become more of a trend issue, versus before people would try them just to experiment. Everything has become an image thing.

Those were different times. Back then the main focus of the "war on drugs" was crack. Now it's on club drugs. You dont hear much in the news about coke, pot and heroin anymore because the government has finally come to terms with the fact that they cant stop the flow. The largest DEA seizure in history of acid didn't even make it to the newspapers. They're targeting club drugs and they've made it very obvious. I mean lets face it. We have a "rave act" that was signed into law. Have you ever heard of a "Hippie act" ... "Heavy Metal Bill" or a "Disco Law" ? Each generation has had their drugs of choice but I think whats different now is that kids are generally more reckless and low level dealer have become alot greedier. Dealers will sell whatever they get their hands on no matter what it is. Back when i was in high school there were plenty of drugs around but the people doing them really kept to themselves. A dealer couldn't just go to a club with some shit and set up shop . Now you have people snorting K right out on a dancefloor. The rule here is "out of sight out of mind". If you dont make yourself a target they wont come after you. There is still alot of acid around but because of busts like that one (which btw actually happened almost four years ago) the players are more cautious and prices have skyrocketed to compensate for the reduced sales volume.

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Originally posted by sotuorlando

I agree with you and you make some very valid points, but I still wish it was like the good old days when you could find dots wherever you went..........for $5! You never know those days might come back, history is bound to repeat itself.

Last I heard dots were going for $10.... When I was in HS you could get 3 for $5.

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