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whatdya think of the State of the Union Address?


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i never noticed how much the Speaker of the House looks like Jabba the Hut

it was a good speech, but i didnt particularly like all of the references to "my administration" and how much the tax-cuts helped, altohugh its obivous that that will score many brownie points with the common people in the upcoming election

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I thought is was a good speech. I did like the way he took some shots at the Dems and drew some lines in the sand. I thought he came off as a strong leader.

He did mangle a few words, but the Dems afterwards were horrific.

I also thought it was telling that the Dems sat on their asses when Bush touted the growth of the economy.

Hmmmmm...are they upset the economy has improved?.........are they miffed that tax cuts have contributed to kickstarting the economy?

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Good speech that touched on a number of important topics.

Medical benefits.

UnGodly high law suit payouts that is running up costs for all of us. I think the fact that he ruled out the govt running medical programs and giving incentives to seek private medical coverage is the way that all americans can receive benefits.

Foreign Policy.

The list of partners in the coalition and the fact we don't need a permission slip to defend America. This stand was a plus in my eyes because if anyone thinks we should trust the people that objected ie.France, Germany,Canada and Russsia with our security they are dellusional.


I posted a article about this and how the majority of poverty stricken americans are single parents that have children out of wedlock. I think the promotion of marriage can help and teach moral values to americans, which can only help them succeed.

All in all good speech!

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Good speech that touched on a number of important topics.

Medical benefits.

UnGodly high law suit payouts that is running up costs for all of us. I think the fact that he ruled out the govt running medical programs and giving incentives to seek private medical coverage is the way that all americans can receive benefits.

Foreign Policy.

The list of partners in the coalition and the fact we don't need a permission slip to defend America. This stand was a plus in my eyes because if anyone thinks we should trust the people that objected ie.France, Germany,Canada and Russsia with our security they are dellusional.


I posted a article about this and how the majority of poverty stricken americans are single parents that have children out of wedlock. I think the promotion of marriage can help and teach moral values to americans, which can only help them succeed.


8.2% 3rd quarter growth...enough said!

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Good speech that touched on a number of important topics.

Foreign Policy.

The list of partners in the coalition and the fact we don't need a permission slip to defend America. This stand was a plus in my eyes because if anyone thinks we should trust the people that objected ie.France, Germany,Canada and Russsia with our security they are dellusional.

Yes!..That part was excellent when he listed the roster of countries supporting the U.S......especially at a historic moment when Japanese troops are being deployed...

The permission slip line was a classic, and simply common sense....

Truth be told, the Dems and left love to use the word "internationalize", but in REALITY, when it all nets out, it was France (the rest simply followed under the political cover France provided for their own agendas)

ANyone who can not make that distinction and see through the bullshit has their heads up their ass.......

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i just find it very amusing...how alot of people believe anything and everything that guy said last night....and this is the same for any state of the union adress for the past 12 years!!!!!!!!!

and no the econmy is not doing as good as he told u it was.....once again people belive everything there told...or that they saw on t.v.!!!!!!!!!!!:blank: ..........:D

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

and no the econmy is not doing as good as he told u it was.....once again people belive everything there told...or that they saw on t.v.!!!!!!!!!!!

the economy's growth is in black in white...on paper...jobless claims are down, etc...u cannot deny what is on paper...and as far as religion being used in speeches..i dont mind the God bless this or God bless that...but dont go TOO FAR...u know what i mean?

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

i just find it very amusing...how alot of people believe anything and everything that guy said last night....and this is the same for any state of the union adress for the past 12 years!!!!!!!!!

and no the econmy is not doing as good as he told u it was.....once again people belive everything there told...or that they saw on t.v.!!!!!!!!!!!:blank: ..........:D

Is this serious?

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

the economy's growth is in black in white...on paper...jobless claims are down, etc...u cannot deny what is on paper...and as far as religion being used in speeches..i dont mind the God bless this or God bless that...but dont go TOO FAR...u know what i mean?

Jobless claims are down but we still have a net loss of jobs since Bush took office in every state in the US.

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

and as the "experts" have said...more jobs should be opening, its the lag from the increased economy..

Unfortunetly these "experts" can be way off. I'd like to believe that more jobs will be opening but I just can't see that happening with the same old tired tax cut policy and trickle down economics.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Unfortunetly these "experts" can be way off. I'd like to believe that more jobs will be opening but I just can't see that happening with the same old tired tax cut policy and trickle down economics.

I love how the left discounts what they know nothing about.

Jamiorguy if you don't believe history is our best teacher when looking at the effect that tax cuts play in a recovery like they did for Kennedy, Reagan and now Bush. How would YOU create jobs, other then lowering taxes?

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Originally posted by mr mahs

I love how the left discounts what they know nothing about.

Jamiorguy if you don't believe history is our best teacher when looking at the effect that tax cuts play in a recovery like they did for Kennedy, Reagan and now Bush. How would YOU create jobs, other then lowering taxes?

Same way the Clinton/Gore admin. did it. Tax cuts for small business (not for The wealthiest 1% stratum of Americans) and working families. Reduce spending, especially military spending to keep the federal deficit down.

Clinton turned around the economy in 1 year and created over 22 million jobs and 90% of those jobs were small businesses proving that you don't have to get the "big guys" the biggest tax cuts to produce jobs.

Don't get me wrong, Clinton was a sneaky douche bag and I'm definetly not a Clinton lover but his domestic policy kicks the republicans policy's ass.

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