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A sad day for my uncle a dedicated war hero!


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After fighting for our freedom in Vietnam and being a dedicated war hero my Uncle lost his job today with Motorola after 30 years of service. Motorola just closed down it's Boyton beach plant and is going to run it's operation's out of China and other foreign soils.

This is how our country treat's war hero's and dedicated employee's everything is going to shit!!!!!!!!!!!:(

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Originally posted by str8upcore

After fighting for our freedom in Vietnam and being a dedicated war hero my Uncle lost his job today with Motorola after 30 years of service. Motorola just closed down it's Boyton beach plant and is going to run it's operation's out of China and other foreign soils.

This is how our country treat's war hero's and dedicated employee's everything is going to shit!!!!!!!!!!!:(

:(:( sorry 2 hear that dude ... :( :(
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THANK'S guy's for the support what's really sad is the fact that he was 1 year away from retirement and all of his money was tied up in stock option's that took a shit after the market died

it seem's like the good people of this country are the one's that suffer the greatest:(

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he fought in a real war though it wasnt justified, his fight was true. people like this should be taken care of the most, yet as it has been done, there arent many things for bravery and self sacrifice. id like to see bush spend 1 day in the front lines...bastard fuck...:mad:

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Typical of late. Large US corporations are selling out the country which allowed them to exist in the first place, so they can make an extra buck.

Not to mention, does it really make sense that US companies are relocating some of their operations to China and India, two countries which aren't exactly the best in the world? I don't know about you, but it pisses me off to buy a product, and support some ungrateful, dirty, sweaty moron who would sooner spit in our faces, but has no problem taking a job away from a hardworking American.

I realize globalization is the watchword of the day, I really don't mind if a company expands into other markets, but not at the expense of the American worker.

The head of HP, Carly Fiorna, said something to the effect of "There is no job that is a God-given right to an American anymore..." Maybe it's true, but at the same time, what country enabled HP to get to where it is in the first place? What country enabled a woman to become a CEO of a major corporation? Certainly not India or China...if it was China, Carly would be picking rice in a field, or if it was India, she'd probably be prostituting herself on the streets of Calcutta to some Western tourist...no way in hell the men in that country would let her get to where she is today. Fuck her and fuck HP. I'm proud to say I have no HP products in my home.

All's I'm asking for is a little consideration fromt the companies in this country.

The government is doing something right for once, in proposing tax incentives for companies to keep their jobs here in the US...when this comes to the table, call up your reps and tell them to vote for it.

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when we wanna take some of the burden off the rich who already pay 40% or more in taxes and reduce that so they will stay

we hear shit

not even considering stocks are double taxed

then you bitch when they leave because of these tax laws???i will never understand you people.

and the stock market took a crash becaue of 9/11

we would be fine if 9/11 never happened it changed the world and you will have to live with it

and actually the market is at a 22 month high so blow it out your ass any financial advisor would tell you to hold you stocks after 9/11 or the following months knowing damn well it would bounce back because the government would not let it crash totally again

now corps like enron world com etc. there is no excuse for but all others there is we are a capitalist economy and they can do what ever they damn well please

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I know they can, but you'd think they would show some sort of respect for the nation that allows them to do this...common decency and all, but corporate America seems to have lost sight of that a long time ago.

Manufacturing jobs have been sent overseas for years, that was bad enough...now it's turning into the tech jobs being outsourced to India and China. Sure, they may be as intelligent over there, but at what cost? Eventually, the government will step in if this trend continues...what I'm suggesting is corporate concern and responsibility...so what if it costs more to pay an American worker? The corporation makes so much anyway that it's inconsequential at the end...worst case scenario, the CEO has to forgo a new yacht this year.

Yeah, you may whine that it's "fair" and "captialism", but wait until your job gets outsourced to some $1.00 a day rice-paddy twat, and when he gets off the job he's out in the streets denouncing the country which spawned a corporation that provides him with a job. I wouldn't object so much if the corporation outsourced to a friendly nation, but they have a nasty habit of outsourcing to China, India, and various other nations that aren't exactly too fond of us. China especially, why the fuck do American companies outsource to them? If anything, there should be an American boycott of China.

I'm not advocating much here, just a little corporate responsibility and concern for the American worker.

Though I have a feeling this is all temporary...every few years or so there's a wave of "outsourcing" and jobs moving overseas...it shakes things up, and there's a correction in the job market as people find new work, but it's stressful doing that, especially if one has to learn a new trade to do so.

Ultra conservative? Nah, I wouldn't say that. While I agree with some of their stance, I diverge significantly from them on issues like drugs, the internet, and social problems...

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sorry to hear this bro...my father also fought for this country in Vietnam...he served in 69-70, he didnt get drafted...he volunteered and on top of that, he wasnt a US citizen...i have nothing but respect and admiration for Veterans of ANY war or conflict...it makes me sick that many Corp. are leaving the US to overseas countries b/c of cheaper labor and more lax laws, regardless of which Administrations are in charge at the moment, this seems to be a trend...:mad:

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WHAT REALLY PISSES me off is the fact there is no loyalty in the work place anymore people are let go with no respect for the time,dedication, and effort's they have put in over the year's, it's as if there is no choice but to be self employed like myself and not conform to any 9-5 job even with a college education.

I was a college drop out my 3rd year and I make more money then friend's with their master's degree 's.

Society SHOW'S us to follow a path and at the end there is a certainty however it is so misleading and sad....................

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Originally posted by str8upcore

WHAT REALLY PISSES me off is the fact there is no loyalty in the work place anymore people are let go with no respect for the time,dedication, and effort's they have put in over the year's, it's as if there is no choice but to be self employed like myself and not conform to any 9-5 job even with a college education.

True enough...people are pretty much temp workers at most firms nowadays...that in and of itself doesn't bother me, what bothers me is the fact that companies should tell you straight up what the deal is...

Temp agencies are among the fastest growing employers right now...I read a sci-fi book once, where a side-story to the main plot was the fact that most people are temp workers in mid 21st century America. I can see it happening.

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